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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


No matter how dissatisfied he was, William Chen couldn't show too many emotions.

He was already thirty-four this year. Although he was in his prime, he had been in the industry for nearly ten years.

His training at the CIA, as well as his experiences in dozens of past missions, made William Chen realize that he might be in big trouble.

"I'm afraid I've been exposed!"

He lost a subordinate at the Manila Tavern and lost another one after arriving in Shencheng.

William Chen didn't believe that such a coincidence really existed in the world, so he did realize that he might have been exposed, and reported it to his superiors.

However, he didn't know what the higher-ups were thinking, but they only temporarily assigned two newly recruited intelligence personnel from China to assist him.

Looking at their poor performance, William Chen even wondered if someone above was very dissatisfied with him, so they deliberately sent these two individuals who clearly hadn't received much professional training, in order to make his mission fail.

Shaking his head, he shook off all the negative emotions and quietly instructed the two newcomers beside him, "I don't know why the China branch sent you here to help me, but pay attention. Our target this time is not simple!"

Indeed, it was not simple. Although he had been tracking Ada Wong for less than a week since receiving the mission, in the past week they had lost the target several times, and even two of his subordinates were currently detained by the Philippines and China respectively.

To the point where he began to suspect that his surveillance operation had been compromised.

"Okay, Mr. William. We understand..."

Tian Li and Wang Danian exchanged glances and both saw the skepticism on each other's faces.

But ultimately, they still respected his authority, and agreed, each picking up a pair of night vision devices and focusing on the hotel not far away.

William Chen, who was accustomed to observing people's words and expressions, noticed this small gesture. He snorted coldly in his heart but didn't say much.

The CIA spends billions of dollars each year to maintain a vast intelligence network overseas, which includes officials and dissidents from various countries, as well as businessmen and intellectuals. Of course, there are also many seemingly insignificant minor players.

Like Tian Li and Wang Danian, one is a police officer in a district of Nandu, and the other works in a traffic control center. They may seem inconspicuous, but they can accomplish a lot during critical moments, and they both have some combat skills.

William Chen had reviewed their profiles. One was motivated by money and the other by power. The CIA China branch used some means to recruit them into his own intelligence network in Nandu, and in the past, they had helped the CIA with many things.

However, this time, it was clear that the higher-ups had made a mistake.

Shaking his head, he couldn't help but tighten his grip on the night vision device.

Located on the banks of the Yangtze River, it was late May in Nandu, and mosquitoes had become annoying pests.

They managed to infiltrate the car through the gaps in the windows and continuously left marks on William Chen and his team.

After more than an hour, Tian Li, who had several itchy bites on his body, began to complain again, and even William Chen became increasingly agitated as he was bitten on the tip of his finger, worsening his mood.

"Well...Mr. William, how long do we have to keep watch here..."

Holding a withered pack of cigarettes, Wang Danian glanced at the quiet hotel entrance not far away and asked.

"I don't know..." William Chen shook his head. "Tomorrow, I will request someone else to replace you, but tonight, don't expect to get any sleep..."

After all, they weren't professional intelligence operatives. Upon hearing this, Wang Danian and Tian Li looked a bit uneasy.

Making eye contact, Tian Li licked his lips. "Mr. William, since we'll be keeping watch all night, why don't I go out and buy some water and food, and also get a bottle of mosquito repellent? Otherwise, it'll be really difficult to get through the night..."

"It's just..."

Seeing the two of them wearing troubled expressions, William Chen thought for a moment before nodding in agreement.

"Alright, don't take too long. Go quickly and come back quickly!"

"Very well..."

"Also, bring me a pack of cigarettes back..."


Upon seeing his nod, Tian Li was about to open the door and get out of the car, brimming with joy.

Suddenly, William Chen's face changed as he stared in the direction of the hotel entrance, quickly calling out to him, "Wait, something's happening..."

He swiftly stood up, grabbing Tian Li, who was about to open the car door, and pointed towards the hotel, saying, "The target has appeared. Stay quiet..."

The car window was promptly rolled up as he attentively watched the hotel entrance. Through his night vision equipment, he could clearly see Ada Wong, whom he had been tracking for nearly a week, carrying a woman's handbag and walking with a seductive stride. She quickly left the hotel and arrived on the roadside, seemingly preparing to hail a cab and leave.

A taxi promptly pulled over, and upon seeing Ada Wong approach as if ready to get in and leave, William Chen finally revealed a faint smile.

Since he started tracking her after arriving in Nandu in the afternoon, William Chen noticed that Ada Wong frequently used her phone. While this didn't prove anything, it hinted at the possibility that she was contacting someone and preparing to meet them.

This was good news. With the CIA's extensive intelligence network, they were not afraid of the enemy's deep concealment. As long as she made a small slip-up, the CIA would be able to follow the breadcrumbs and trace Ada Wong, her secrets, and any organization she might be connected to.

"Stay put..."

As the taxi started moving, William Chen immediately ignited the engine, driving at a distance of tens of meters behind and tailing the taxi closely.

The car maneuvered through the city for a while before heading towards a secluded area in the suburbs.

After approximately twenty minutes of driving, the taxi eventually stopped at the entrance of a very secluded street in the outskirts.

After exiting the vehicle, Ada Wong looked around warily. Then, she pulled out her phone from her pocket and made a call.

William Chen cautiously parked the car in an inconspicuous spot by the side of the road. After Ada Wong finished her call and walked deeper into the street, he felt his heart skip a beat.

"...This isn't good. She might have arranged to meet someone here!"

Swiftly opening the car door, he glanced at Tian Li and Wang Danian, instructing them, "You two stay outside and keep watch. I'll follow and take a look... Remember, if I don't come out or contact you within half an hour, leave immediately and inform the higher-ups..."

After giving his instructions, without waiting for Tian Li or Wang Danian to respond, he reached into his chest and rested his fingertips on the concealed weapon. He got out of the car and immediately pursued the street where Ada Wong had disappeared.

Just a few steps into the street, he instinctively stopped when his nose caught a faint sweet fragrance.

His alertness heightened as he stood still. Suddenly, he heard a light thud of a heavy object hitting the ground, followed by a fragrant gust of wind striking his neck firmly.

In the instant he lost consciousness, he glimpsed a beautifully contoured leg gracefully retracting, while a sweet voice faintly remarked, "Impressive reflexes... Truly befitting of a CIA dog... A high-ranking agent like you, this will ignite quite the fire..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 288: The Storm Is Coming


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