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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Base No. 2, deep in the warehouse.

In the vicinity of the underground lake near the depths of the cave, a once vacant area has undergone a dramatic transformation in less than half a month.

At the lakeside, a massive glass house made of specially designed anti-radiation glass is currently being installed.

Teams of industrial robots are bustling back and forth, securing thick anti-radiation glass panels, which have just been manufactured, onto sturdy alloy stands.

Several large, thin lead plates are also placed on the ground a few tens of meters away.

Judging by their size, it appears that they are intended to be attached to the exterior of the glass house for secondary protection.

Although the glass house is not yet complete, it does not hinder the intense experiment taking place inside.

Sun Cheng lifts a newly constructed industrial robot, manufactured by Atlas, with one hand and approaches a peculiar-looking device. He activates the device, which has the dormant industrial robot securely fixed inside.

Before him is an undoubtedly unique device.

It is made entirely of a material resembling transparent glass, through which faint glimpses of circuits and components can be seen.

Several special supports extend outward from the transparent walls of the device, firmly securing the industrial robot brought by Sun Cheng inside, like an exhibition case.

"Teletraan, we may begin..."

Fixated on the industrial robot inside the device, even though the blue lights in Sun Cheng's eyes appear somewhat dim, he does not halt his actions. Without raising his head, he gives the command.

"Yes, master..."

Following a sudden icy electronic sound emanating from within the huge glass house, a deep rumbling noise erupts outside as a colossal machine, resembling a small nuclear reactor on a ship, is activated. A continuous flow of electricity starts to be transmitted into the glass house.

In the next moment, the device in front of Sun Cheng also reacts.

From the glass-like device, a slender cylindrical needle slowly extends, with its tip embedded with a shard of All Spark. The tip continually adjusts its position until it finally halts approximately thirty centimeters above the head of the industrial robot inside.

As an unending stream of electrical energy courses into the All Spark shard within the device, even through the specially designed anti-radiation glass wall, Sun Cheng, standing in front of the device, starts to sense a potent influx of informational data.

"Master, the energy accumulation has reached the sixth level... Shall I initiate the energy pulse?"

Soon, the familiar electronic voice of Teletraan echoes in his ears.

Fixated on the device before him, Sun Cheng slowly shakes his head after a prolonged moment.

"Wait a moment..."

If we count this experiment, they have already conducted five experiments in the past two weeks.

Initially, when he wanted to verify his hypothesis, he simply used the All Spark fragments and directly attached them to the target. It was almost like a gamble, betting on its transformation abilities.

After Sun Cheng read through the vast amount of Megatron's memory data in the Mariana Trench, he naturally chose not to use such a gambling approach anymore.

It should be noted that the Decepticon army had control over the All Spark for a significant period of time.

Moreover, within the Decepticon ranks, there were prominent scientists like Shockwave and Starscream who had conducted extensive research on the All Spark.

The equipment set before Sun Cheng was a smaller, simplified version manufactured by Atlas and others, based on the Decepticon army's design for an arsenal.

"Master, the energy concentration has reached level seven. I recommend initiating the energy pulse immediately... otherwise, there is a high possibility of damaging this device..."

Shortly after, Teletraan's voice resonated once again near Sun Cheng's ear, sounding more urgent than before.

Sun Cheng didn't need the reminder; he had already noticed that the All Spark fragment fixed at the tip of the cylindrical needle within the device was rapidly turning red and emitting an intense heat visible to the naked eye.

"Wait a moment..."

With a glimmer in his eyes, Sun Cheng immediately rejected the suggestion.

According to Megatron's memories, the standard Cybertronian mechanical life was referred to as a "protoform" during its initial stages.

A protoform is essentially a series of partially formed circuits.

Similar to a human embryo in its developmental stage, it possesses basic signs of life but remains immature in all aspects.

Therefore, it requires a significant amount of nourishment, specifically energy of exceptionally high purity, to allow the simple circuitry to develop into organs.

Before evolving into a mechanical lifeform, a protoform can either be shaped according to pre-established templates or develop naturally.

There are several methods to facilitate the successful evolution of a protoform into a mechanical lifeform, and natural birth is considered the riskiest.

In Cybertron, nearly ninety-nine percent of protoforms that were exposed to the natural environment would easily perish.

The oldest and most reliable method for protoform evolution is the use of the "Leadership Module."

The "Leadership Module" is said to be a creation artifact that existed during Cybertron's ancient era. However, it disappeared along with the Thirteen Primes who confronted the legendary cosmic invaders prior to the rise of advanced civilizations on Cybertron Planet. Subsequently, it is believed to have been taken to Earth in an earlier age by one of the ancestors.

Following the invasion and colonization of Cybertron by the Quintessons, they relied on the advanced technologies they acquired from various galaxies and discovered a viable path.

This involved attempting to mix nutrient solutions and simulating the natural birth environment to enable the successful evolution of protoforms into mechanical lifeforms.

Many Decepticon warriors, including Megatron, were born using this method during the Quintessons' colonization of Cybertron Planet.

However, this method consumes a lot of energy and resources.

During the ancient council period, after the Cybertronians drove off the invaders from the planet Quintessa, they absorbed the advanced technology of the Quintessons and created a brilliant civilization that is still fondly remembered by countless Cybertronians.

The All Spark is believed to have been born during this period and is a substitute for the Leadership Module created by the immensely powerful Cybertronian civilization.

In the past, the Decepticon Legion had controlled the All Spark for a long time, and Megatron and his followers used it to convert a large number of soldiers, gradually dismantling the resistance of the Autobots.

After losing the All Spark, a group of Decepticon scientists led by Shockwave and Starscream, conducted a series of cruel and insane experiments and discovered a method to mass-produce low-level cannon fodder by creating Cores.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 258 Transforming Engineers (Part 2)


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