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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


With a slight daze in his consciousness, Sun Cheng suddenly opened his eyes.

In an instant, the mechanical lifeform's broader and clearer eyes than those of humans immediately took in everything around him.

Feeling a little disoriented with the sudden change in his surroundings, Sun Cheng shook his head gently. His fingers, made of alloy, pressed against his temple in a very human-like manner.

In his mind, every moment and fragment of the two months he had spent in reality was transformed into memory data unique to mechanical lifeforms and poured into his Core.

After a daze lasting more than ten seconds, he murmured softly, "So I have left behind so many hidden dangers..."

Returning to the "Transformers Universe," his weak flesh and blood body once again became a robotic body.

The sudden change not only meant that Sun Cheng had regained the terrifying power that could destroy an elite army, but also that 'Frenzy's computing power, which was dozens of times greater than that of human-invented supercomputers, had thoroughly digested the many oversights he had left behind in reality in just a moment.

He realized that he had missed a lot, such as the mystery of Ada Wong's identity. Before returning, he had not continued to investigate because he had too little information. Now, relying on the mechanical lifeform's more rational and powerful computing power than his own undeveloped brain in reality, he had become aware of his many oversights.

For example, he could have left something behind with CIA agents to be investigated by the intelligence agencies of his own country. He had also left too many oversights on Nublar Island, which led to the CIA quickly finding him when they sent agents to China to investigate.

There were other troubles and problems, most of which he had not thought of in reality. Some oversights he had noticed were forgotten later because Sun Cheng was too busy in reality and his energy was severely dispersed.

For example, he had realized that his appearance on Nublar Island was likely to attract attention. However, at that time, Sun Cheng had not thought of the CIA. He was more worried about being targeted by Ada Wong, a mysterious woman with an unclear background, especially when she suddenly appeared beside Ye Qi, which undoubtedly stimulated Sun Cheng.

Sun Cheng had planned to return to Nublar Island to make some arrangements and even considered leaving some small items of the Hunter civilization on the island to divert the attention of other forces and buy time for himself in reality.

But first, he was busy with the Cybertron Cloud Disk, then he was concerned about Ye Qi. He finally managed to keep her in Nandu and was just about to free up his hands when CIA agents broke into his home. Later, he also had to deal with communications with Panda.

With so many things going on, he temporarily forgot about this matter. If it weren't for the powerful computing power of Frenzy's mechanical body, he might not have remembered it for a long time.

Taking a deep breath, Sun Cheng shook his head and quickly sat up from the empty laboratory floor.

He now knew how to replenish the energy consumed by the "Spherical Space." Although the Cybertron Standard High Purity Energy Liquid produced by Base 2 was scarce, there would be more in the future, which meant that Sun Cheng would no longer have to worry about not being able to cross between the two worlds. The frequency of his travels between the two worlds would only increase.

Standing up from the ground, Sun Cheng walked over to a pile of equipment and stopped in front of it.

Just like the previous times he had returned to reality, he had informed Atlas and the others in advance that he needed to deal with something in the laboratory, so even if something happened, they would have to wait for him to come out before reporting it.

Based on his experience of the previous few crossings, the passage of time between the "Transformers Universe" and Sun Cheng's reality was not the same. Even though he had now returned to the "Transformers Universe," only a few minutes had passed since he had left his reality, so he didn't need to rush out of the laboratory.

"Well, this is good. I can squeeze out a few days to study some things..."

With a thought, a "Mobile Workstation" immediately appeared in Sun Cheng's large hand.

The so-called "Mobile Workstation" is actually a high-performance laptop computer designed for professional users. It combines the features of a workstation and a laptop computer and has powerful data computing, graphics, and image processing capabilities. It is designed for special users such as engineering design, animation production, scientific research, software development, financial management, information services, and simulation.

Compared with top-notch commercial computers, although Mobile Workstations may be slightly heavier, their performance is even more outstanding.

The "Mobile Workstation" in Sun Cheng's hand is an IBM-manufactured model that he purchased in the real world. Although it costs nearly 400,000 yuan, it is indeed worth the price.

He gently held it in his palm, and with a thought, several tentacle-like wires immediately extended from his Frenzymechanical body's palm and automatically connected to the power and USB interfaces of the "Mobile Workstation".

Countless data and information stored in this notebook were quickly accepted and read by Sun Cheng's Core, and he then began to use the terrifying computing power of his Frenzymechanical body's Core to deduce quietly.

The "Mobile Workstation" contains dozens of research projects of Cybertron Technology in the real world, as well as some research topics that Sun Cheng added because of his own interest.

These include not only Cybertron Technology's research and development of "true cloud storage devices," voice control technology, intelligent programs, and so on, but also some other interesting things.

For example, intelligent devices such as "smart keyboards," "smart mice," and "smart speakers" proposed by Cybertron Technology's programmers, as well as Sun Cheng's own interest in intelligent control systems, etc.

Some of these projects can be achieved with existing technology in the real world, but cannot be achieved in a short time solely relying on Cybertron Technology's strength. There are also many topics that cannot be achieved in the real world at all.

However, just relying on the computing power of the Core of the Frenzymechanical body he controls now, he is confident that he can overcome some of the smaller projects.

As for the remaining topics that cannot be completed with the knowledge he has stored, there are Teletraan and the Decepticon laborers such as Atlas.

This can also be considered as a reasonable use of the resources he controls in the "Transformers Universe."

The next time Sun Cheng brings these things back to the real world, he will be able to advance his career even further.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 328: New Mechanical Body Completed


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