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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


After dealing with Shen Peiyuan's matters, Sun Cheng left Nangong University in a good mood.

Seeing that it was still early, he drove his newly purchased domestic SUV and headed towards the company in Xixia District.

Over an hour later, wearing a well-fitted casual suit, Sun Cheng arrived at the Cybertron Technology company.

On him, he wore a new suit worth over five figures, which he had bought a few days ago. He also bought several sets of replacements and two pairs of new shoes.

After all, he was now the boss of a company. If he dressed too casually, he would easily be underestimated by his employees.

After all, in China, there is no such thing as the Silicon Valley culture in the United States. Even in internet companies, many companies have strict dress code requirements for their employees.

The saying in China, "The Buddha relies on gold while the people rely on clothes," turned out to be true.

Sun Cheng, who had a good figure, unexpectedly looked extraordinary when he put on the newly bought casual suits.

In the past two days, every time he came to the company, he noticed that the employees looked at him with a bit more awe in their eyes. He even overheard a few young female clerks who had recently been recruited gossiping behind his back, speculating about his background as a scion of a wealthy family.

In response, he could only smile.

Along the way, many Cybertron employees greeted Sun Cheng.

"Hello, Mr. Sun!"

"Everyone has worked hard!"

Sun Cheng nodded and smiled in response.

Although these employees had recently joined the company and some of them hadn't even received their first month's salary yet, they were full of confidence in the future of Cybertron Technology.

This can be seen from the enthusiasm that permeated the company.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Sun."

Just as Sun Cheng was walking towards his office, a female clerk hurriedly ran over and called out to him.

"What's wrong?" he asked in surprise.

The clerk quickly replied, "Manager Wang is currently receiving a guest. It is said that he is your friend, Mr. Sun..."

"My friend?"

Sun Cheng furrowed his brow. For a moment, he couldn't remember which friend knew that he had founded Cybertron Technology and had come to the company to see him.

"Thank you!"

Although puzzled, he still smiled and thanked the young female clerk who had reminded him. He then turned and walked towards Wang Lu's office next door.

Sun Cheng's concept of friendship was now somewhat vague.

Naturally, he had always been a bit introverted, and he didn't have many friends to begin with. The only close friends he had were his dormmates back in college.

However, among those few friends, one had dug a pit for personal gain and almost caused him great harm.

Since then, Sun Cheng had a lingering feeling, and even his contact with his dormmates and other classmates had decreased.

Now, when he heard that a friend had come to see him, Sun Cheng was momentarily confused.

He took a few steps to Wang Lu's office, knocked on the door, and pushed it open halfway. Instantly, he heard a burst of hearty laughter.

The moment the door opened, two pairs of eyes fell upon him.

As for Sun Cheng, he subconsciously glanced into Wang Lu's office and, when his gaze landed on the young man who was talking to Wang Lu, he suddenly realized.

"So, it's him!"

The person who came to visit the company was a young man with a handsome appearance. He was not tall and had a slightly slender figure. He wore black-rimmed glasses, giving him a somewhat youthful and naive look.

As soon as Sun Cheng saw this young man, information about him immediately came to mind.

The young man in Wang Lu's office was named Lu Nan, a senior student at Nandu Industrial University, just like Sun Cheng.

"When I heard that someone came to visit me earlier, I was wondering who it could be... I didn't expect it to be you, Lu Nan..."

A smile immediately appeared on Sun Cheng's face. Lu Nan was a talented young man whom he had been eyeing for a long time.

Sun Cheng greatly admired many of his ideas, such as Lu Nan's belief that future AI, or "artificial intelligence," would undoubtedly become the new engine of technology, industry, and economy. Therefore, it was necessary to enter the field early to gain a competitive advantage.

According to his sources, Lu Nan had applied for startup funding from Nandu Industrial University before Sun Cheng and had also initiated a voice-controlled speech project, intending to gradually develop in the field of AI.

Unfortunately, Lu Nan had ideas but lacked a team, and he had ideas but no consistent investment, so he didn't persist as long as Sun Cheng did. His startup project failed in just a month and a half, leaving him with a pile of debt.

Sun Cheng had never given up on trying to win over this role model who had once solidified his entrepreneurial beliefs.

In the office, when Wang Lu and Lu Nan saw him enter, they both stood up.

"President Sun..."

"Brother Sun, sorry for bothering you..."

"Please sit..."

Sun Cheng nodded and gestured for everyone to sit down.

He first greeted Wang Lu, saying, "Manager Wang, this is my classmate from Nandu Industrial University. Thank you for welcoming him earlier!"

"President Sun, no need for such formalities. It's actually quite a coincidence. We chatted for a while and realized that we are both from Meizhou..."

Wang Lu responded with a smile and then stood up, tactfully leaving the office. "I was just about to check on something in the server room. You can continue your conversation!"

After exchanging greetings with both of them, he left the office.

Once Wang Lu left, Sun Cheng took a seat on the separate sofa where he was originally sitting and asked with a smile, "So, Lu Nan, after considering it for so long, have you made a decision about joining Cybertron Technologies?"

Lu Nan couldn't help but blush. He had been invited to join before Cybertron Technology was established, but he had doubts about the cloud storage market and even suspected the authenticity of the 20TB hard drive Sun Cheng had given him. So, during this period, he had been busy asking someone to verify the hard drive's authenticity and working on his own projects.

It was only recently, with the sudden increase in Cybertron Cloud Storage's exposure, that Lu Nan remembered this opportunity and decided to come here.

After all, he was still an inexperienced college student, lacking the wealth of experience Sun Cheng had. His ability to handle situations was far inferior to Sun Cheng's.

Although he felt a bit embarrassed, he didn't come unprepared.

He nodded first and then answered, "Brother Sun, I've made up my mind. I'm here this time to seek your support!"

Sun Cheng smiled and nodded. This was good news.

When it came to artificial intelligence, he had studied it from the perspective of mechanical life in the world of Transformers, but he had no clue where to start.

Although Lu Nan's technical skills were still immature, he had ideas, creativity, and the courage to explore. Perhaps he could make a name for himself in the field of AI.

Sun Cheng readily agreed, "As a computer science prodigy, I absolutely support your decision to join us. How about this? Tonight, I'll invite Yang Lin and the others, the people we all know, to gather somewhere and have a chat!"

Before Lu Nan could respond, Sun Cheng's phone, which he had placed in his inner pocket, suddenly rang.

Apologizing with a smile, he took out his phone and looked at it, his face changing slightly.

"I'm sorry, it seems we'll have to reschedule!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 281 Goodbye Old Friend [Cliche Warning]


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