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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


With the launch of the membership function, it was announced that Cybertron Technology has officially introduced the mobile hard disk as a powerful weapon, and the related topics and attention surrounding Cybertron Cloud Drive immediately witnessed a remarkable surge.

"What a stupid company, trying to charge for a newly launched cloud storage with just a few users. Go eat sh*t! Uninstall..."

"Charging for a cloud storage? I'd rather spend money on buying a portable hard disk!"

"Well, even though it's a paid software. The monthly membership renewal is only 3 yuan, which is not really expensive as long as they don't throttle the speed and keep it within acceptable limits."

"Spend 199 yuan to upgrade to a lifetime membership and get a 1TB portable hard disk as a gift? Is it true?"

Some people only noticed the launch of the membership feature for Cybertron Cloud Drive and hastily clicked on it, cursing because it was a paid software.

Others patiently read through the options of "Permanent Membership Upgrade" and "Permanent Disk Expansion," and couldn't help but be astonished. They even doubted if the official had made a mistake. Despite the skepticism, the discussions and attention surrounding Cybertron Cloud Drive increased, and the download speed of the cloud storage experienced an astonishing surge once again.

On the morning of June 1, 2016, Sun Cheng woke up early, freshened up, and drove to the company to meet Wang Lu. The two of them then embarked on Sun Cheng's domestically produced large SUV and headed towards Jinling Hotel, a five-star hotel located in the Wuxuan District.

For the time being, Cybertron Technology Company did not have its own official vehicles. This was not due to financial constraints, as Sun Cheng, with the backing of the "Transformers Universe," could be considered to possess a tremendous wealth. However, most of the wealth he possessed was not easily convertible to cash, and it did not align with the identity of a fledgling company like Cybertron Technology. Consequently, he saw no urgency in procuring official vehicles for the company.

Although the distance from the company to the Wuxuan District was not too far, they encountered heavy traffic along the way. Fortunately, Sun Cheng and Wang Lu had foreseen the possibility of traffic congestion and had left early. Consequently, despite some delay on the road, they managed to arrive at Jinling Hotel around the scheduled time.

Wang Lu got out of the car and entered the hotel while Sun Cheng parked the vehicle in the underground parking lot. As he walked into the hotel lobby after securing the car, he quickly spotted Wang Lu conversing and laughing with several middle-aged men in suits.

Perhaps due to his distraction while staring at the hotel entrance, as soon as he caught sight of Sun Cheng's figure, Wang Lu's eyes lit up, and he raised his hand to summon him, saying, "Mr. Sun, over here..."

Sun Cheng nodded and walked briskly toward them, sporting a smile on his face.

"Mr. Sun, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Chen Li, the CEO of Panda Security Protection Company!"

"Mr. Chen, the young hero in front of you is Mr. Sun Cheng, the founder and president of our Cybertron Technology."

"Mr. Chen, we encountered some traffic on the way here, so we apologize for the slight delay!"

"Mr. Sun, you are remarkably young, which is quite impressive!"

After both parties shook hands and exchanged pleasantries, Chen Li smiled and suggested, "This isn't an ideal place for a conversation. If you don't mind, I have already booked a conference room upstairs. Shall we go up and discuss the details?"

Sun Cheng had no choice but to join the others in the elevator, and soon they reached the sixth floor and entered a spacious and lavishly decorated conference room.

"Mr. Sun, I'm delighted to meet a young entrepreneur like you, who is creative and highly skilled. I have also come across your company's product, the Cybertron Cloud Disk, which was truly remarkable even during the golden age of domestic cloud storage a few years ago!"

Sun Cheng's eyelids twitched, as he understood the implications of Chen Li's words. It was great a few years ago, but it might not be as impressive now.

Chen Li was much more straightforward than he had imagined. As soon as everyone settled in the conference room, he dove straight into the topic: "A few days ago, I managed to obtain the contact information of General Manager Wang Lu from your company. Our visit here today is driven by a sincere intention to cooperate. I won't beat around the bush—we, at Panda Security and Defense Company, are very interested in your company's technical team, particularly the team that developed the 'Pure Edition XP' operating system. We are willing to offer a price that will undoubtedly satisfy your company in order to incorporate this team. And, of course, it would be even better if Mr. Sun would consider joining us!"

Indeed, it was all about the "Pure Edition XP" system.

Wang Lu and Sun Cheng exchanged a discreet glance, and they both understood each other's thoughts.

"Mr. Chen, I'm afraid I have to disappoint you. The 'Pure Edition XP' system was merely an experimental project that I and a few friends worked on before venturing into business. There is no actual technical team behind it!"

They had already discussed this beforehand. Wang Lu had already received a positive response from Sun Cheng. Although Wang Lu himself was more inclined to collaborate with Panda, he had no choice since Sun Cheng was the boss.

"Before you rush to reject our offer, I understand that you may have concerns, Mr. Sun. Microsoft has indeed taken notice of the 'Pure Edition XP.' I've heard that their China branch has already initiated an investigation into possible infringement issues. However, Mr. Sun, you haven't used it for commercial purposes, and you merely made personal modifications and shared it on the internet. So the issue isn't that severe!"

Chen Li smiled, looking directly at Sun Cheng. His tone was sincere but firm, and Sun Cheng furrowed his brow slightly, as he understood the underlying meaning behind Chen Li's words.

After a moment of contemplation, Sun Cheng finally responded, "Just as our Manager Wang mentioned, the 'Pure Edition XP' was merely a practice project I and a few friends worked on before starting our business. We didn't utilize it for commercial purposes, and it was clear from the beginning that the copyright belongs to Microsoft. So, Mr. Chen, whether Microsoft sends us a lawyer's letter directly or entrusts your company to convey their stance, we will humbly accept it. As for recruiting any technical teams, there's no need to discuss that further!"

In other words, if you have a move, go ahead and make it. At worst, I'll admit my mistake and pay the price.

This attitude immediately made Chen Li, who had thought victory was within his grasp, falter, freezing the smile on his face.

He looked at the young man in front of him with some surprise, but he had to admit that he might have misjudged him.

He had tried to intimidate Cybertron Technology by threatening a possible commercial lawsuit from Microsoft for infringement. Yet, he didn't expect Sun Cheng to dismiss the involvement of an internet giant like Microsoft so casually. It seemed that Sun Cheng wasn't completely ignorant of transnational business litigation.

If coercion didn't work, then he would have to resort to temptation.

With a change of thought, Chen Li's smile grew even more pronounced. He glanced at the secretary beside him, and the rarely seen young male secretary in his thirties understood and took out a document from his briefcase, placing it in front of Sun Cheng and his team.

"Mr. Sun, we truly come with sincerity. With a $20 million investment, Panda Security Protection Company is willing to acquire a 60% stake in your Cybertron Technology! Why don't you take a look at our cooperation plan first?"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 305 Accelerated Development 3


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