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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


After wandering in the canyon outside the cave for over an hour, Dust Up circled around the No. 1 nuclear reactor under adjustment for a while. It wasn't until a group of industrial robots, carrying materials on their shoulders, passed by him that he ceased his wandering and turned around, casting an annoyed glance at the short, chubby, green Decepticon following closely behind him. With a cold snort, he continued walking toward the base.

The recent encounters had really put Dust Up in a foul mood.

Ever since that day in Brazil when he had felt the gaze of surveillance while searching for the "Leadership Module" for Lord Starscream, and subsequently discovered that unknown Decepticon with a mechanical body inferior to his own, Dust Up had thought he had come across an easy target. He had intended to subdue the Decepticon and make him his underling.

Little did he expect that his impulsive actions would lead to enormous trouble. The Decepticon, despite having a seemingly less formidable mechanical body, turned out to be stronger in combat than Dust Up himself. Moreover, the plasma cannon he wielded had given Dust Up a lot of trouble.

What shocked Dust Up even more was the sudden appearance of a squadron of battle robots that were clearly distinct from the Decepticons. These peculiar machines were equipped with plasma weapons, something even the newly created Decepticons under Lord Starscream's guidance, like Dust Up, only had a few of, and they were reserved for the strongest warriors among them.

In comparison, Dust Up, being less powerful than his fellow Decepticons created around the same time, was only equipped with a few close combat weapons.

The outcome was easy to guess—Dust Up lost, and he lost miserably.

He was forced to submit to the Decepticon who called himself "Frenzy." Frenzy had even left some means of control within Dust Up's core.

Since then, Dust Up had been brought to this location by Frenzy.

It was evident that Frenzy didn't fully trust his allegiance. Ever since Dust Up was brought here, not only had his movements been restricted, but Frenzy had also dispatched a low-ranking Decepticon warrior named "Hysteria" to keep a close eye on him.

During this time, Dust Up had contemplated escaping. However, facing Hysteria, who was also armed with plasma weapons, as well as several other battle robots, Dust Up lacked the confidence to defeat them all in an instant.

And if he couldn't defeat his opponents instantly, Frenzy's means of control within his core would be enough to end his life with just a thought.

Dust Up had also attempted to send a long-range communication to the moon, requesting Starscream to send help and rescue him.

On the day he was brought to the base, he had seized the opportunity while the guards were unprepared and tried to send the distress call.

Unfortunately, Dust Up had underestimated the control mechanisms left by Frenzy.

Instead of successfully transmitting the communication, the attempt had triggered the monitoring mechanisms embedded within him by Frenzy.

Since then, Hysteria had been constantly shadowing Dust Up, practically a 24-hour surveillance, rendering him completely at the mercy of his captors.

The orange light in his eyes dimmed a little, but as he walked towards the entrance of the base where he currently resided, he couldn't help but cast a deep glance into the artificially modified hole ahead. Within his restless mind, a few traces of doubt and curiosity emerged.

Who is Frenzy?

Given that he also belongs to the Decepticons, why hadn't he encountered Frenzy within the moon base?

How did Frenzy possess such a vast array of plasma weapons and manage to establish a covert base on Earth?

These uncertainties had lingered in his mind ever since he was brought here.

Though he couldn't venture too far from the base, except for a few restricted areas, the majority of the base remained unguarded against Dust Up.

Consequently, he had been able to explore the base extensively over the past few days.

These experiences contributed to the growing restlessness within him.

"Damn it, what is Frenzy trying to accomplish here?"

The base was colossal. While its structure appeared to be built upon naturally formed underground caverns, the expanse of the base far exceeded the moon base where Dust Up was created, by several magnitudes.

Moreover, the base's scale was continually expanding.

Countless "industrial robots," as referred to by Frenzy, were tirelessly working underground, delving deeper into the depths of the earth and the surrounding mountains.

Simultaneously, their expansion reached into the nearby canyon.

In an astonishingly short period, numerous structures emerged within a radius of dozens of kilometers around the base. These included workshops for manufacturing the industrial and combat robots, factories producing synthesized metals, facilities for hydroelectric and even thermonuclear power generation. Additionally, atop certain hills, an array of densely packed defense installations had commenced construction.

While this location paled in comparison to the moon base in terms of equipment, Dust Up could no longer underestimate Frenzy and this place.

In his view, although Frenzy, the self-proclaimed Decepticon, lacked the strength of his master Starscream, his ambitions were no less significant. Frenzy was an exceptionally dangerous individual.

Unbeknownst to Dust Up, he had ventured deep into the heart of the base.

Upon approaching the warehouse, Dust Up glanced at the bustling activity nearby. A team of industrious machines, referred to as "industrial robots," were diligently working in front of the warehouse. Their task involved reinforcing the warehouse with a thick, custom-made lead door.

Lead, a metal abundant on both Earth and in the universe, possessed exceptional radiation-blocking properties.

Three days prior, the warehouse had become a hive of activity.

Teams of industrial robots kept coming and going, and a large amount of equipment and materials were being transported in and out. Not long after, a lead door was suddenly installed here, which immediately aroused Dust Up's suspicion.

"Frenzy shouldn't be in his lab, but in the warehouse... But what exactly is he doing in there?"

These doubts kept arising in his mind, scratching at him like a cat, making him unable to resist and pause, wanting to take a look inside.

Unfortunately, both the warehouse and Sun Cheng's laboratory were high-security areas within the base. Even Hysteria and the others couldn't enter without permission on ordinary days, let alone Dust Up.

Hysteria quickly noticed his unease, glanced at him, and followed Dust Up's gaze towards the warehouse. A mocking expression couldn't help but appear on his face.

"...What are you looking at? Let's go. It's not a place you can enter..."

After saying that, several combat robots behind him took a step forward together, their gun muzzles subtly raised.

Observing this, Dust Up couldn't help but feel secretly frustrated.

He gave Hysteria a cold glance, his eyes emanating a murderous intent.

Fortunately, he finally remembered where he was, and managed to suppress the boiling killing intent within him. Dust Up snorted coldly, turned his head, and walked towards his dwelling.

However, he didn't see that just after he turned around, Hysteria suddenly shifted his gaze towards the warehouse. The sarcasm in his eyes had completely vanished, replaced by an expression of anticipation!


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 257 Transforming Engineers (Part 1)


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