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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The 50T capacity is not actually the limit of hard disk capacity that Sun Cheng can currently manufacture!

Cybertron's information storage black technology is far beyond imagination. Within the Core, which is only slightly larger than a fingernail, countless tiny precision components can be hidden, including memory chips.

For example, the Frenzymechanical body he obtained when he first crossed into another world.

Given its small size, the memory chip can store information that far exceeds the databases of many well-known internet giants on Earth, several times or even dozens of times more.

It is evident that the technology Sun Cheng ordered his engineers to develop for the hard drives, even in its simplified form, contains an unimaginable level of technological advancement.

Even if he were to adhere to the standard hard disk size specifications that supercomputers can accommodate, he could create hard disks with capacities exceeding 100T or even 200T.

However, is such capacity really necessary?

At least not at the moment!

"50T!?" Shen Peiyuan's face showed some astonishment as he looked at the two hard drives in front of him. He then raised his head and glanced at Sun Cheng.

Evidently, he had not been idle during this period and already understood the significance of a 50T hard drive.

Sun Cheng nodded slowly, looking at him with a slight smile. "Regarding the supercomputing center, the principal needs to invest more effort. As a soon-to-graduate student from Nangong University, I also hope for a closer cooperation between Cybertron Technology and our alma mater. That's why I have brought two gifts this time."

He raised two fingers. "Firstly, before Nangong University's graduation ceremony next month, Cybertron Technology will hold a recruitment event at the university. We will directly recruit two hundred to five hundred graduates to strengthen our scientific research and management teams."

Cybertron Technology has a significant talent gap, and the currently launched products mainly rely on Sun Cheng's efforts. Therefore, since its establishment, the company has not ceased recruitment.

Even though Sun Cheng is not directly involved in these matters, he knows that almost every day Wang Lu has to take time to interview several or even dozens of applicants.

Nangong University is a top-tier science and engineering institution in China. Although the graduating students lack work experience, their foundations are solid. Many outstanding students majoring in computer science and microelectronics meet Cybertron Technology's recruitment standards. Therefore, Sun Cheng has already planned to recruit graduates from Nangong University in close proximity. This approach has lower recruitment costs and higher potential value in nurturing them compared to individuals who have spent several years in the job market.

Considering the current pace of Cybertron's development, it is likely that they will need even more recruits in a month.

Upon hearing this, Shen Peiyuan nodded and smiled. "This is good news. Nangong University needs outstanding graduates like Sun Cheng!"

Having held management positions at Nangong University for many years, Shen Peiyuan, who oversees such a high-level scientific institution, naturally encounters many opportunities for corruption.

However, over the years, he has rarely accepted gifts from outsiders.

Money holds no allure for Shen Peiyuan. What truly captivates him is whether he can achieve greater recognition in the education field and advance his political career.

Having emerged from a remote and impoverished town in the west, Shen Peiyuan, with no family background, has exerted tremendous effort to reach his current position of managing one of China's top polytechnic universities.

In order to compete for the position of president at Nangong University, he had already utilized all his personal connections, accumulating a significant amount of debts in the process.

Favors, intangible and imperceptible, are the most difficult to repay, and Shen Peiyuan was well aware of this fact. Unless something unexpected happened, becoming the president of Nangong University would be the pinnacle of his life.

Shen Peiyuan's throat involuntarily tightened as his gaze towards Sun Cheng became increasingly gentle.

He was waiting for another gift from this young man, or rather, a condition.

Sun Cheng's guess was accurate. When he abruptly lost contact with the supercomputing center halfway through their negotiations, it was indeed intentional on Sun Cheng's part.

The reason was simple.

The microelectronics laboratory at Nangong University had conducted a meticulous study of the hard disk provided by Sun Cheng. They confirmed, through detailed functional data and parameters, that this young man possessed a revolutionary and highly mature new technology for read and write operations.

Thinking about the expression of the Nangong University research team—a combination of helplessness and utmost admiration—Shen Peiyuan couldn't help but contemplate the situation further.

He had no intention of seizing the newly developed technology for himself. Not to mention the fact that it would be unseemly to take advantage of this young man's vulnerability.

What Shen Peiyuan sought was an opportunity to further his position as the president of Nangong University. Clearly, the opportunity rested in the hands of the young man standing before him.

In a moment of locked gazes, Shen Peiyuan had already discerned the slight emotional shift in Sun Cheng's expression, revealing his feelings unintentionally. Sun Cheng's heart was settled.

Sun Cheng calmly spoke, "As for the second gift, I previously promised to provide the university with new technologies related to hard disk reading. That promise remains unchanged. With the assistance of the principal and your collaborative efforts, our company's laboratory will soon receive approval. When that happens, I hope we can further our cooperation with the university. For instance, I would appreciate it if you could arrange a group of outstanding faculty members and students to periodically participate in our laboratory research, including various topics related to hard disk technology. Our company highly respects technological expertise, so not only are we willing to share the outcomes, but we will also provide compensation to the faculty and students sent by the university."

Sun Cheng emphasized the last few words as he completed his statement, then stood there quietly, smiling at Shen Peiyuan.

The sharing of outcomes was already in Sun Cheng's hands. It was up to him whether he would provide them or not.

However, Sun Cheng was confident that Shen Peiyuan would find it difficult to refuse his final request.

A president was the leader of a university, after all.

Sun Cheng had previously inquired about Shen Peiyuan and discovered that no one had ever criticized his personal conduct or accused him of corruption. This indicated that the new president of Nangong University was a principled individual.

However, it was the modern age, and saints were hard to come by.

If one wasn't motivated by money or lust, they were either fixated on power or reputation.

Shen Peiyuan couldn't provide power at the moment, but he could offer reputation.

Sun Cheng's first gift—a solution to the employment issue for hundreds of graduating students from the university—wasn't it impressive?

In terms of laboratory collaboration, Sun Cheng provided Shen Peiyuan with an opportunity to win over people's hearts. The cooperation with the Cybertron Technology Company, the list of individuals to be sent there was in Shen Peiyuan's hands. He had the final say.

If Shen Peiyuan was still unwilling to work for Sun Cheng, then Sun Cheng would seriously consider severing ties with his alma mater and exploring other options.

Moreover, Sun Cheng's second gift was not only grand but also conditional.

He silently waited by the side, observing the slight flicker in Shen Peiyuan's eyes and the subtle change in his expression.

After a while, when Sun Cheng's patience began to wane, he finally witnessed Shen Peiyuan's slight nod, accompanied by an even broader smile on his face.

"Collaborative research is indeed beneficial, as the university's strong faculty can contribute their expertise to technological advancements. Here's the plan: the day after tomorrow, after my meeting in the afternoon, when I have some rare personal time, I'll arrange a meeting with friends from the supercomputing center. We can discuss the details then... As for the laboratory, I'll personally look into it and help you secure the necessary approvals!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 280 Lu Nan Lai cast


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