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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The heartless words slowly came out of Safeguard's mouth, the cold mechanical voice was calm but sounded like the death knell from hell, making Linping shudder.

However, the other Asian operatives standing beside him were apparently unaware of the terror of the metal monster in front of them, which was not particularly large in size.

Two Asian operatives standing close to each other exchanged a glance, then slid stealthily to the corner of the wall, and as soon as half of their bodies were hidden, they immediately raised their weapons and aimed at Safeguard, pulling the trigger.

Another Asian operative jumped onto a sofa in the middle of the living room, then crouched down and opened a drawer under the sofa that had obviously been modified. He took out several powerful assault rifles and grabbed one of them, using the sofa as cover, and began to shoot frantically at the monster's head.

The sound of gunfire was like a general attack order, and in the next moment, all the operatives on the first floor, except for Linping, raised their weapons and began shooting wildly at Safeguard.

"It's over!"

Linping's heart sank, and he finally got a clear view of what had happened upstairs in the brightly lit room.

He saw the bullets continuously fired from the operatives' weapons, hitting the monster in front of them, but only causing sparks to fly off its body, not even leaving a dent.

What was even more despairing was that the monster's expression became even more fierce as it was sprayed by the tongues of fire from the three SCAR assault rifles and AKM.

Soon, its originally raised head lowered slightly, and at the same time, its body made of unknown metal tightened, and it was already in battle mode.


Linping's eyes widened in despair as he watched, but he only had time to yell out before he saw several silver-gray rays of light flashing.

Then the sound of gunfire stopped abruptly, and a series of banging sounds followed. The operatives in the living room fell to the ground one after another, showing no signs of life.

"Humans are such fragile creatures!"

The cold mechanical voice sounded again, making Linping's body stiffen and then go weak, almost falling to the ground.

The reason was simple: the voice had sounded right in his ear.

It turned out that while Safeguard had just dealt with the other operatives, it had jumped onto the backrest of the sofa next to Linping. Its head was now close to Linping's cheek, and it slowly spoke into his ear.

As a CIA operative who had been on the edge of death for years, Linping's good mental qualities allowed him to maintain basic functioning even in dangerous situations.

With his chest heaving rapidly, Linping took a few deep breaths and barely suppressed his fear.

Since the other party had not killed him, it was obvious that it had some intention towards him.

Remembering that the other party had been speaking in Chinese all along, Linping hesitated for a moment before asking in his slightly hoarse and awkward Chinese, "Who are you? Why are you attacking the CIA?"

Obviously, Linping did not believe that the mechanical monster next to him possessed high intelligence, so he speculated that there must be someone behind the monster controlling it.

It was not surprising that he had such suspicions, considering that the United States had the strongest military technology in the world today.

As a subordinate employee of the American intelligence agency, the CIA, Linping naturally had to deal with military intelligence. He knew that the US's research on combat robots was still in its early stages. Robots like "Big Dog" were only releasing smoke bombs, but the US's actual research and development progress was not much more advanced than the problem-plagued "Big Dog."


The beastly face of Safeguard grinned as its blue eyes flickered non-stop, staring at Linping.

Its database contained information on all the world's powers on Earth, and it was not difficult for mechanical life to enter the human-created internet. So it naturally knew what the letters "CIA" meant!

Immediately, it sent a communication to Sun Cheng, who was dozens of kilometers away, briefly reporting the situation.

The pause in that moment clearly made Linping think that the other side had become wary of them.

Taking a deep breath, he couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine.

The CIA is one of the world's most professional military intelligence agencies and naturally has an ironclad discipline.

For example, one of the rules repeatedly taught to CIA agents during their training is that "in a mission, you can reveal that you are an American, but even if you die, you cannot expose that you are from the CIA."

After all, most countries in the world may, under the pressure of US military might, choose to repatriate or exchange their own detained personnel with the US government after catching American spies.

But few countries can resist the temptation of catching a few American agents. This not only means that they are likely to dig up a lot of things from the captured agents, such as American intelligence networks and defectors, but they can even use this as a bargaining chip to force the US government, which is in the wrong, to accept some of their country's demands in international politics.

However, even ants are greedy for life, let alone people who naturally cherish their own lives.

At this moment, Linping couldn't care less about hiding his identity. He immediately grasped at any chance and said urgently to Safeguard, "Regardless of whether you are from the Chinese government or military, our CIA has sent people to China this time for no other purpose than to search for our agent who went missing during his vacation in China at the beginning of the month..."

These were all lies, but there was still some usable information.

Linping had been serving the CIA for many years and naturally knew how to protect himself. If he wanted to save his own life, he had to reveal some things that would interest the other side, but it was like squeezing toothpaste - slowly and bit by bit.

Unfortunately, Safeguard only laughed coldly at him. The close proximity of that beastly face and two cold glances made Linping feel cold sweat all over.

Suddenly, he clearly saw a noticeable change in expression on the other side's beastly face.

Soon, it slowly jumped off the sofa and squatted two meters away from Linping, saying, "My master wants to talk to you, so stay put..."

As soon as the words fell, two dazzling blue light beams shot out from its eyes, creating a transparent light wall in front of Linping.

The next moment, the face of a young Asian man appeared on the light wall.

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