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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


When a person is deeply engaged in something, time always seems to pass faster than expected.

Although this may be a philosophical view, Sun Cheng truly felt this way.

As he took a deep breath and pulled his focus away from his research, he casually checked the time on the network within the base and realized that over thirty hours had passed.

"Has it been this long?"

Thirty hours may not seem like a lot of time, but he had not wasted a single minute during this period. Utilizing Frenzy's mechanical body core, which had computational abilities far beyond the most powerful supercomputers on Earth, Sun Cheng had found solutions for nearly all of the Cybertron Technology Corporation's ongoing research projects that he had brought back from the real world.

The remaining few research projects and concepts had also been resolved, some with promising results, but others required the help of Atlas and Mirage, as Sun Cheng's current knowledge reserves were insufficient.

"Thirty hours is enough!"

Although he had previously used research as an excuse to keep others from disturbing him, thirty hours was almost enough time, and any more would likely arouse suspicion.

Sun Cheng knew that the second base he was in was not as safe as he had hoped, primarily due to Dust Up.

Dust Up was undoubtedly a time bomb. When Sun Cheng had discovered him in Brazil, he realized that he had too little combat power at his disposal and had selfishly kept him. However, he soon realized that, apart from himself, no one in his current group could control Dust Up. Sun Cheng's actions in forcibly keeping Dust Up with him had probably caused the latter to hate him.

Therefore, unless he could genuinely subdue Dust Up, he would always be a potential threat. Additionally, Sun Cheng's over-reliance on his engineers, who played essential roles in almost every aspect, from robot and equipment design to manufacturing, was also a significant risk.

Machine life, especially Decepticons, were deeply ingrained with rebellion, aggression, and obedience to the stronger. Therefore, even if Atlas and Mirage had followed him for a long time, there was still a possibility of them betraying him.

Only by continuously strengthening his own power could he prevent these internal and external threats from shaking the foundation he had worked so hard to establish in this world.

Thinking of this, Sun Cheng's eyes suddenly lit up.

Before he returned to the real world last time, Atlas had designed a new mechanical body for him, and all the necessary resources had been gathered. Atlas had assured him that his new mechanical body would be completely finished in just over thirty hours.

Calculating the time, it should be about right.

Unable to contain his excitement, Sun Cheng immediately opened the tightly closed laboratory door and prepared to see his new mechanical body.


As the alloy door opened, the four combat robots stationed outside the laboratory, standing guard like sentinels, all looked at Sun Cheng.

Feeling several electromagnetic scans pass over him, he couldn't help but furrow his brow.

Although these combat robots had applied some Cybertron Planet manufacturing techniques and technology, they were still machines that followed the program set in their core, not intelligent machine life.

The slight regret quickly disappeared, as having something was better than having nothing.

Although these battle robots were clumsy, their production cost after large-scale manufacturing was only about one-fourth of the US military's M1 main battle tank. They had strong adaptability in various terrains such as deserts, forests, and mountains, and their combat capability was quite impressive, except for lacking amphibious combat capabilities.

This alone was enough to make up for their lack of intelligence.

Besides, they had Adam!

Sun Cheng couldn't help but think of the experiment he had done before returning to reality, but he shook his head as soon as the new mechanical life he named "Adam" popped into his mind. Adam's appearance was full of surprises, and he had a lot of things to do now. He didn't have the time and energy to study the mystery of the birth of mechanical life again until he had replaced his new mechanical body.

At least, not until then.

Thinking of this, Sun Cheng's pace quickened a bit, and he walked straight to the factory area deep in the second base.

It seemed that he had received the message that he was coming early. Anyway, when Sun Cheng passed through the layers of guards and finally entered the precision factory area, Atlas had already led a team of Decepticon engineers to the entrance of the factory area and was waiting there respectfully.

"You're here, my master!"

Without hiding his excitement, Atlas stepped forward and respectfully said the question that Sun Cheng was most concerned about.

"Master, your new mechanical body is ready. Please follow us!"


Sun Cheng's mechanical body trembled lightly, obviously excited.

He took a deep breath, and his standard Decepticon face looked even more ferocious. "Atlas, you've done a good job, my loyal servants. I will allocate a batch of resources, and your new mechanical body is not far away..."

At the sound of this, the engineers couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

Atlas was no exception. While he was busy thanking Sun Cheng, he also led the way.

Soon, they arrived at the huge machine that was comparable to a robot production workshop in the deepest part of the factory.

Without any more words from Atlas and his team, Sun Cheng quickly walked up to the spacious workshop and saw a huge steel giant standing proudly in front of him, emitting a silver-grey luster all over its body.

This was a huge steel giant that far exceeded his current Frenzy mechanical body, about six meters tall, and looked surprisingly similar to Jazz of the Autobots.

It was not an exaggeration to say that, except for the more ferocious face, four missile launchers mounted under the shoulders, and some differences in the structure of the legs, it was basically an enlarged version of Jazz's mechanical body.

Excitedly looking at the muscular steel giant in front of him, Sun Cheng hurried over to touch its mechanical body.

The next moment, a series of data quickly appeared in his Core.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 329: New Life (Part 1)


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