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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Under the sun's rays, the entire Long Han hydroelectric power station became lively again after almost a month of silence. However, compared to a month ago, when busy human figures were visible everywhere, the liveliness of the Long Han hydroelectric power station had clearly taken on a different look.

The old man arrived by a Z-8 helicopter, flying directly from the capital city of the Guangxi Province. Due to the provisions in the agreement, although China had transferred the rights to use and operate the Long Han hydroelectric power station to Sun Cheng, the station still belonged to China in name. Sun Cheng was not even allowed to deploy military forces here. However, China had promised to use military means to protect the hydroelectric power station with the four military bases, Red River 1234, near the Long Han hydroelectric power station. Whether it was for protection or surveillance, Sun Cheng knew it well, but he didn't really care.

Whether rationally or emotionally, he had never considered dragging his motherland into a conflict with the Cybertronians and the United States in this world. The cooperation between the two sides was just a matter of mutual benefit.

Compared to his motherland in this world, he actually had more confidence in Russia, which still held enough military power to destroy the entire Earth.

"Your Excellency, long time no see!"

The helicopter landed directly on the open space near the hydroelectric power station. Sun Cheng had received a notification from Chen Zhongyuan early on, and since he knew someone was coming today, how could his figure be missing?

It had to be admitted that Sun Cheng, after changing into his new mechanical body, had a much stronger impact than before.

Even though the old man had already met with him and signed a cooperation plan on behalf of China at the Rub' al Khali military base, he was still taken aback for a moment when he looked up and saw such a huge mechanical warrior in front of him. Despite having enough experience and city government, he couldn't help but show a slight twitch on his face.

"Long time no see, Your Excellency Frenzy!"

The Premier pushed his glasses and a warm smile bloomed on his face for a moment.

He took the initiative to walk forward, followed by Chen Zhongyuan and the old man's secretary.

When he approached Sun Cheng, he chatted casually like an old friend, "We haven't seen each other for more than a month. Thank you very much, Your Excellency Frenzy. We are very satisfied with the results of our last transaction!"

Sun Cheng's face remained unchanged, but he secretly snorted in his heart.

Could they not be satisfied? Every technology that could be traded by him in the previous cooperation was at least ten years ahead of the current Earth, not to mention the hundreds of high-precision machine tools and cutting-edge equipment that China had obtained. Once they were digested, they could at least bring China up to the level of the world's top in some areas that had been lagging behind for many years.

However, the meaning conveyed in the old man's words also made him satisfied.

Obviously, although China had not yet digested the results of the last cooperation in such a short period of time, just like a starving person who had not eaten meat for a long time, the successful cooperation between him and China undoubtedly made China, which had long been subject to various bans by the Babri organization member states, a bit addicted to it, which was in line with his intentions.

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and some prepared words were swallowed back.

Since the other party was a bit addicted, Sun Cheng immediately calmed down.

Although he was not a top-notch negotiator, Sun Cheng, who was constantly absorbing various knowledge under the stimulation of the sense of crisis, understood a truth that whoever was the first to be moved and spoke would always have to pay a higher price in any negotiation.

Moreover, he did have too many good cards that could make the other party tempted.

Taking a deep breath, Sun Cheng organized his language quickly, "We respect the contract and believe in mutual benefit. Your Excellency Premier, my subordinates and I are also very satisfied with our last transaction!"

It seems that Chen Zhongyuan, who holds a respectable position, noticed that Sun Cheng's mood was good and suddenly spoke up, "Sir, could you chat with us about your planet and the Autobots and Decepticons that you mentioned last time?"

As soon as he spoke, everyone present could see the slight wrinkle in Sun Cheng's alloy eyebrows on his face, causing a sinking feeling in their hearts.

However, they did not know that all of this was intentionally staged by someone.

In fact, from the first meeting, Sun Cheng had been quietly transmitting his modified erroneous information to the high-level officials of China and Russia that he was in contact with, especially regarding Sun Cheng's true identity and information about the Decepticon army.

Of course, he could not be too obvious, otherwise the authenticity of the information would be easily suspected.

So in the past, Sun Cheng always stopped at shallow discussions, although he occasionally revealed some modified information, it was clearly not satisfactory.

"This is actually a good opportunity..."

Pretending to ponder for a while, Sun Cheng finally made a decision and slowly replied, "Our mother star is called 'Cybertron', which, according to your Earth's astronomical classification, is located in the constellation of Centaurus. It is a huge metal planet with a volume similar to that of Saturn, and it is where we mechanical lifeforms were born..."

As for Cybertron, Sun Cheng did not mind revealing its location. On the one hand, it was the headquarters of the Decepticon army, and on the other hand, it was very far away from Earth.

However, he still had some concerns, so he shifted the topic to other areas after a brief discussion, "Our civilization was born before ancient times, and the Autobots and Decepticons are two completely different mechanical lifeforms bred on Cybertron. The former advocates order, while the latter is committed to expansion, violence, and war!"

As he spoke, he lowered his head and looked at the group of people next to him who were listening attentively, "And I am one of the leaders of the Decepticon army!"

Seeing the slight change in the faces of Chen Zhongyuan and the others, Sun Cheng waved his hand casually and sat down on the empty space next to him before continuing.

"You don't need to worry about anything. Although there are still warmongers and conspirators within the Decepticon army to this day, and violence and killing are still the beliefs of most Decepticons, millions of years of brutal war have changed too many things. Our planet has gone from being rich to resource-depleted, from a glorious civilization to a decline... Some are still obsessed with killing, while others are tired of the never-ending war and killing, which is why we, the wanderers, exist..."

Reaching out his hand, he grabbed at the sky.

An unusual tenderness appeared on Sun Cheng's face, "Look at this sun, warm and bright; this sky, blue and beautiful; this land, with winding mountains and rivers; this ocean, nurturing endless life without ever drying up. Isn't this peaceful home worth cherishing and guarding by every one of our lives?"

That's what he said, but he himself let out a sigh.

"The tragedy of Cybertron should not happen again!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 349


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