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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Remember to erase the traces for me, otherwise..."

Sun Cheng repeated this sentence in his mind, furrowing his brows. His eyes were fixed on the computer screen in front of him, where a video was playing on a loop. There was a hint of weariness on his face.

He had a restless night last night.

The reason was the video saved on the laptop computer in front of him.

With one hand on his forehead, the other unconsciously tapping on his desk, Sun Cheng's thoughts were completely captivated by the footage captured from the traffic surveillance system by Revenge last night.

The video was short, only one minute and fifty-three seconds long, but its content was explosive.

Instinctively controlling the mouse, he replayed the video. His brows furrowed even tighter as he stared at the screen.

The dimly lit environment indicated that it was late at night. The location appeared to be a secluded street near the outskirts of Ningjiang District.

At the beginning of the video, a young woman dressed in professional attire, with a slender figure, walked to the intersection of the street. Although the surveillance camera couldn't capture her face clearly in the dark night, Sun Cheng knew that this woman was Ada Wong, the suspicious female spy targeted by Revenge City's surveillance system.

As Ada Wong reached the intersection shown in the video, she stopped and took out a cellphone from her handbag. She appeared to make a call, but after a few brief instructions, she hung up within a matter of seconds.

After putting away her phone, she glanced around cautiously. Soon after, an unexpected event occurred when she noticed the surveillance camera directly facing her. She smiled briefly at the camera and then suddenly walked a few steps into the street. She swiftly leaped against a nearby wall and climbed out of the camera's range in a matter of seconds.

But the video didn't end there!

After a silent period of about twenty to thirty seconds on the deserted street, a hurried figure appeared within the camera's view. The person seemed to be a physically strong adult male. Though the video showed him wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses that made it difficult to discern his appearance, Sun Cheng speculated from his robust physique that he couldn't be older than forty.

The man arrived at the street but didn't immediately enter.

Instead, he cautiously looked around and remained on guard for a moment before proceeding into the street.

Sun Cheng noticed that one of his hands instinctively reached toward his chest. He suspected that the man might be carrying a weapon, possibly even a firearm. "Who is this man, and why is he following Ada Wong?"

Each time he watched this part, Sun Cheng couldn't help but feel troubled. However, his concern wasn't for Ada Wong.

Although he had a passionate night with her at the Lalves Hotel in San Jose, apart from peculiar creatures like the trembling m, no one enjoys being coerced into such encounters, even if the other person is stunningly beautiful.

Moreover, Ada Wong was more than capable of handling herself.

With just a few simple moves, she casually dealt with the revenge and Safeguard's forces. Sun Cheng even doubted if Major Dutch, who killed a ghost hunter on Nublar Island, could have taken her down.

His concern was that this mysterious woman suddenly disappeared and reappeared, and she appeared around Ye Qi.

This was definitely not a good sign. Sun Cheng worried not only that she had ulterior motives towards Ye Qi or himself, but also that Ada Wong's appearance would drag Ye Qi into danger.

However, the video had only passed one minute and seventeen seconds, with nearly forty seconds remaining.

An unidentified man, suspected of carrying a firearm, quietly followed behind Ada Wong and entered the alley.

Despite showing exceptional vigilance, he failed to anticipate what was coming. Each time Sun Cheng watched this part, his palms unconsciously clenched tightly.

In the subsequent footage captured by the surveillance camera, as the man approached the camera's limit, suddenly, a mysterious dark figure descended from the sky.

The man seemed to sense something, but his reaction was slower than the black figure. As she descended from above, her right foot struck forcefully between the back of his head and his neck.

The next moment, the man's body went limp and collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

After the black figure landed, the camera captured her image once again. Wasn't it Ada Wong, who had disappeared from the camera's surveillance earlier?

After effortlessly dealing with the man who had been stalking her, Ada Wong didn't immediately leave or take care of any loose ends.

She seemed highly confident in the powerful kick she had delivered to her pursuer. Without checking her surroundings, she walked directly toward the intersection of the street. Only when she had fully emerged and was clearly visible to the surveillance camera did Sun Cheng notice her. She casually brushed aside a stray lock of hair from her temple, then glanced up in the direction of the camera. Her sensual lips moved slightly, as if she had spoken.

Afterwards, she flashed a seductive smile and swiftly returned to the street, dragging along the unconscious man she had struck. They disappeared completely.

What did she say...

The video footage obtained by Revenge was from the street surveillance system installed by the Ningjiang District Government. The resolution wasn't great, but even with low-quality footage, there were still some options.

After spending several hours processing the digital images, upsampling, interpolating, and deblurring frame by frame, Sun Cheng finally achieved the desired result.

However, the outcome sent shivers down his spine.

Ada Wong's final words to the camera, through lip-reading, were unmistakably "...remember to erase the evidence, otherwise..."

In other words, she might have already figured out that she was being watched. Sun Cheng even suspected that she knew he was the one monitoring her!

This was not a good sign. Given his somewhat suspicious nature, he couldn't rest easy after making this discovery.

In a daze, he arrived at the office only to realize that he had brought the laptop containing the video with him, and he hadn't even reminded Ye Qi to stay safe before leaving.

His fingertips tapped lightly on the desk, one after another.

Sun Cheng felt an unusually heavy burden weighing on his heart.

He couldn't help but rub his temples, frowning as he watched the end of the video. Ada Wong smiled alluringly at the camera before turning away. For some reason, he suddenly had a feeling that his peaceful life in the real world was about to slip away from him.

Just like the words of an ancient poem, "When the mountain rain comes, the wind fills the building!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 289: Lu Nan's Plan


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