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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Something happened in Central Asia after all!

Sun Cheng didn't forget that a month ago, when he returned to reality from the world of "Transformers," the first news he saw on the internet was about a military coup in Astana and the Chief of Staff of the Kazakh Army announcing the removal of the pro-Chinese president.

Initially, Sun Cheng didn't pay much attention to this news. Like Yang Fei and the others, he treated it as just another topic of conversation and quickly forgot about it.

But a few days ago, when Ada Wong appeared again with Ye Qi, Sun Cheng started to think and speculate about the reason for her sudden appearance. It was during this process that he remembered the incident and realized that something was amiss.

Indeed, something was off!

Sun Cheng realized that he had no memories of Cheng Shitao, the governor of the Western Regions, in his mind.

Although he was a student at a technical university, it didn't mean he was ignorant of history.

In fact, if it weren't for his intense infatuation with Ye Qi and his desire to achieve something in the future to win her over, Sun Cheng might have chosen a history major in college and become a teacher educating young minds.

Sun Cheng had a decent grasp of history. While he couldn't claim to remember all the details of modern history that interested him, he had a general outline.

In 1911, President Yuchen of the Republic of China returned from the United States, responding to Mr. Sun Yat-sen's call for an uprising. As he passed Jiangzhen but before reaching Nandu, he encountered the 33rd Battalion of the 9th Division, which had failed in the uprising. In the face of imminent danger, Yuchen took command of the demoralized troops. He then led them through battles in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and eventually across the entire country. Under his leadership, they defeated the Qing Dynasty, Yuan Shikai, and even Japan, an East Asian superpower. This great achievement expelled the Manchus and revitalized China.

If Sun Cheng recalled correctly, the modern history books he studied in the past mentioned China's military campaigns in Central Asia during World War II. After four major battles, China finally defeated the Soviet forces in the Central Asian Military District in September 1942, reclaiming the lost territories in the northern border that were occupied during the era of Tsarist Russia.

Since then, Almaty became the headquarters of China's Northwest Military District. A senior army general stationed there permanently, and the 9th Army stationed on the outskirts of Almaty was reputed as the strongest army in Asia. They confronted the Soviet Union for over half a century without ever retreating.

This was once a source of great pride in modern Chinese history, and Sun Cheng couldn't possibly have remembered it incorrectly.

However, no matter how much he racked his brain, he couldn't find any trace of the name "Cheng Shitao" in his memories.

Yet the data Xiao Wu found on the internet all indicated that this person was not ordinary.

So, the question arose: Who is Cheng Shitao?

Perhaps Sun Cheng's extreme expression startled them, as Yang Fei and the others looked at him in surprise.

"Cough, cough..." Sun Cheng quickly coughed twice to disguise the unease growing in his heart. He already had an answer, but unfortunately, it was not the answer he wanted to see.

"Almaty is in conflict? That's really big news..."

He pretended to say something to divert attention, as Sun Cheng didn't want to dwell too much on this topic. He looked directly at Wang Lu and said, "Manager Wang, the factory will deliver the first batch of completed hard drives tomorrow evening. There will be over 70,000 hard drives of different specifications in two trucks. Please talk to the property management about securing a warehouse for us!"

"The goods have arrived so quickly..."

Wang Lu's face lit up upon hearing this.

With the company's publicity picking up pace, especially after Sun Cheng changed his mind, the promotion regarding the integration of the Cybertron cloud disk with the hard drives was becoming urgent.

Wang Lu has been stuck on the promotion side, not doubting the company's technology. In fact, after Sun Cheng repeatedly brought hard disk products of different specifications and capacities, he has become convinced that his young boss has indeed mastered a revolutionary new technology for storage devices.

It's just that he's not worried because he has food in hand. The delay in seeing mass-produced products from the factory's assembly line prevents him from accurately assessing the company's production capacity and strength. For now, he can only hold back on the promotion side, fearing that problems might arise.

"The current production speed at the factory is about one hundred thousand units per month. However, I have already given instructions to gradually increase the production speed. In another half a month, we should be able to reach a monthly output of around three to four hundred thousand units..."

This casually mentioned data isn't made up by Sun Cheng. It's data he obtained after conducting on-site inspections of some semiconductor equipment manufacturers' factories along the southeast coast of China. It's roughly equivalent to the production capacity of a medium-sized contract manufacturing factory, which aligns with the data that a startup company can achieve.

The hard drives produced by Cybertron Technology are not manufactured by any contract manufacturing factory. They all come from the number one base in Tiger King Ridge and are manufactured using the two 3D printers that Sun Cheng brought back from another world.

These two devices, designed and manufactured by Decepticon engineers, can be described as artifacts without exaggeration. They extensively apply Cybertronian technology and craftsmanship that surpass Earth's by at least a century. They can work continuously for long periods with extremely high efficiency. If the raw materials are sufficient, Sun Cheng doesn't even doubt that the number of hard drives they can produce in a day exceeds the aforementioned figure.

Although it may seem like a waste to use two universal devices capable of manufacturing precision instruments and combat robots to produce hard drives, at least for now, it saves him a lot of effort.

After a brief explanation, Sun Cheng walked away and returned to his office.

He casually closed the door and approached his desk. With a serious expression on his face, he quickly reached his desk and turned on the laptop computer placed on it. The computer booted up quickly, and Sun Cheng swiftly opened the browser. He initially entered the four characters "Almaty" into the search bar, but just as he was about to press the Enter key, he hesitated for a moment and deleted it, replacing it with the name "Cheng Shitao."

After a slight delay, a long list of news articles appeared on the browser. Upon closer inspection, the most frequently appearing phrases were "Almaty Conflict," "Nuclear Weapons General," and "Four Viceroys!"

He clicked on a page in an encyclopedia about Cheng Shitao, and it contained numerous detailed descriptions about him.

"The most well-known general in China... As the governor of the Western Regions, he is known as one of the 'Four Viceroys' along with Governor Xiao Ri of Northern Xinjiang, Governor Xian Hui of Eastern Liaodong, and Governor Dai Hongkui of Southern Xinjiang... They hold up half of China's sky today... It's ridiculous, truly ridiculous... A governor who was banned during the early years of the Republic of China now reappears openly, but no one besides me has noticed the anomaly... [Command and Conquer: Generals]..."

He muttered softly, but Sun Cheng's alertness grew even stronger in his eyes.

He had a foreboding feeling that the conflict in Almaty might only be the beginning. With the integration of the world called [Command and Conquer: Generals] two or three months ago, the real world might not remain peaceful for more than a few days!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 303 Accelerated Development (1)


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