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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


It has been around twenty days since the Cybertron cloud disk was launched on major platforms.

Although compared to three or four years ago, the online disk market in China has already passed its golden age.

However, the demand for online cloud disk products among netizens is still strong. This hasn't changed much even after being deceived numerous times by various online disk products. After all, despite not being revolutionary, online disks have many advantages over traditional external hard drives.

Chu Yun, a college student, is one of the many netizens in China who enjoys using online disks.

"...Does anyone have a download link for the movie [European Universalis]? Preferably with high-definition and Chinese subtitles..."

When Chu Yun asked in the Panda group for this recently released World War II European spy movie with a great reputation, he didn't find it strange that nobody responded.

The Panda group he joined is a super large group with over 1,700 members, consisting of enthusiastic movie lovers from China.

Movies are commonly known as the "seventh art."

While art knows no borders, movies, as one of the most commercialized forms of art, were originally created to make money.

Copyright is an insurmountable barrier. Moreover, over the past few decades, the highly developed film industry in Europe and America has been inclined to package their own values in movies, gradually raising concerns worldwide about the export of their ideologies.

Consequently, it has become nearly impossible to casually purchase various blockbuster movies from Europe and America on videotapes or DVDs, unlike the previous century.

This led to the proliferation of various European and American film resources falsely shared on the internet during this era of highly unrestricted internet access.

Online disks became the most rampant channel for movie distribution and one of the contributing factors to their decline.

After all, even in the age of the internet that values sharing and freedom, it also places significant emphasis on intellectual property rights.

No one would turn a blind eye to their company's hard-earned investment of millions of dollars in producing a movie, only for it to be freely circulated on the internet without any compensation.

As a result, with the influx of legal letters and subsequent lawsuits, the government accelerated legislation and policy tightening in this area. This forced many online disk providers, lacking sufficient strength, to abandon their upload functions for film and television content. Consequently, they experienced significant user attrition and eventually met their demise.

"...European Universalis was released in Europe and the United States just half a month ago. It shouldn't have spread to China so quickly..."

Muttering silently, Chu Yun quickly opened "My Computer" and briefly paused his gaze on the icons representing his computer hard drives. He then clicked on a hard drive labeled "Classic Collection."

Chu Yun, who entered Jiangzhen Electric Power University three years ago, has been a fan of movies since childhood. He even dreamt of becoming a superstar on the screen, much like Marlon Brando.

However, he was not particularly good-looking, and due to his family's genetics, he barely passed the 1.7-meter mark in height.

While it is true that not only attractive individuals can become stars, it's clear that his unremarkable appearance would make his journey much more challenging.

Realizing this during his adolescence, Chu Yun decisively dismissed the idea of applying to art schools for film or acting.

Nevertheless, this didn't dampen his love for films and television.

Upon entering university and having more personal time, Chu Yun dedicated almost half of his free time to downloading various domestic and foreign movies of different genres and themes from the internet. It was as if he was addicted, watching at least four movies per day.

While he naturally lost interest in poorly made movies, whenever Chu Yun came across a high-quality masterpiece, he not only experienced a sense of fulfillment but also felt compelled to save it for future viewing.

He is a character who acts on his thoughts. After three years of university, Chu Yun has watched countless movies and gained at least hundreds of excellent works and classics.

To preserve these classic movies, there is almost no available space left in his computer hard drive. He even bought two external hard drives, but unfortunately, he was unlucky and encountered logical bad sectors twice in a row, forcing him to get them repaired, which resulted in the complete deletion of the classic movies stored in the hard drive.

Learning from his mistakes, while struggling with his growing collection, Chu Yun was recommended by a friend to start using cloud storage.

Once he got into it, he was truly amazed.

During the golden age of domestic cloud and online storage in the past few years, dozens, even hundreds of companies competing for market share and user registration turned a blind eye to copyright-related film and television works. They also provided exceptionally high-quality upload and download speeds.

In order to attract users, these companies kept increasing the storage space offered to customers. In just a few years, it went from the initial 1GB to 100GB, then to 1TB, and some even claimed to offer unlimited storage.

As a result, Chu Yun fell into the trap.

Initially, he was very satisfied with the several cloud storage platforms he used. They not only provided ample storage space and fast download speeds but also allowed him to discover more resources through his network of cloud storage friends. Within a few months, he quickly expanded his collection several times over. However, the good times didn't last long.

In the second half of 2014, some cloud storage companies began to limit upload and download speeds. And in the following years, almost every month, at least one company would announce the cessation of its services.

Nowadays, only a few cloud storage companies remain in China. Not only has the quality of their services significantly deteriorated compared to previous years, but they have also become more stringent in their restrictions on uploading and downloading film and television works.

For example, in the past year, Chu Yun spent most of his time painstakingly re-downloading the movies he had previously uploaded to cloud storage because several companies had gone out of business.

He quickly opened a folder and selected a movie. Just as Chu Yun, who had just returned from outside after class, was about to relax, something suddenly occurred to him. He hurriedly returned to the desktop and clicked on a beautifully designed software that looked like a fox mask forged from metal.

In the next moment, a cold and deep male voice resounded, "Cybertron, reporting to you!"

"I almost forgot, there are still some movies that haven't been uploaded to the cloud storage!"

Muttering softly, Chu Yun's eyes gleamed as he looked at his computer, which had recently been recommended by a manager in a group chat, a new cloud storage service.

Although he had only been using it for a few days, Chu Yun had already fully experienced the difference between this new software and similar products operated by several domestic giants.

It seems that some new technology has been adopted. This new network disk named 'Cybertron Cloud Disk' has a very fast upload and download speed, but it also aggressively monopolizes all resources. He has conducted experiments and tried to limit the upload and download speed of his computer's IP by downloading a speed-limiting software on his roommates' computers in the dormitory. Unexpectedly, not only was it detected and alerted by the cloud disk, but it also provided a perfect solution to bypass various speed-limiting methods.

Not only that, the Cybertron Cloud Disk also offers three different modes to choose from: [Private], [Share], and [Confidential].

The first mode is suitable for newcomers who do not frequently use the network disk and for home users who need to regularly save precious pictures and videos. The second mode is suitable for people who like to share various files through the network disk. The third mode is suitable for users like Chu Yun who only need a storage repository that won't encounter frequent issues like a portable hard drive.

Although it suffers from serious homogeneity with other products, Chu Yun still enjoys this new network disk product, which currently doesn't have much fame, because it doesn't impose any speed limits on uploads and downloads.

After opening the software, before taking the next step, suddenly, the cloud disk operation interface brightly lit up, revealing a brand new page.

Chu Yun was momentarily surprised and instinctively looked at it. It turned out to be an email from the official team. On top, it read, "Dear user 07945, thank you for your support to our company's products over these days. I would like to express our sincere gratitude on behalf of the entire company and deliver some good news to you—the membership feature is now online!"

"What? So it was just a reminder about the membership option!"

With just a quick glance, Chu Yun quickly scanned through the short official email, raising an eyebrow, but feeling somewhat unhappy.

Even a fool knows what membership implies. Although he has been quite happy using the Cybertron Cloud Disk these days, it doesn't mean he's willing to become a member.

However, despite his dissatisfaction, fueled by curiosity, he still clicked on the member recharge feature that was already highlighted on the cloud disk operation interface.

Soon, his eyes widened in surprise, "What?"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 304 Accelerated Development 2


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