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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


As soon as the words left his mouth, Sun Cheng, who had been paying close attention to Ye Qi's facial expressions, noticed her hesitation. He couldn't help but laugh at himself inwardly, as he didn't like to use force on women, especially not on the woman he liked. So, in order to keep Ye Qi by his side, Sun Cheng had put a lot of effort into it.

Of course, despising himself was one thing, but he was quick with his prepared words, throwing them out one after another.

"Sis, I'm about to graduate from college in two weeks. The next few years will be the start-up period of my career, and I'm afraid I won't have much time to leave Nandu. So, I plan to bring Uncle and Auntie to live in Nandu with me. If you also come to develop in Nandu, our family can meet anytime..."

This is appealing to her emotions!

"...I wasn't planning on accepting this Villa, but after I came here and looked around, I found that the surrounding environment is really good and suitable for Uncle and Auntie to live in. Moreover, there is a room in the Villa that has a holographic projection device installed. I'll have my company's people come over and make some modifications, and it can be used by you!"

Given the current situation, this is appealing to her interests.

A hint of a smile flashed in Sun Cheng's eyes. He had been to Ye Qi's place in Shanghai last year, and although her income was not low, it was still somewhat difficult for her to live a luxurious life in the international metropolis where every inch of land was valuable.

Ye Qi had rented an apartment of about 80 square meters in the suburbs far from the bustling city center of Shanghai. In order to facilitate her live streaming work, she personally paid to have the apartment soundproofed and converted one of the side bedrooms into a live streaming room, equipped with sound equipment, electronic keyboards, and so on.

Although Sun Cheng didn't know much about online streamers, he knew a little bit about Ye Qi's situation because of his relationship with her. Streamers like Ye Qi, who don't play games and focus on singing, dancing, and chatting, have endless demands for a professional live streaming room.

And he had what she needed!

After delivering his prepared speech, Sun Cheng's smile had already appeared on his face.

Nearby, Ye Qi suddenly took off her shoes, crossed her legs, and sat on the sofa, no longer maintaining her ladylike demeanor.

This was her other side, which could only be seen at home or when she was very relaxed. Obviously, she was already quite moved.

Sure enough, Ye Qi pursed her lips, her face showing both interest and distress. "Develop in Nandu? But I've been in Shanghai for so long, suddenly changing to a new environment is really not easy, and I don't have many friends here..."

"What are you afraid of? Don't you still have me? How about it, are you afraid I can't afford to support you now?"

"Okay, your abilities have increased. Now you have to support me..." Ye Qi gave him a white eye, her eyes containing a mixture of anger and laughter, which was indescribably charming and enticing. Sun Cheng's heart couldn't help but beat faster.

He could only take a deep breath and calm down his restless heart.

Suddenly, he stood up from the sofa, instinctively patted his butt, and then looked at her and said, "Come with me. I'll take you around and show you the live streaming room I've prepared for you!"

Ye Qi hadn't given a clear answer just now, so this matter wasn't a success yet. Seeing that the atmosphere was just right now, Sun Cheng was definitely going to make a concerted effort to keep her here, which would also help him resolve a lingering worry.

He was afraid that women were fickle, and he couldn't predict if she would change her mind the next day.

Sure enough, a live streaming room that possibly had a holographic projection device was a huge temptation for Ye Qi.

She tilted her head and smiled at him, reaching out her hand. Sun Cheng lightly laughed and took two steps forward, holding her hand and pulling her up from the sofa. Only then did Ye Qi put on her shoes and follow him to the stairs not far away.

The live streaming room that Sun Cheng had prepared for her was on the third floor of the Villa, which had been converted from the master bedroom on the third floor.

All the lies he used to deceive Ye Qi just now, although the Villa was meticulously decorated by the developer when he bought it, the holographic projection equipment is still considered a luxury item that is not commonly used in households. A high-end set costs at least tens of thousands of yuan, and some more professional ones can cost up to one or two million yuan. Therefore, even a high-end luxury Villa like this does not have it.

Leading Ye Qi to the third floor, Sun Cheng did not stay on the second floor for long and did not introduce her to anything. If he could keep Ye Qi by his side, he would have plenty of time to take her around in the future.

"We're here!"

The two quickly arrived at a large door on the third floor. Sun Cheng stopped and stepped aside, making a gentlemanly gesture and indicating for Ye Qi to open the door.


Ye Qi snorted and gave him a disdainful look, but her face was full of anticipation. She did not refuse and stepped forward to push open the door and take a step inside.

The next moment, as soon as she stepped into the room and looked around, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and exclaim, "Oh my god, it's so big..."

Sun Cheng followed her in calmly, standing behind her and looking at Ye Qi with an indulgent gaze, like she had just received a beloved toy. He remained silent.

This was originally one of the three master bedrooms in the Villa, with an area of ​​more than 50 square meters. After taking pictures of the Villa, Sun Cheng immediately targeted this well-lit room for a complete renovation. He removed all the furniture and lighting fixtures from the original bedroom and installed new lighting equipment in the room, as well as a set of canine stereoscopic projection equipment designed and manufactured by a 3D printer.

In addition, after consulting with professionals, Sun Cheng purchased the most advanced sound equipment available on the market, and the walls around the bedroom were reinforced with soundproofing panels installed by industrial robots.

After the renovation was completed, this room could be said to be no less than most professional private music rooms on the market. Ye Qi, who was too excited to maintain her ladylike demeanor, knew this very well and couldn't stop exclaiming.

"Oh my god, it's a Steinway piano... and a Lang Lang... and even the microphone is from Sennheiser?"

"This is simply... too luxurious..."

Sun Cheng stood quietly near the door, smiling as he watched Ye Qi touch and look around the room like a startled deer, exclaiming non-stop.

He knew that this matter was done.

"Sis, take a look around first. I'll take a call!"

Finally relieved of a burden, Sun Cheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, feeling a sense of relaxation he had never experienced before.

Seeing that Ye Qi's attention had been completely drawn to the live streaming room he had carefully prepared for her, he casually found an excuse to leave the room and went downstairs to a soundproofed room on the second floor. He took out his phone and his face lost all its smile, replaced by cold indifference.

"Contact Revenge immediately. I want to know who is behind the scenes plotting against me!"


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 314 Night (Part 3)


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