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Is something wrong?!

For a moment, the muscles on his face tightened subtly, and it was only when Sun Cheng saw Ye Qi next to him, still excitedly playing with the mechanical pet, that he relaxed slightly.

He approached Ye Qi, pointing to an inconspicuous spot on the neck of the mechanical pet, and reminded her, "Sis, there's a QR code here. Scan it with your phone, and it will take you to our company's website. There you'll find detailed instructions on various functions, as well as a mobile app that can control it... You can play with it for a while. I need to go to the restroom..."


Ye Qi's attention was clearly focused on the adorable mechanical pet in front of her. She didn't even spare him a glance.

Sun Cheng felt a little disappointed, but it also worked in his favor. He got up and gently tapped the inner pocket where Xiao Wu was still placed.

Instantly, the vibrating Xiao Wu came to a stop.

With slow, leisurely steps, Sun Cheng quickly entered the restroom.

He casually closed the door and entered the inner compartment where the toilet was placed. Then he took out Xiao Wu and asked, "What's the situation?"

Xiao Wu struggled and wobbled in his hand, prompting Sun Cheng to involuntarily release his grip.

As it fell, before it even touched the ground, it transformed back into its Decepticon form. With a sudden bounce, it landed on the edge of the toilet in front of Sun Cheng, and a cold, gentle female voice rang out.

"Master, you asked me to keep you informed about the Revenge's investigation. I have some news..."


Sun Cheng raised an eyebrow. No wonder Xiao Wu had suddenly alerted him with consecutive vibrations—it was about this matter.

When he went to the airport this afternoon to pick up Ye Qi, he unexpectedly ran into an 'old friend' he hadn't seen in a long time—Ada Wong.

This woman, enveloped in so much mystery, had left a deep impression on him.

Especially before, when he had asked Revenge to investigate her information on the internet, all they could find were some data and photos that Ada Wong herself had likely posted on certain social networking sites. Revenge couldn't find anything useful.

All these circumstances made the suspicious Sun Cheng extremely cautious of this seductive beauty, whom he had once spent a passionate night with in San Jose, the moment they met again.

Therefore, during the afternoon, while he was out shopping with Ye Qi and Chen Lan, he found an opportunity to go to a secluded place and instructed Xiao Wu to establish remote communication with Revenge. He had it hack into Nandu's traffic management system, attempting to track Ada Wong's movements.

For this reason, Sun Cheng had taken careful note of the exact intersection and time when he and Ye Qi had separated!

It seemed that Revenge hadn't disappointed him. However, for more detailed information, he would have to wait until he returned to his bedroom and interrogate Revenge more thoroughly.

With that in mind, he subconsciously looked toward the ventilation opening on the wall of the compartment. Through the small windowpane, he could vaguely see the pitch-black sky outside.

It was late at night!



A slap landed on his arm, and Tian Li quickly looked down. The unbearable itching sensation on his arm, where the mosquito had bitten, had already disappeared.

"Damn it, it's impossible to stay outside at night in Nandu, there are mosquitoes everywhere!"

Tian Li muttered under his breath and scratched the itchy spot on his arm incessantly.

The commotion he caused was so loud that his two companions couldn't bear it any longer.

"Lower your voice..."

William Chen, displeased, put down the night vision goggles in his hand and turned to look at him, his expression unpleasant.

"Tian Li, be quiet!"

The middle-aged man squatting next to Tian Li noticed William Chen's unpleasant expression and quickly scolded Tian Li in a low voice. Then, he looked at William Chen with a bit of flattery and said, "Sir, your arrival was sudden today, and the higher-ups didn't clearly explain what mission we should be cooperating with you on."

"Don't call me sir, and don't make such a basic mistake again..." William Chen's expression changed, and he cast an even more unpleasant glance at the middle-aged man, causing his eyebrows to furrow.

"Damn it, what are the higher-ups thinking!"

Cursing silently in his mind, William Chen's mood had completely soured.

As one of the many Chinese agents under the US intelligence agency CIA, he had immigrated to the United States from his grandfather's generation and had experienced his fair share of discrimination due to his Chinese heritage. Even after being recruited by the CIA, it took him many years of hard work to attain the rank of senior operative and the qualification to lead mission executions.

In recent years, as tensions escalated between the two traditional powerhouses in the Asia-Pacific region, China and Japan, the United States, which had long considered itself the world's leader since World War II, found itself devoting more and more attention to the Asia-Pacific region while continuing to confront the red Soviet Union in Europe and the Middle East.

Agents like William Chen, who possessed the distinct facial features of East Asians, had finally begun to receive higher recognition.

Just recently, he had made a trip to Japan where he met with a senior spy operating under American jurisdiction in Japan and brought back valuable intelligence. As a result, he had received commendation from the upper echelons of the agency, and William Chen had been in a good mood ever since.

However, this good mood had come to an end a few days ago when he was suddenly assigned a task to investigate a Chinese woman who had previously used the alias 'Ada Wong'. Ever since then, his days had turned sour. According to the intelligence provided, William Chen and his two subordinates had been assigned to monitor a target in the Philippines—a tall and alluring young woman.

Their instructions were clear: to track her and gather as much information as possible about Ada Wong's true identity and background. With great caution, William Chen and his two well-coordinated subordinates followed her, attempting to uncover her secrets.

However, during an altercation with a troublemaking local resident at a bar in Manila, one of his subordinates ended up with a head injury and had to remain in Manila for medical treatment.

Later, they discovered that Ada Wong had purchased a ticket to China. In a desperate situation, William Chen had no choice but to report the circumstances to headquarters. Together with his remaining subordinate, he purchased tickets and flew to Shanghai to tail her.

But to his astonishment, immediately upon leaving the airport, an unexpected car accident landed his other subordinate in the hospital.

Left with no other option, William Chen had to urgently request assistance from headquarters. The two individuals accompanying him—named 'Tian Li' and 'Wang Danian'—were CIA intelligence personnel newly assigned from the local area to aid his mission.

Clearly, this was far from a wise choice!


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