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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


On the dam of the Long Han hydroelectric power station, which had been completed last year, Chen Zhongyuan, dressed in military uniform, accompanied several elderly men wearing safety helmets. They stood on the dam and looked down at the busy figures of the humans who were continuing the final construction work on the mountain wall and the bottom of the water dam that had replaced those who had been evacuated.

Approaching closer, one could even hear an exclamation coming from the mouth of one of the old men, "Incredible engineering ability! Hundreds of kilograms of building materials can be easily lifted by a single mechanical worker. They can even mix cement and lay bricks... Are these Decepticons, like Frenzy?"

Chen Zhongyuan knew the identity of the old man who asked the question, who was a dual academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and was one of the pillars of China's science and technology/military industry.

So he didn't dare to be negligent and quickly replied, "Mr. Feng, these are not Decepticons. According to Frenzy, they are robots created for the convenience of engineering construction and daily production!"


Another slightly hunched old man next to Feng became interested and turned around to ask him, "Do these robots also have intelligence? Do you have more specific data?"

This old man also came from the military industry system. Although his identity was not as dazzling as Feng's, he was an expert in the design of domestic nuclear submarines.

However, his question stumped Chen Zhongyuan.

"Well..." Chen Zhongyuan hesitated for a moment before shaking his head and replying, "Frenzy did not disclose any more data about these 'industrial robots,' so I cannot answer your question, Mr. Liu!"

After a pause, he lowered his voice and added, "But based on our contact with them these past few days, we can preliminarily determine that these two new types of robots have not much intelligence!"

Three days ago, Frenzy, who had been missing for more than a month, suddenly re-entered China and headed straight for the Long Han hydroelectric power station designated in the agreement with the Chinese side.

That night, Chen Zhongyuan, who rushed over after hearing the news, thought he would waste a lot of words, but he didn't expect the other party to be very straightforward and delivered everything that needed to be delivered to the Chinese side in accordance with the previous agreement.

As a result, Tianwo County in remote northwestern Guangxi Province has been lively these few days.

Military transport planes and helicopters arrived one after another at several military bases built by the Chinese side near the original Long Han hydroelectric power station in Tianwo County.

After several days of effort, hundreds of military scientific research workers used the advanced precision machine tools and cutting-edge equipment that were at least ten years more advanced in quality and performance than the current similar products on Earth, which were transported back to research institutions across China by the military transport planes.

The Paris Coordinating Committee could never have imagined that the technological blockade wall they had built for this red giant for decades had been smashed in just a few days by a ferocious Decepticon wielding a blood-stained hammer.

It can be foreseen that in the next few years, even if other sources of technology are lost, China's military industry can achieve a flying-like improvement relying solely on this batch of advanced cutting-edge equipment.

The several elderly men who accompanied Chen Zhongyuan were among the hundreds of military experts who were invited from all over the country in the past few days. They were the most respected and dedicated individuals for the country.

Each of them was over sixty years old, with deep qualifications of at least twenty or thirty years working in the military industry system. They were not only experts in their respective fields, but each of them had even been received and comforted by the highest leader of the country more than once.

It can be said that each of these inconspicuous old people is one of the pillars on which this country can rise again.

After completing the initial testing of the equipment delivered by Frenzy, the country was also concerned about their physical well-being and did not immediately summon them back to their respective research institutions. Therefore, today, a group of people accompanied by Chen Zhongyuan went to observe construction at the Long Han hydroelectric station.

Looking down from the nearly 300-meter-high dam, busy figures with mechanical bodies reflecting sunlight from time to time could be seen everywhere from the slope of the dam to the valley at the bottom of the dam.

They were a batch of industrial robots brought over by Sun Cheng from Base No. 2.

Standing quietly on the northwest mountain top of the hydroelectric station, Sun Cheng suddenly stretched out his right hand toward the front, and the next moment, accompanied by a flickering water-like light, a miniaturized version of a predator drone had already landed firmly in his palm.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 348 Lies and Cooperation (Part 2)


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