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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"It's you..."

As soon as the face of the young man appeared on the screen in front of him, Linping couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

Sun Cheng?!

It was the same target he had just sneaked into his residence with two other CIA agents a few hours ago, trying to find something that might exist.

But a new doubt arose in an instant!

How could it be him?

Linping was very sure that he had not mistaken.

The young man on the screen had a face that could not be called very handsome, but his features were delicate and elegant, in line with the aesthetic of most Asians. Especially when he looked serious, even through the screen, Linping could feel a cold and indifferent aura that should not appear in ordinary people.

When he browsed the information about this young man named "Sun Cheng" that was saved internally by the CIA, he left a deep impression on him.

And now he even had a strange feeling that the eyes of Sun Cheng on the screen seemed clear, but gave him a sense of oppression, just like when he faced those CIA instructors who trained him to accept interrogation.

It should be noted that among the CIA agents, there were many villains, and those who were qualified for this kind of work specifically designed to torture people were all real villains who regarded human life as nothing.

How could a young man who was still a college student on the surface possess such intimidation and momentum?

In an instant, his brain, which could barely maintain thinking, finally realized where the problem was.

"So, you got the thing on Nubra Island?!"

With a bitter expression on his face, Linping asked the young man projected on the screen.

Although he was asking, his tone was very certain.

In the No. 1 Tiger King Ridge base dozens of kilometers away.

Sun Cheng stood quietly in front of a liquid crystal display, and his face twitched slightly.

Not far away from him was a server, which he brought back for experimental purposes last time he returned from the "Transformers Universe."

This server had been enhanced and modified by the Decepticons. Although it didn't look impressive, its computing power had reached the limit of current hardware, and it was far stronger than the large commercial servers worth millions sold on the market, although there was still a gap compared to supercomputers.

Therefore, after the No. 1 base was roughly formed, Sun Cheng transferred this server, which was not convenient to expose, to the No. 1 base.

After receiving his battle report from Safeguard, he asked Safeguard to temporarily transmit the data to this server in real time so that he could remotely communicate with Safeguard and the living witness left by Safeguard to ask about something.

"Is it the CIA? It turns out that they are targeting me because I have left too many fatal loopholes on Nubra Island for these wolves to track down..."

Although he began to suspect this woman named "Ada Wong" again because of her reappearance, which also accompanied Ye Qi to the city of Nan, Sun Cheng vaguely felt that he had indeed left too many deadly loopholes on Nubra Island.

Or rather, accepting a strange invitation as "Sun Cheng" and going to the dinosaur island was a mistake from the beginning.

After pondering for a moment, Sun Cheng did not answer Linping's question, but instead asked coldly, "I don't have so much American time to play spy games with you. Now I ask, and you answer. If your answer satisfies me, I will let you live and serve me... If you can't satisfy me, I have already killed enough CIA spies, and I don't care if there is one more death..."

Even though he was separated by the screen, Linping was momentarily speechless by his cold and ruthless words.

However, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Even ants are greedy for life, let alone humans.

When he went to study in the United States, he was spotted and turned by the US intelligence agencies. It could be explained that he was young and ignorant and could not resist the US dollar attack and the yearning for freedom and democracy.

But now...

Don't be silly, Linping has been working for the CIA for so many years, and during his years in the United States, he has witnessed the selfishness and arrogance of the Americans.

So he, like most Americans, became a selfish person. If the CIA and the tiger skin of the United States were still useful, Linping would naturally not be willing to abandon them, but if there was a risk of losing his life, he would not hesitate to give them up.

At this point, he had made up his mind.

So Linping nodded heavily and said, "I'm listening, what do you want to ask?"

"How many people did the CIA send this time? And what is their purpose?"

"I'm not sure. I only know that there are 27 of us in this group. Although most of us are here, the CIA has several bases in China, and some are located elsewhere. I don't know exactly where they are, but the intelligence agency keeps it secret to avoid leaks," answered Linping.

"As for why we were sent to China, it's because one of our senior agents disappeared suddenly in Nandu last week. This caused a shock among our CIA leadership, so we were sent to investigate thoroughly!"

Although most of Linping's answer was true, it wasn't entirely accurate.

Linping was a clever person and was cautiously probing for information that the other side may have had.

Unfortunately, Sun Cheng on the screen remained expressionless, making it difficult to discern any emotional fluctuations. After Linping finished speaking, Sun Cheng asked, "What was the true purpose of the missing agent's trip to Nandu?"

Apparently sensing Linping's cautiousness, he added, "Don't try to use ridiculous excuses like tourism to test my patience. You only have one life; there's no need to use it to test mine."

Linping's face turned ugly, and he glanced at Safeguard, which looked like a projector in front of him. Suddenly, several blades popped out of its front paws, and it lightly scratched the marble floor. Linping quickly changed his answer, "The missing agent was investigating a mysterious woman named 'Ada Wong.' He disappeared on the day he tracked her to Nandu."

He paused slightly and then looked at Sun Cheng with a calm expression before continuing, "The higher-ups suspected that 'Ada Wong' may have obtained some suspicious items from extraterrestrial beings on Nubra Island. That's why they sent us here!"

Sun Cheng asked several questions in succession. Some received detailed answers, while others were evasive or even completely dismissed by the other side's claim of ignorance. However, Sun Cheng maintained his expressionless attitude throughout.

Until he felt that the answers were becoming less and less truthful, his brow furrowed. "Mr. Agent, it seems that you are not an honest person. You have used lies and evasions to squander the only chance I gave you. Since you didn't cherish it, then... Safeguard, send him on his way..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the screen in front of Sun Cheng disappeared after a brief flicker.

Soon, Xiao Wu standing on his shoulder moved slightly and immediately received a communication from Safeguard, "Master, all targets have been eliminated. Shall I control an unmanned reconnaissance drone to release a missile to clean up the scene here?"

"No need..." Sun Cheng interrupted it decisively. "Once you're sure there are no loose ends, come back."

What a joke. This was the capital of Far East Power. Even if it were in a remote area, the sound of gunfire when Safeguard invaded must have alarmed people nearby. The police were probably rushing over now.

Besides, all the dead were CIA special agents sent to China. With the US's intelligence gathering ability, the sudden death of dozens of agents in China could not be covered up.

His career in the real world had just begun, and he was not afraid, but there was no need to feel uncomfortable.

Therefore, Sun Cheng could only let the country under his feet bear the anger of the CIA and the Americans for now. He wouldn't let the country bear it in vain, though. What he was doing now was undoubtedly beneficial to the real world. All that was lacking was time.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 324: Miscellaneous Matters Before Return


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