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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Xiao Wu wriggled in Sun Cheng's hand!

Sun Cheng immediately understood and casually threw it aside. It transformed in mid-air and landed on the ground as a fierce-looking metal figurine.

"Yes, master!"

After responding, Xiao Wu's blue electronic eyes flickered with blue light, and it was remotely contacting Revenge.

After a moment, its mechanical body slightly paused, and soon turned its head to look at Sun Cheng, and a cold, mechanical voice sounded from its mouth.

"Master, there is only one intruder, and he is rummaging through your residence as if looking for something. He even opened the one-piece machine I transformed into. Because I did not receive your reply, I followed your previous request to keep normal startup but did not reveal anything."

This voice was not Xiao Wu's soft and cute mechanical voice, but the words spoken by Revenge.

Immediately, a beam of light shot out from Xiao Wu's eyes, and a video image appeared in front of Sun Cheng.

Needless to say, it was also transmitted by Revenge.

Sun Cheng looked closely and his face slightly changed.

The video transmitted by Revenge was not short, it was almost eleven minutes long. The first person to appear in the video was a tall and thin man dressed as a courier. He looked to be in his thirties and was holding a package, standing in front of Sun Cheng's residence, knocking on the door with vigor.

"Excuse me, is Chen Li here? Your package has arrived..."

This person did not look conspicuous, and with his outfit, he really looked like a courier. But he obviously didn't know that Sun Cheng, who was as alert as Ada Wong, had made some changes to his anti-theft door after returning to the real world this time. The cat's eye on the door was replaced with a set of miniature monitors.

Therefore, the man's loud shouting and disguise were all in vain.

The monitor clearly captured the man looking around in front of the apartment from time to time, looking very vigilant.

"A thief?"

Although he knew in his heart that Ada Wong, who was as alert as he was, could not be easily targeted by him again, Sun Cheng still couldn't help but frowned slightly after seeing the appearance of a stranger in the video.

The experiences in the Transformers universe, where life could be lost at any time, made him increasingly intolerant of situations that were beyond his control.

Obviously, that mysterious and beautiful creature, Ada Wong, was an anomaly that could not be controlled by Sun Cheng, so even though the two had a one-night stand, it did not make him lower his guard against that woman by half.

In the image projected by Xiao Wu, the man disguised as a courier stood outside the apartment Sun Cheng had rented and shouted and knocked on the door several times. Soon, he took action again.

"...The intelligence is correct. There are only two people living here, and they are both out now!"

The military-grade miniature monitor printed by the 3D printer clearly recorded the man's muttering, and Sun Cheng listened carefully, his eyes narrowed. When he looked at the man in the video again, he saw no emotional fluctuations in his eyes.

After confirming that there was indeed no one inside, the man looked up and down the stairs, and then took out some tools that outsiders could not name from his pocket. He fiddled with the keyhole on the anti-theft door for a while, and soon Sun Cheng saw the video shake for a while, and the man opened the anti-theft door and entered the apartment he had rented.

The video soon changed to a hidden monitor in a secluded corner of the apartment.

Although it was not very ethical, after returning to the real world this time, Sun Cheng did make a lot of changes in the apartment he rented, such as embedding ten sets of miniature monitoring devices in the walls or installing them in some appliances provided by the landlord.

Because his monitoring equipment was very small in size, and he had already considered the issue of exposure before installation, its concealment was extremely strong.

Obviously, this man with remarkable counterintelligence abilities was too careless. He probably never thought that someone would install a set of high-performance micro-monitoring devices in his rented apartment. When he opened the anti-theft door and entered Sun Cheng's rented apartment, he only checked around the room cautiously before starting to work seriously.


The man opened a pocket on his delivery uniform, first took out a pair of almost flesh-colored latex gloves and put them on, then took the walkie-talkie hanging on his chest and whispered, "I have entered the target's residence and will begin the search soon. Be alert, and remind me if the target comes back..."

"Understood, be sure not to miss any suspicious places!"

Obviously, this man was not alone.

After a brief contact with his companions, he looked around the living room and began searching everywhere.

Soon, he entered the kitchen and bathroom one after another, and Sun Cheng even heard the sound of appliances such as the refrigerator, washing machine, and microwave being turned on.

After checking these places in just two or three minutes and finding nothing, the man quickly came to the door of Sun Cheng's bedroom.

Pushing the door open and walking in quickly, he saw the all-in-one machine transformed by Revenge on the computer desk in the corner of the wall at a glance, and his eyes lit up.

He took two quick steps to the computer desk and skillfully found the power button to turn on the computer. Then he stood in front of Revenge and began searching through the all-in-one machine.

This man obviously had some decent computer skills. Sun Cheng could clearly see from the monitor in his own bedroom that he took out a USB flash drive he carried with him, installed several software programs into the all-in-one machine, and tried to search for possible hidden files.

After a while, he became frustrated with no results, so he uninstalled what he had installed and turned off the all-in-one machine. Then he searched around the room again.

In the end, he found nothing and was very disappointed. He took out the walkie-talkie again and said, "Mission failed, nothing suspicious was found in the target's residence. I suspect it may have been moved, and I request to enter the target company for further search!"

"...Understood, prepare to withdraw!"

After watching the complete video transmitted by Revenge, Sun Cheng's face looked a bit ugly.

This man who disguised himself as a deliveryman and secretly entered his villa was obviously not a thief.

His professionalism was too high, and he tried his best to leave no trace during the entire intrusion process. Not only did he know Sun Cheng's whereabouts and related information, but he also had a companion outside to keep watch for him.

All of these things revealed that they were not ordinary people!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 315 Night (End)


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