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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Have you got my phone number?"

Sun Cheng was taken aback. "It's so late, who would call?"

Seeing Xiao Wu jump onto his computer desk and transform back into its original phone form, he picked up Xiao Wu and looked at the screen. His eyes froze.

On the screen, a phone number he was extremely familiar with appeared.

In an instant, something soft in Sun Cheng's heart was touched.

He quickly picked up the phone, answered the call, and his voice became gentle. "Hello, sis. Why are you calling me so late?"

Subconsciously, he glanced at the screen of the transforming all-in-one machine. The displayed time had already passed eleven o'clock in the evening.

"Weren't you resting as well..."

On the other end of the phone, a sweet female voice quickly spoke. It was the daughter of the Ye family who had adopted and raised Sun Cheng, and also his sister in name—Ye Qi.

"It's different. Didn't I mention it last time you visited? I'm working on a startup project now. There's a lot going on recently, which is why I came back late today!"

Glancing at the screen of the all-in-one machine in front of him, his suspicions resurfaced.

If Sun Cheng remembered correctly, Ye Qi had a very regular schedule. At this time, she should be livestreaming. If nothing was wrong, she shouldn't be calling him!

The more he thought about it, the more suspicious he became. He immediately had the idea of going online to check her livestream and find out what was going on.

At that moment, it was inconvenient to give instructions to Xiao Wu through voice while still on the phone.

He simply tilted his head, placing Xiao Wu between his cheek and shoulder.

After freeing his hands, he took the keyboard and mouse box that he had bought but hadn't opened yet, and started to unpack it.

Just as he opened the box, Ye Qi finally cleared up her doubts on the other end of the phone, relieving Sun Cheng.

"...Actually, it's nothing. I called you this late because, first, I wanted to see if you were still awake, and second, I wanted to let you know that I made plans with a few well-connected streamers on the platform. We're having a dinner party in Nandu next Wednesday, and we might stay there for a few days..."

Sun Cheng's hands momentarily froze, but he couldn't help but smile. "I see, you're worried about not having a place to stay, so you're planning to rely on me, right?"

"What's wrong? Don't you want to..."

"Okay, I understand. When you arrive, just give me a call. Don't take a taxi to the previous apartment. I've moved to a new place, and I'll come pick you up."

After chatting a bit more, it was already late at night. They both realized this and said goodnight to each other, then hung up the phone.

Knowing that Ye Qi would be coming to Nandu in a few days and might stay with him for a while, Sun Cheng's mood became excited ahead of time.

Although he appeared increasingly mature in front of others, he was still a young man deep down.

Combined with the effects of the alcohol in his body, he found it increasingly difficult to fall asleep.

At that moment, after Sun Cheng put down his mobile phone, he took out the wireless keyboard and mouse he had specially bought and turned them on. After familiarizing himself with the devices for a moment, he immediately instructed Revenge, "Revenge, record the information of the devices in my hands and allow them to connect to you in the future!"

"Yes, Master!"

Upon receiving his instructions, Revenge automatically connected to the wireless keyboard and mouse. Sun Cheng, who was no longer sleepy, aimlessly clicked around the internet for a while before he quickly remembered the news he had read a few days ago about the turmoil in Central Asia. Unable to resist, he clicked on a portal website and started reading.

Little did Sun Cheng know that at this very moment, on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, his photo and name were appearing in a document.

Langley, originally just a community in Fairfax County, Virginia, had been incorporated as part of McLean many years ago. Now it was a satellite city of Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States. It was also a city that garnered worldwide attention.

And for good reason, as it was the infamous headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

On the other side of the ocean, China was already in the late hours of the night.

However, due to the time difference, Langley City was basking in the radiant sunlight, experiencing the brightest part of the day.

A General Motors Chevrolet SUV with a special license plate, after passing through layers of checks, entered the CIA headquarters located on the outskirts of Langley.

As the vehicle parked in the parking lot, a well-dressed Caucasian man in a standard black suit stepped out of the car. After locking the vehicle, the man retrieved a badge from his pocket and fastened it onto his chest. The badge prominently displayed his photo, accompanied by a set of information: "Tom Willis, Senior Agent, CIA Intelligence Division."

Tom Willis left the parking lot, carrying a document, and walked purposefully towards the headquarters building without any hesitation.

Along the way, familiar CIA agents occasionally bumped into each other and exchanged greetings. Unlike CIA agents who were frequently deployed overseas and possessed various skills in intelligence gathering and combat, the headquarters also employed a large number of administrative staff. Although the rules and confidentiality agreements imposed on these clerical personnel differed from those in typical corporations and government departments, the agreements did not stifle ordinary interpersonal interactions. Willis soon encountered an acquaintance and called out to him.

"Hey, Tom... Are you back from your business trip?"

Within the CIA, outbound missions were commonly referred to as business trips. Willis followed the voice and noticed a middle-aged, overweight Caucasian man who was devouring a greasy hamburger. His face immediately lit up with a smile.

"Damn it... Bill, this high-calorie food is going to send you to meet God sooner or later. Weren't you in Northumborg? How come you're back so soon..."

The obese middle-aged white man laughed disapprovingly and took another bite, shrugging his shoulders. "I'll be back once the job is done, confidentiality agreement, you know... But you, you came back earlier than I expected..."

The vegetarian Willis glanced at the hamburger in his hand with some nausea and quickly stepped back a few paces to create some distance. "Damn, this taste is too overpowering."

He raised the document in his hand. "Same... I need to quickly deliver these things to Old John. I'll leave first..."

After finishing his sentence, he left the place as if he was escaping, paying no attention to his friend Billy behind him, who laughed in a triumphant manner.

It wasn't until he entered the elevator, far away from Billy, and could no longer smell the greasy, pungent odor of beef, that Willis couldn't help but complain in a low voice, "...Damn Bill, he's going to end up as a three hundred-pound fat monster sooner or later..."


The elevator quickly stopped on the seventh floor of the headquarters building!

After the elevator doors opened, Willis adjusted his attire, and the impatience and complaint on his face vanished completely. He swiftly walked out of the elevator and headed straight into the depths of the corridor. Only when he arrived in front of the office displaying [John Sangster]'s name did he halt his steps, his face serious as he knocked on the door. Upon hearing a response from inside, he pushed the door open and entered.

"Senior Agent Tom Willis reporting to you, sir. This is the latest investigation report on the 'Nublar Island Incident'..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 269 CIA Investigation Report


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