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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Bang bang!"

Lost in thought, Sun Cheng was suddenly interrupted by a knocking sound from outside the door.

The sound brought Sun Cheng back to reality, and he quickly closed the video playing on his laptop. He took a sip from his glass of water to moisten his throat and responded, "Come in..."

The current office space of Cybertron Technology Company was previously occupied by a web game company. The decorations were well-maintained, requiring minimal adjustments for Sun Cheng to start using it. The office was spacious enough, so Sun Cheng decided to rent it.

The previous web game company had a youthful decor style, and the management offices were not soundproofed. Despite Sun Cheng's voice not being particularly loud, the person waiting outside the door could clearly hear him, prompting them to push the door open and enter.

"Sun ge..."

Hearing a familiar voice, Sun Cheng looked up and saw Lu Nan standing at the entrance of his office.

Unlike the casual attire he wore yesterday, Lu Nan seemed to have made special preparations for his visit to Cybertron Technology Company today.

He had changed out of his casual shirt and was now wearing a suit. Although it appeared to be an inexpensive set that could be bought for a couple hundred yuan at a small shop, Sun Cheng couldn't help but admit that even in the lowest-tier suit, Lu Nan exuded a maturity that overshadowed his youthfulness.

"Lu Nan, you're here?"

Upon seeing Lu Nan, Sun Cheng greeted him with a smile and stood up.

Sun Cheng acknowledged that he would never have achieved as much as Lu Nan had if it weren't for the experiences he went through.

Lu Nan stood out among the highly intelligent individuals at Nangong University, the top science and technology institution in the country. Although his attempt at starting a business failed, Sun Cheng knew very well that it was Lu Nan's influence that motivated him to pursue entrepreneurship.

This young man of the same age showed exceptional creativity and divergent thinking. Lu Nan possessed unique insights in the field of AI. If he received the necessary support and continued to delve into it, he could potentially contribute significantly to Sun Cheng's ambitious plans.

As these thoughts crossed his mind, Sun Cheng's smile widened. He extended his hand, inviting Lu Nan to take a seat, and prepared to make him a cup of tea.

Lu Nan, however, seemed uninterested in tea. After entering Sun Cheng's office and closing the door behind him, he stopped Sun Cheng, who was about to pour the tea, saying, "Sun ge, there's no need for tea. Yesterday afternoon, you were busy, and I had some bold ideas about the company's products that I didn't get a chance to discuss. I took the time to organize my thoughts and brought them here today for your review."

With that, he handed over the document bag he had brought with him to Sun Cheng.


Sun Cheng, momentarily distracted by the tea, looked at Lu Nan, who was filled with anticipation. After a moment of contemplation, he realized what Lu Nan meant.

"I almost forgot that yesterday, due to picking up Ye Qi, I didn't have a chance to discuss Lu Nan's position and compensation..."

Sun Cheng chuckled, realizing that his fellow classmate would never be willing to start at the bottom like Yang Lin and the others who had joined earlier.

But Sun Cheng also understood that Lu Nan was different. He had never considered placing Lu Nan at the lowest level; it would be a waste of his talent.

Sun Cheng found himself genuinely intrigued by Lu Nan's "ideas."

Nodding, he accepted the document bag that Lu Nan handed over and assessed its weight. He couldn't help but feel a bit moved.

Given its thickness and weight, Lu Nan's "ideas" were far more substantial than expected.

Sun Cheng immediately said to him seriously, "Sit for a moment while I take a look at the things first. If you're thirsty, there's green tea, black tea, and instant coffee in the cupboard. Help yourself..."

"Okay, Brother Sun, you take a look first!"


After acknowledging, Sun Cheng took the files and returned to his own desk. After taking out the documents from the file bag, he skimmed through them briefly. There must be nearly twenty pages in total.

When he looked at the first page, a large headline caught his attention — [Feasibility Plan for the New Cloud Storage Device]. It was not just a simple idea; it was a detailed plan.

Realizing this, Sun Cheng completely disregarded the remaining skepticism in his mind and started reading it carefully.

He spent a full hour reading through the plan. By the time he reached the last page, Sun Cheng's eyebrows were deeply furrowed.

It wasn't because Lu Nan's plan was poorly written; on the contrary, his ideas were not only very interesting but also highly feasible.

It was evident that Lu Nan had put a lot of effort into researching Sun Cheng and the products and operational strategies of Cybertron Technologies.

