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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Waving his hand, Sun Cheng signaled Xiao Wu to stop re-projecting the video. He crossed his arms and placed his right hand under his chin, his brain spinning rapidly.

"Could these people be industrial spies?"

An idea popped into his head, and he couldn't rule out the possibility.

Recently, Cybertron Technology's portable hard drive had caused a sensation across the country, accompanied by the surge of over ten million registered members of Cybertron Cloud Disk in just a few days.

Sun Cheng had to retrieve over 400,000 portable hard drives of different specifications from Base One, most of which had already been mailed to those who purchased Cybertron Cloud Disk Lifetime membership.

As they became active on various social media platforms, Cybertron Technology had already speculated on a new technology for mass-producing cheap portable hard drives, which was no longer a secret.

Recently, the media had been trying to interview Cybertron Technology to obtain more comprehensive data from the company.

Although Sun Cheng had not paid much attention to the company recently, Wang Lu was a qualified professional manager who naturally would not miss such a good opportunity. He had released various true or false intelligence to the outside world.

Once the media reported the news that "Cybertron Technology has mastered a new hard drive technology," it had attracted the attention of some hard drive manufacturing companies, who might secretly send industrial spies.

Don't think that industrial espionage is something that only appears in novels or movies. On the contrary, sending technical spies, undercover agents, or even middle and senior executives to hostile or acquisition-targeted companies has been proven to be one of the lowest-cost methods in various business activities.

In 2003, a book called "The Gray War: The Dark World You Don't Know" caused a sensation in the United States. The author detailed dozens of sensational industrial espionage activities that occurred between many American companies from the 1950s to the 1990s.

He revealed that there were at least 300,000 to 500,000 technical and management elites who became industrial spies in the United States, and the size of this gray market was over 60 billion US dollars, with IT, biopharmaceuticals, arms manufacturing, and precision machinery manufacturing being the hardest-hit areas for industrial espionage.


Sun Cheng suddenly remembered Ada Wong, who had disappeared from his sight ten days ago when he came to Nandu with Ye Qi.

For a moment, he couldn't determine the background of the people who were targeting him.

Standing still, after a moment of silence, Sun Cheng's tightly furrowed brows suddenly relaxed, and a curve appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Interesting, I've almost achieved both goals of returning to reality this time. I was thinking of resting for two days and then returning to the Transformers universe, but it seems like these last few days won't be boring either..."

Muttering under his breath, Sun Cheng's eyes couldn't help but narrow.

Does he really think he's still a lone ranger like the last time he returned?

The spherical space that could hold thousands of cubic materials was a huge mobile warehouse. A few days ago, he discovered and confirmed that the spherical space could replenish its consumption by absorbing energy liquid, which was crucial for Sun Cheng.

At least since that day, Sun Cheng would no longer be unable to return to the real world because he was worried about the energy depletion of the spherical space.

Although the high-purity energy liquid from the Cybertron civilization was not easy to manufacture, he, who had a base in the Transformers universe and had contacted the two major rogues of China and Russia in another world, could now produce energy liquid in bulk.

In the thousands of cubic spherical space, Sun Cheng stored some things he had prepared for himself in the Transformers universe. They were his last trump card in case Base Two was discovered and destroyed by the Decepticons or the US military, and he needed to make a comeback.

"Now, it's time for them to show their faces in reality."

At the thought of this, his smile became even colder, and he quickly gave orders to Xiao Wu: "Record and convey the following message to 'Revenge': 'Activate the backdoor hidden in the South City Management Center immediately and lock the intruder's movements within half an hour.'"

"Yes, master!"

After receiving his command, the blue light in Xiao Wu's electronic eyes immediately flickered.

When the blue light in its eyes stopped flashing, Sun Cheng, who had just taken off the Bluetooth earphones from his ears and put them back in his pocket, gave another command.

"Tell 'Safeguard' that I allow him to open container D-16, password: ****************, and immediately launch the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. Activate the optical stealth mode and hover over the South City at low altitude, waiting for my further orders... Also, tell him to be ready to move at any time..."


Looking at Xiao Wu, who had reconnected with 'Safeguard,' Sun Cheng rubbed his chin and his eyes inadvertently looked out the window at the sky turning red.

He had a feeling that he would have some fun tonight.


A black Skoda Rapid was driving quickly on the roads of South City, with popular music playing inside the car.

In the driver's seat, a middle-aged man with a square face was holding the steering wheel and driving quickly, but his eyes occasionally glanced at the passenger seat next to him.

Sitting in the passenger seat was a young white man in his twenties, with a pair of black-framed glasses on his clean nose.

At this moment, he was frowning tightly, and his hands were typing quickly on the laptop computer placed on his knee.

Looking closely, you could see some sweat beads on his white forehead, gradually sticking his golden hair to his forehead.

"How is it?"

After a while, a head stretched out from the back of the Rapid and asked the young white man in the passenger seat in English.

If Sun Cheng were here, he would surely recognize that the man sitting in the back of the car was the one who had recently invaded his residence disguised as a courier.

"Unfortunately, it's very clean!"

The young white man shrugged helplessly, angrily closing the laptop's lid. "It's too clean, Wang... The computer you copied from the target seems like it has never been used. Apart from the operating system, there is nothing on it... I can't even find the history records that should exist in the kernel through Microsoft's backdoor... Do you know what this means..."

"It means either the computer has never been used, or it proves that the other person is very cautious..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 316: Lock On


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