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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Safeguard quickly returned and gave Sun Cheng a very affirmative reply.

"Master, I have carefully checked and confirmed that no one was left alive..."

For Sun Cheng, this was enough.

Although he didn't have a lot of power in the real world yet, even though he accidentally provoked the CIA this time, it didn't mean that Sun Cheng was foolish enough to think that he could challenge the United States, a superpower.

Therefore, although it was regrettable for his own country, the blame for this incident could only be temporarily shouldered by the government.

Controlling the stealth drone, he hovered over the base where Safeguard was stationed for nearly half an hour, until he saw dozens of police cars and even SWAT teams arrive and completely surround the base before he controlled the drone to fly back to the base.

The pile of corpses left by Safeguard could be left for the politicians to deal with. At least for the short term, not many people could associate them with him, and that was enough.

After confirming this, Sun Cheng gave a few instructions to Safeguard to strengthen the surveillance around the base and prevent the base's secrets from being discovered by outsiders.

After completing these tasks, he finally left Huwang Ridge and headed towards his newly purchased villa.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and Sun Cheng had a very regular routine during these few days.

He would wake up on time in the morning, have some breakfast, and then leave the villa to go to the company's office.

At noon, like most people, he would order takeout at the office and work until around six in the afternoon before leaving and driving back to his residence.

On the way, he would also buy some vegetables and meat from nearby supermarkets. After returning to the villa, dinner was usually prepared by Ye Qi.

During these few days, after a week of crazy promotion and planning, Cybertron Cloud Disk finally achieved a new high in downloads nationwide.

When Cloud Disk was first released, Cybertron Technology prepared two different versions for both mobile and PC platforms.

After a crazy viral-like promotion, the PC version of Cybertron Cloud Disk finally broke through the 50 million download mark, while the mobile version also reached nearly 10 million downloads.

Of course, this wasn't what made Cybertron Technology famous throughout the country, as the domestic cloud storage market had already entered the winter season, with more than half of the users of these fifteen or so cloud storage companies having a larger user base than Cybertron Cloud Disk.

What really made the outside world realize the terrifying power of Cybertron Technology was the explosive growth rate of its Cloud Disk users and its membership numbers, especially the latter.

As one of the earliest professional IT platforms in China to be introduced to Cybertron Cloud Disk, Computer Home had been keeping a close eye on the various data of this new start-up company.

After a thorough investigation, Computer Home finally exposed a set of data in mid-June on its electronic media platform, using an entire page to detail and explain it.

"...The total number of paid users for Cybertron Cloud Disk has exceeded 2 million, of which nearly 90% of the users chose to pay for its lifetime membership, and at least more than 500,000 users, while purchasing the Cloud Disk Lifetime membership, also continued to purchase other expansion services... The above data is still growing at an average rate of over 7% per day..."

The company Cybertron Technology Limited has become quite popular in China, just over a month after its launch. Its CEO, Sun Cheng, has been reappointed and has taken over the company's management, leading to the former general manager, Wang Lu, becoming quite well-known in the country. Wang Lu has been interviewed by domestic media several times and even appeared on some foreign IT websites.

The company has innovated new storage technology at a fraction of the cost of Seagate and Western Digital, producing large-capacity storage devices. This has caused great concern for DRAM giants, whose end may be near.

Sun Cheng is more low-key than Wang Lu, partly because he believes the company's success is inevitable. He feels that he has nothing to be proud of because he simply used some of the technology from the Transformers universe. He is also being cautious as he is aware of the recent troubles faced by American companies in China, and he doesn't want to attract too much attention from the outside world.

He has been preparing to return to the Transformers universe for a while now, having taken care of everything he needs to do in the real world. On June 21st, he met with Wang Lu and they drove to the five-star hotel, Jinling Hotel, for their second formal meeting with representatives from Panda Communications Group. Since their initial meeting with the president of the Panda Communications' security company, Chen Li, in early June, both sides have undergone significant changes in their strength and attitude.

At the hotel, they were greeted by Panda Communications Group's president, Wang Zilong. After exchanging greetings, Wang Zilong remarked how difficult it was to meet with Sun Cheng. He had been in the city for three days and had met with Wang Lu twice before finally meeting with Sun Cheng. Wang Zilong's position as president of the Panda Communications Group, which has a market value of over 300 billion US dollars, could have intimidated executives from other Chinese internet start-ups, but Sun Cheng was not impressed. He apologized for being busy with his graduation thesis and other technical projects, leaving the management of the company to Wang Lu.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 325: The End


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