Cybertron Technologies currently had only one product on the market, which was the Cybertron Cloud Drive.

Although the pure version of the XP system had more influence at the moment, anyone with a little bit of sense knew that it was a double-edged sword, something to avoid using if possible.

Microsoft's claim of being the "Internet Emperor" was not unfounded. Over the past twenty years, it had swung the weapon called "copyright" and struck down countless opponents. It wasn't something ordinary people could provoke, even if Sun Cheng's involvement was with the XP system they had long abandoned.

The cloud drive was Cybertron's flagship product. However, despite having a few good cards in hand, Lu Nan was well aware that, by 2016 AD, cloud drives/network drives had become outdated concepts. They were not only unattractive to investors but also difficult to sell to consumers.

Sun Cheng had also realized this.

He had gone so far as to expose the relationship between Cybertron Technologies and the "pure version of XP" system and conducted a round of advertisements.

Furthermore, Wang Lu had taken two million in advertising funds from him and traveled everywhere to promote it. But, up until today, their registered user count had just surpassed one million, and the number of users who had used the service for more than three hours and uploaded files to the terminal was only a little over one hundred thousand. If it weren't for the fact that the Cybertron Cloud Drive had yet to offer a recharge option, Sun Cheng genuinely doubted that they might face the embarrassing scene of "zero recharges."

It was evident that the golden era of cloud storage had passed.

During the previous discussion to persuade Lu Nan to join his company, Sun Cheng had openly admitted that while his company would launch a cloud drive, they were not solely a cloud storage company because they also had their own hardware products — mobile hard drives with larger memory capacity and more affordable prices.

Clearly, Lu Nan had devoted considerable thought to how to perfectly integrate the cloud drive and mobile hard drive — two products with completely different positioning, one software-based and the other hardware-based.

He had proposed a very audacious new product in the plan — designing a mobile hard drive with a massive memory capacity of no less than 10TB while also equipping it with the ability to automatically connect to Cybertron Technologies' cloud service like a mobile device.

Lu Nan seemed to have been influenced by Amazon's intelligent voice-activated speaker, Echo. He also suggested developing voice-controlled software for it, delving into the concept of intelligent voice control.

Sun Cheng had to admit that Lu Nan's ideas, when taken separately, were not particularly remarkable. While a 10TB mobile hard drive would be expensive, they were already available on the market. Although mobile storage devices with direct internet connectivity were rare, they did exist. And with the popularity of Apple's Siri and Amazon's Echo, voice-controlled devices had quickly gained popularity worldwide.

Especially when it came to voice control, it was not an exaggeration to say that there were hundreds of companies in China alone developing voice-controlled products. It had almost become a common sight.

However, just by combining these three concepts with no outstanding features, Sun Cheng couldn't help but light up his eyes just by thinking about it for a moment.

The fashion sense is spot on, and it's highly likely that it could become a phenomenally hot-selling product just like Echo.

Of course, in Sun Cheng's opinion, Lu Nan's idea still seemed quite rough, and there were many specific problems that needed to be solved.

But for him, who held a portion of Cybertron's black technology in his hands, these were not major issues.

Lu Nan's plan seemed to open a window for him, and all sorts of imaginative ideas sprang forth from Sun Cheng's mind.

However, the reason for his frown was that if they were to proceed in this manner, the promotional plan he had previously designed with Wang Lu, as well as the subsequent product marketing strategy, would need to be overturned and started anew.

Considering the time required, completing all of this within a month would indeed be quite challenging.

After pondering for a while, he quickly formulated a plan in his mind.

He looked up, about to exchange thoughts and opinions with Lu Nan, who had been anxiously waiting in his office for quite some time, concerned that he might not approve of the plan.

Just then, the telephone on Sun Cheng's desk rang.

He pressed the hands-free button and asked, "It's me. What's the situation?"

The next moment, Wang Lu's voice came through the phone, filled with excitement.

"Mr. Sun, you would never guess who contacted me just now! Just a moment ago, Panda Communications Group somehow got hold of my private phone number. They just reached out to me, saying that Chen Li, the CEO of Panda Security Protection Company, has already booked a flight to Nandu. He wishes to meet you and have a detailed discussion about cooperation!"

"Panda Communications Group?!"

Sun Cheng's expression instantly turned serious.


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 290 A bunch of troubles


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