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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Chen Zhongyuan looked up and saw a huge mechanical giant standing in front of him, towering at least six or seven meters tall.

Unlike Frenzy, whom he had dealt with before, the sudden appearance of this giant had caused a stir among the high-level officials in China. However, the military had already discussed how to deal with Frenzy.

After all, as one of the world's major military powers, China could not simply ignore a suspicious extraterrestrial life form with an unknown origin.

Just the fact that Frenzy had repeatedly evaded military radar and entered Chinese territory multiple times was enough to make the military feel embarrassed and insecure.

However, Sun Cheng's previous mechanical body, which was only about three meters tall, did not leave such a terrifying impression on China.

Having attended several military briefings, Chen Zhongyuan knew that after discussions, the military generally believed that this mechanical life form, known as "Frenzy," besides its advanced stealth capability and the seemingly unscientific "Space Bridge" technology, may still be within the military's ability to handle in individual combat.

The Air Force even conducted simulations and believed that by mobilizing two or three squadrons of equipped Su-27 fighter jets, various powerful air-to-air missiles, and coordinating with the army's various anti-air and anti-missile systems, they could cause serious damage to Frenzy if it intruded into Chinese airspace alone.

It was clear that China did not have access to the detailed battle damage data of the US military during the "Battle of Las Vegas."

However, this optimistic assessment had also influenced some people, including Chen Zhongyuan, who had previously been optimistic that although China hoped to make up for its weaknesses in the military field by trading with Frenzy, they still had the ability to fight against Frenzy if they ever became enemies.

After all, what they feared most was Frenzy's ability to remotely transport troops using the "Space Bridge" technology. The scientific community also believed that it must have limitations. Otherwise, the force represented by Frenzy could simply invade Earth and obtain everything they needed, rather than choosing to cooperate as they were now.

However, more than a month had passed since their last encounter.

The mechanical warrior still calling himself "Frenzy" in front of Chen Zhongyuan had given him a shock no less than the first time they met.

Even an animal with little intelligence would measure the threat level of a target based on its size, let alone humans with high intelligence.

With only a brief encounter and a simple assessment, Chen Zhongyuan's heart was immediately stirred up.

This new mechanical body, which was far more terrifying than before, was obviously not simply "big."

Four missile launchers extended downwards from its back, and four missiles that looked familiar to him were quietly hanging behind the mechanical warrior calling himself "Frenzy," as if they were backpacks.

At the back of its waist, a sharp alloy long sword exuded a chilling light under the base's searchlight.

Although Chen Zhongyuan did not see any other weapons or equipment on Frenzy's body, his gaze finally fell on the equipment on the machine's legs and ankles, which resembled spacecraft thrusters, and his brow furrowed.

"Are you Frenzy, sir?"

This was the second time he had asked in a tone full of suspicion. The next moment, as he looked up, he saw the giant mechanical warrior in front of him grinning and nodding slightly.

Sun Cheng had already anticipated Chen Zhongyuan's doubts.

As for how to answer, he was naturally prepared.

Smiling, Sun Cheng immediately threw out the prepared words.

"Yes, General. Please allow me to offer my sincere apologies to you and this country. When my fellow Decepticons and I arrived on Earth, my mechanical body had suffered significant damage. So, when we visited you and Russia last time, I had to use a spare mechanical body at the last minute!"

This explanation was carefully prepared by Sun Cheng after much consideration. Dealing with countries such as China and Russia was undoubtedly like dealing with a tiger to obtain its skin. Although Sun Cheng did have a trump card to make the other side give him what he wanted, being a Decepticon alien made him unable to fully trust the other side. He believed that the other side was also wary of him and had probably calculated the probability of war breaking out between them many times.

Therefore, faced with such a fragile alliance, Sun Cheng could not easily reveal his trump card. At least he did not want the other side to know that once he had enough rare metals and other resources, he would have the ability to quickly manufacture more powerful mechanical bodies.

It was for this reason that he came up with this explanation.

Of course, this answer could not satisfy Chen Zhongyuan. However, they knew very little about Frenzy. They could only indirectly inquire about some secret transactions between the two sides during their previous cooperation. After confirming that the other side's answer was correct, Chen Zhongyuan, who knew very little about this alien, could only suppress his slight unease and doubts and chat with him with a smile.

"Mr. Frenzy, in accordance with the previous agreement, we have delivered the specified resources to your side, including this hydroelectric power station. We have also completed the evacuation work. So, shouldn't you fulfill the follow-up agreement too?"

After asking some questions about Cybertron Planet and the Decepticon army, and not being able to get much information from Sun Cheng, Chen Zhongyuan was a bit disappointed and no longer chatted with him. He directly turned the topic to cooperation.

"Although most Decepticons consider betrayal to be commonplace, please believe us, General, we will faithfully fulfill all the contents of the contract!"

Sun Cheng stopped in his tracks and said, "General, please have your soldiers and these machines retreat and clear a space for us."

Chen Zhongyuan nodded quickly, turned his body, and whispered a few words to the colonel in charge of the Honghe No.1 Military Base who had been following him since he got off the plane.

Soon, the order was passed down, and with the roar of engines, the armed transport vehicles and mountain tanks that were originally parked nearby were driven away by the soldiers, leaving a vacant space.

After Sun Cheng scanned the surrounding terrain and confirmed that the space he wanted to take out his things was sufficient, he raised his right hand and waved it in the air.

Almost at the same time, he silently summoned the Spherical Space in his body.

In an instant, a row of tightly sealed and orderly containers appeared out of nowhere in the military base and soon piled up into a small mountain.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 347 Lies and Cooperation (Part 1)


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