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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


John Sangster, 53 years old, currently holds the position of Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the United States.

If anyone underestimates him just because of his title as "Deputy," they would certainly be mistaken.

The CIA, also known as the largest intelligence organization in the world, consists of four main divisions: the Intelligence Division, the Management Division, the Operations Division, and the Science and Technology Division.

John Sangster, as the Deputy Director, is responsible for the CIA's Intelligence and Management Divisions.

He oversees the daily management of over 60% of CIA employees and more than 90% of civilian personnel. It can be said that within the headquarters building, his authority is second only to the Director.

When Willis arrived, John Sangster was on a phone call.

Upon seeing him, Sangster nodded slightly in acknowledgement, but didn't show any further gestures.

As one of the senior operatives at the CIA, Willis knew better than to disturb him.

Thus, upon entering Sangster's office, he obediently stood to the side, assuming an appearance of patiently waiting.

However, his ears involuntarily perked up, as if hoping to catch any information from his superior's conversation that might benefit his own career advancement.

Unfortunately for Willis, he would be left disappointed.

By the time he arrived, Sangster's phone call was already coming to an end, and he promptly hung up.

After ending the call, John Sangster immediately turned his attention to Willis. He rose from his desk and picked up a freshly brewed pot of instant coffee, pouring it into two paper cups before walking over to him.

"Welcome back, have a seat..."

"Thank you, sir!"

Willis accepted the coffee handed to him, but he didn't sit down. Instead, after taking a sip, he placed the cup on the nearby coffee table and spoke earnestly, "Sir, I have thoroughly compiled all the intelligence gathered during my trip to Central America. It's all here, please review it."

Sangster nodded slightly, placing the coffee aside and accepting the documents handed to him by Willis. However, instead of immediately reading them, he asked, "Take a seat and first tell me about the situation you have come to understand."

"Yes, sir!"

Only then did Willis take a seat on the adjacent couch. After organizing his thoughts, he began to speak.

Over twenty days ago, NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO), which is responsible for monitoring asteroids that pose a threat to Earth, detected a trajectory resembling a meteor impact on Earth.

As the most advanced aerospace organization on Earth, NASA possesses cutting-edge monitoring equipment and maintains the most comprehensive database of near-Earth objects.

When PDCO captured this flight trajectory, it initially thought it was just a common meteor. Nevertheless, as part of its routine, it compared the data with its own database.

To PDCO's surprise, the comparison results revealed that there was no information about this particular asteroid among all the recently recorded asteroids that could potentially impact Earth, according to NASA's records.

As further research was conducted, more and more anomalies began to surface.

After analyzing the flight data and trajectory, several aerospace and dynamics experts at NASA arrived at a shocking conclusion that left everyone astonished.

"This flight trajectory doesn't resemble that of a typical asteroid crashing into Earth. Based on its dynamics, it appears to be more like a spacecraft!"

The subsequent events can be easily imagined!

PDCO promptly notified the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Department of Defense. Being a country dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial life, the United States showcased remarkable speed and efficiency at the highest levels. Consequently, several satellites under US authority, based on the information provided by PDCO, quickly pinpointed the suspected crash site of the spacecraft in southwest Costa Rica, near a private island known as "Nubla."

Subsequently, the military swiftly deployed a special forces team, which, under the cover of darkness, infiltrated Nubla Island with helicopters to search for any signs of the alleged spacecraft.

However, something unexpected occurred.

Only a few hours after the elite special forces team arrived on Nubla Island, all communication with the US military was lost.

Despite their attempts, they were unable to establish contact with the team of elite soldiers. Even the emergency positioning systems embedded in their equipment were rendered useless.

Nevertheless, this dire situation piqued the interest of the US government and military even further.

Some high-ranking officials began to believe that the object they were tracking might indeed be an extraterrestrial spacecraft from beyond the stars.

Consequently, the military urgently assembled another team of exceptionally skilled special forces, led by Major Dutch, and deceitfully sent them to Nubla Island as reinforcements.

Yet, another unexpected event unfolded.

After a single night, it seemed that the island had experienced a horrific upheaval.

Major Dutch and his team perished, and those who survived were nowhere to be found. When reinforcements arrived the following day, the island bore the scars of a war, and astonishingly, Major Dutch was the sole survivor of the entire team.

What happened on that night?

Did the island really have alien spaceships and even living aliens?

What did Major Dutch and the previous special forces team encounter?

All of this is what the United States desperately wants to know.

However, considering the sensitivity of the incident,

the CIA, which was already involved in the entire matter, naturally took charge of the subsequent investigation.

Tom Willis, a senior agent of the CIA Intelligence Department, is in charge of the follow-up investigation task. Nine days ago, he was first sent to Houston to visit Major Dutch, who was receiving treatment at the naval hospital, and then he made a trip to Guantanamo and Costa Rica.

Today is the day he returns to report to his superiors.

"...I went to the naval hospital, and Major Dutch told me that he and his team encountered a strange creature on the island. It was tall, muscular, skilled in combat, and could remain invisible for long periods using some devices. Almost all members of Major Dutch's team died at the hands of the opponent. However, when it comes to the number of these invisible creatures, he recalled encountering only one and no more."

"I requested access to the records of the Guantanamo Naval Base. When the naval rescue team went to 'Nublar Island' to rescue Major Dutch and his team, they incidentally saved some survivors on the island. After comparing the data, we can basically rule out the majority of the survivors as suspects. However, I found two suspicious individuals on the list!"

"Ada Wong, a young Chinese-American woman. Her information is easily investigable and clear. But when I contacted 'Atlas Venture Capital Fund,' they confirmed that this person does not exist. I had my subordinates investigate her past medical and transportation records, but they turned out to be blank. It's certain that this woman is suspicious..."

"As for another individual named 'Sun Cheng,' a Chinese national. Although I have confirmed his identity through certain channels and found no issues, considering his Chinese nationality, I have included him in the list of suspects that require focused investigation..."


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 270: Tiger King Ridge


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