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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


After a day of negotiations with the Panda, they finally reached a preliminary consensus.

After a busy day, Sun Cheng, accompanied by the person from the Panda, had dinner outside and was then driven back to his new villa by a newly hired private driver for company executives. Sun Cheng was a bit drunk from the alcohol he drank during dinner, and he immediately loosened his tie and shouted, "I'm back..."

The luxurious villa he bought was equipped with an indoor intelligent control system, which was becoming more and more popular in high-end villas in China. However, it was not cheap to install a complete set of indoor control systems, with installation costs starting at a million yuan, which was not much cheaper than a complete set of luxury decorations.

Of course, you get what you pay for.

For example, as soon as Sun Cheng finished shouting at the entrance of the villa on the first floor, a nine-inch LCD screen embedded in the wall not far away lit up, showing the image of a young woman wiping her wet hair with a dry towel. The woman on the indoor intelligent control system display screen was Ye Qi, who had a faint steam rising from her head. "Acheng, you're back... Did you have dinner? I'll heat it up for you!"

Sun Cheng knew that she had just finished taking a shower because of her flushed cheeks and wet hair. "No, I already had dinner. Are you in the gym?"

"No, I just finished taking a shower. I'm on the second floor now. I'm going to start the live broadcast in a moment..."

"Got it!"

After locking the door on the first floor, Sun Cheng sat on the sofa and drank a cup of warm water to sober up.

Although they had had a meal with the Panda at noon, they didn't drink much because they knew they had a lot of issues to discuss in the afternoon. However, the situation was different at dinner that night. Since they had reached a preliminary consensus, they naturally had to celebrate with a hearty drink.

Fortunately, Sun Cheng had made it clear before the banquet that he couldn't drink much. After drinking two or three glasses of white wine during the meal, he didn't drink anymore and left all the wine to Wang Lu to enjoy.

However, he still felt a dizzy sensation in his head, which made him feel uncomfortable and unable to control his thoughts and actions.

"In the future, a country may be destroyed by wine..."

This sentence from the ancient book "Strategies of the Warring States" suddenly popped into his head. Sun Cheng couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the wisdom of his ancestors.

He used to not like drinking alcohol. Although he didn't hate it, he didn't feel that it was particularly enjoyable. Now, he disliked it even more because of the long-term impact of alcohol on his nervous system and body. Unless he couldn't avoid it, he never drank alcohol on his own, whether it was beer or wine.

A warm feeling slowly entered his body.

Sun Cheng sat quietly on the sofa, half-closing his eyes. Soon, he had the illusion that the alcohol in his body was dissipating.

Of course, this was just an illusion, but it didn't affect his good mood at the moment.

"I've almost completed the mission of returning to the real world. After I prepare, I should return to the Transformers universe."

For now, the CIA's actions have been covered by the government, so the Americans won't be able to find trouble with him for a while, as they still don't know how their agents were wiped out in Nandu.

In terms of his real-life plans, they have basically been completed.

Cybertron Technology is on the rise, thanks to the hard drive technology that he simplified using the Decepticon engineers from the Transformers universe. It has even caught the attention of internet giant Panda Communications, which is globally recognized.

Panda Communications is interested in the new hard drive technology that Cybertron Technology holds, even though compared to the other black technology in Sun Cheng's possession from Cybertron Planet, it may not be as significant.

However, the production of DRAM is extremely profitable. For example, using the 3D printer that he brought from the Transformers universe, he can lower the cost of manufacturing an IT portable hard drive to less than twenty dollars, including the cost of raw materials and electricity. This shows how profitable it is to have access to advanced production equipment and technology.

Sun Cheng conservatively estimates that if Cybertron Technology can completely take over all of China's DRAM market share, it will bring him no less than tens of billions of dollars in pure profit within a year.

This income is not only legal but also beneficial for him to expand his power and influence in the real world, so he naturally won't share it with anyone else.

Although he refused to let Panda Communications invest in Cybertron Technology, Sun Cheng still traded the UIMI mobile operating system, a high imitation of Android, with them.

Regardless of whether the mobile operating system is open source or closed, it cannot bring much direct benefit to the developer. There are already Android, iOS, and Windows on the market, and it takes a lot of time to promote a new one.

Sun Cheng is short on time, and although the operating system is important, he only needs to continue to control the development rights in his hands. This is why he was willing to trade it with Panda Communications, who has ambitions to become a great company. UIMI is not that important to them, but they control Weiyun, which has a huge user base of tens of millions through their subsidiary social software.

Although Panda Communications has been pressed down by One Hundred Cloud Disk due to issues such as technology and support, resulting in far fewer core users and weaker profitability than even Cybertron Cloud Disk, they still hold a large number of potential users, which is enough for Sun Cheng.

"Trading UIMI for Weiyun, once we take over Weiyun, Cybertron Technology will have both technology and users. My plan for this stage will be completed..."

He drank the lukewarm water in his hand in one gulp, with a glimmer in his eyes.

"It's time to return to the Transformers universe..."

He casually placed the cup on the coffee table next to him, took out Xiao Wu from his pocket, and placed it next to him.

"Be vigilant for me..."

After giving a casual command, he slumped into the soft leather sofa, adjusted his posture to make himself more comfortable, and quickly closed his eyes, silently summoning the spherical space in his mind.


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 327: Resource Utilization


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