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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Wang Zilong looked at the young man in front of him, his eyes filled with surprise.

But soon he smiled and complimented, "Your youth and talent make even me jealous. Mr. Sun, you remind me of our boss. Both of you don't like to waste time on trivial matters and put more energy into research... Perhaps that's the reason for your success at Cybertron Technology..."

Naturally, this was just small talk, and Sun Cheng understood.

He shook his head and said, "Mr. Ma is the real genius. I can't compare to him..."

After exchanging pleasantries and handshakes, Chen Li, the president of Panda Security, who had come with Wang Zilong, said with a smile, "This isn't the place for conversation. We have booked a meeting room upstairs. Shall we go up and discuss in more detail?"

Sun Cheng had no objections, and they all took the elevator together. It was surprisingly the same meeting room they had used last time.

"Mr. Sun, you should know the several Wangs here. Let me introduce them to you. This is Mr. Wang Zilong, the president of Panda Communications Group!"

"This is Mr. Tian Zhong, the president of Panda Micro Cloud!"

"Gentlemen, this young hero is the founder and CEO of Cybertron Technology, Mr. Sun Cheng."

After everyone was seated, Chen Li, who had met Sun Cheng before, stood up and briefly introduced the personnel from Panda Communications who had come this time. The meeting officially began.

Chen Li had good judgment and sat down after the introduction. After all, the negotiations were led by Wang Zilong, who was at least one level higher in status.

Once he was seated, Wang Zilong didn't waste any time. He put down the tea cup he had only taken a sip from and turned to Sun Cheng. "Mr. Sun, based on our previous contacts and the preliminary talks we had with Mr. Wang a few days ago, I believe we all know why we are here."

Sun Cheng nodded. "We are here with sincerity for cooperation, so let's skip the pleasantries and be direct."

"Alright," Wang Zilong nodded and became serious. "Mr. Sun, you should be aware of the strength of our Panda Communications Group, the largest domestic internet company and a listed company with 270,000 employees, over 30 billion US dollars in liquid capital, and nearly 1.5 billion registered users. Our business practically encompasses the entire internet industry, from games to social media to platforms. I can confidently say that we are here with sincerity to cooperate with your Cybertron Technology, a young and energetic company with great technology..."

Sun Cheng listened expressionlessly, and the more than ten pairs of eyes in the conference room were all fixed on him, but there was no change in his expression or gaze.

Wang Zilong couldn't help but furrow his brows. "Chen Li wasn't lying. It seems we have met a tough opponent."

Unable to persuade Sun Cheng, he immediately changed his approach and opened a trump card.

"Panda Communications Group hopes to invest 3 billion US dollars in Cybertron Technology and acquire 30% of your company's shares!"

Sun Cheng's eyelids twitched, and his expression finally changed a bit.

This condition was much better than what Chen Li had proposed at the beginning of the month, and it showed that Panda Communications, the largest domestic internet giant, recognized the value of Cybertron Technology's new hard disk technology and gave it a valuation of billions of dollars.

One hundred billion US dollars. Even in the IT hub of Silicon Valley, it wasn't easy to find a unicorn worth that much in a year.

Wang Lu, who was sitting next to him, was obviously stunned by Panda Communications' aggressiveness. The hand holding the tea cup visibly trembled.

He even couldn't help but steal a glance at Sun Cheng next to him, because when the young man was officially promoted to CEO of Cybertron Technology a few days ago, he had clearly written in the contract that if the company was well managed, he would receive a performance bonus of 0.5% of Cybertron Technology's revenue and even the possibility of being directly awarded shares in the future.

Unfortunately, Sun Cheng's calmness disappointed them.

Feeling the gaze of everyone in the conference room, Sun Cheng suddenly smiled brightly.

Facing Wang Zilong's confident gaze, he finally spoke, "3 billion US dollars? That's quite a generous offer compared to the last time... Unfortunately, Mr. Wang, you will be disappointed. Cybertron Technology doesn't need money..."

Wang Zilong was taken aback, and his face immediately turned serious.

He knew Sun Cheng was right. Cybertron Technology really didn't need money.

Although it was just a newly established startup, Cybertron Technology had already gained more than two million lifetime members on Cybertron Cloud Disk after just over a month of launching. Based solely on user purchases of lifetime memberships and expansion services, the company's revenue had surpassed 500 million yuan, according to a recent survey. This achievement was accomplished in less than a month.

Although it was unclear how much it cost Cybertron Technology to mass-produce hard drives, they had already distributed nearly 300,000 high-capacity hard drives to new registered users nationwide every week. This had led to a general assessment of the new technology the company had, which could potentially lower the cost to less than 100 yuan per 1TB hard drive.

In other words, Cybertron Technology had achieved a net profit of over 200 million yuan within a month of the launch of their cloud disk. This was a level that some of the so-called internet famous companies listed on Nasdaq in China had not achieved.

They certainly did not lack money.

Sun Cheng realized that Wang Zilong wanted to say something and clasped his hands in front of his face, propping up his chin with his thumbs while staring at him intently. He continued speaking in a calm tone.

"... I've only done a losing deal once, and I won't do it again. Today, let me make it clear to you, Mr. Wang, Cybertron Technology is not for sale. Three months ago, when I went to a certain venture capital company with my newly invented storage device manufacturing technology, they gave me a valuation of one billion US dollars right off the bat. In the end, I sold 20% of the company's shares for $500 million and a hedging agreement. Until now, I haven't even used one-fifth of the initial capital I got..."


Chen Li's lips twitched as he looked at Wang Zilong with an unpleasant expression. However, the executive president of Panda Communications looked even worse than him.

They were both seasoned veterans in the business world and knew exactly what Sun Cheng meant. If Sun Cheng's words were true, then Panda might miss out on the opportunity to share in the growth dividend of Cybertron Technology.

After a fleeting smile in his eyes, Sun Cheng took the limelight in front of a real-world internet giant, feeling a bit proud. However, he realized that the other party had many things that he was interested in, so he quickly continued.

"Besides opening up internally, Cybertron Technology does not plan to allow outsiders to invest in the company. So, I can only take your kind intentions to heart, but we still have many areas where we can cooperate."

Catching a glimpse of Wang Lu's joyful expression, Sun Cheng's mouth curved into a smile, and he refocused his gaze on Wang Zilong, who had already recovered.

Wang Zilong nodded slightly. "Please continue, Mr. Sun..."

"Google has Android, Apple has iOS, Microsoft has Windows. We believe that your company is no less inferior to these world-class internet giants, but in this era of mobile internet, there are still some things missing. Cybertron Technology has what your company lacks..."

At this point, he put down his hands and picked up the tea cup in front of him. "We have developed an operating system called 'UIMI.' After the initial internal testing, we are very confident that it is superior to the latest version of Android, and not inferior to iOS. We, Cybertron, are happy to establish a new company with your company to operate this operating system. We can even promise to give your company a higher shareholding in the new company, but I have one request..."

Wang Zilong furrowed his brows slightly. "Please tell me..."

"I want Panda Cloud Disk..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 326: Return to Transformers


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