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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"It's you!"

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Rivera instinctively looked towards the aisle, and soon his eyes widened as he recognized the visitor.

Braxton, a mysterious man!

A few days ago, No. 2 brought him to the villa from an unknown place, and Rivera helped him establish his new identity.

This enigmatic man had given himself a new name, 'Yuri Olov', and his records showed him as a French immigrant.

To Rivera, everything about this person was a puzzle.

He seemed to have a much closer connection with No. 2, or the mechanical beings behind No. 2, than Rivera, who had first encountered them.

This inexplicably gave Rivera a sense of danger!

In the past couple of days, Yuri had been very active in the city of Rio, carrying a large sum of money that seemingly came out of nowhere.

Based on the reports from Rivera's informant who was tailing Yuri, it appeared that he was contacting several security companies in the city, as if he wanted to take over.

Braxton, or rather, now known as 'Yuri Olov'.

Yuri held a bottle of precious Petrus wine and two wine glasses as he approached Rivera with a bright smile on his face. "Mr. Rivera, do you mind if I bring a bottle of red wine to taste?"

He shook the giant bottle of Petrus in his hand. It was a top-quality red wine from the world-renowned winery, Château Pétrus in France.

The year 2001 had abundant sunshine in France, which was considered a bountiful year for many wineries.

In that year, Pétrus resumed production of their grand cru red wine after a three-year hiatus. The bottle of Pétrus in Yuri's hand was one of those exquisite wines produced back then. By the time it reached Rivera, its price had exceeded 20,000 Brazilian reais, approximately 7,000 US dollars, making it an unequivocal top-tier red wine.

Although Rivera was a wine enthusiast, his attention did not linger for a second on the giant bottle of Pétrus in Yuri's hand.

Finally realizing that something was amiss, Rivera didn't even spare a glance at Yuri. Instead, he quickly turned his attention towards No. 2 and anxiously asked, "Your Excellency No. 2, what do you mean by this?"

No. 2 raised its head, devoid of any smile in its gaze, and its voice turned cold.

"What do I mean? Rivera, if you don't even understand what this means, then you truly hold no value!"

Having said that, without even looking at Rivera, whose face had changed dramatically, it shifted its gaze towards Yuri, who was watching them with interest, and inquired, "How are the preparations coming along?"

"Everything is going according to plan. Give me one more week, and I will be able to complete the first step!"

Yuri shrugged his shoulders and said, "Praise this country. It's even more wonderful than the United States!"

Looking at the unmasked excitement on his face, it was clear how satisfied Yuri was with his current life.

Since being brought out of the United States a week ago by that mechanical being called 'Frenzy' who descended from the sky, and after receiving Frenzy's promise to support him in becoming the 'King of Brazil,' Yuri had arrived in Brazil with a mix of belief and doubt.

However, now, even though his contact with these mechanical beings claiming to be from the planet Cybertron was shorter than Riviera's, Yuri had willingly offered his loyalty. Despite being as clever as he was, he had already realized that these extraterrestrial visitors seemed to have no intention of changing their goal of taking control of Brazil, the fifth largest country in the world in terms of land area.

God knows how satisfied he was with his current life.

Yuri never lacked money; he could have as much as he wanted, and No. 2 would always provide it without questioning its purpose.

Women were not in short supply for him either. With money, how could he lack women? It was a ridiculous notion!

All he had to do was use his intelligence and wisdom to the fullest to help these mechanical beings gain control over Brazil as quickly as possible. It was as simple as that.

Yuri's response clearly pleased No. 2.

It knew its master's plan, to quickly seize control of this country beneath their feet.

Clearly, compared to Riviera, who had always been cautious towards them, this new human sent by the master was undoubtedly much more compliant.

He might be more insatiable than Riviera, but he always served himself and the master with dedication.

In recent times, many of its actions in Rio were based on Yuri's suggestions.

A chaotic Brazil was obviously more advantageous for the survival of schemers.

And indeed, Brazil harbored all the necessary elements for chaos.

With numerous foreign immigrants, a growing wealth gap, recent economic downturn, rampant corruption, and the absence of gun control coupled with widespread drug abuse, Brazil was increasingly resembling a second Mexico.

That's why Yuri had put forward many suggestions, sowing discord among the various gangs within Brazil, relentlessly attacking the Brazilian military and police to provoke their discontent, assassinating politicians, paralyzing local governments, and simultaneously supporting politicians sympathetic to their cause. In secret, they began establishing an armed force under the guise of a security company, ready to make their move when Brazil descended into chaos.

Now, the time limit for completing the command given to it by the master when he originally left is getting closer and closer, but Rivera only cares about himself, without any consideration for the idea of establishing influence for the master in the Brazilian high-rises. This has completely exhausted No. 2's patience!

At the moment, after listening to Yuri's words, No. 2 nodded slightly in satisfaction, "Well done. Just ask for however much money you need. The master's tolerance for loyal servants exceeds your imagination!"

Yuri's eyes brightened upon hearing this and he nodded repeatedly.

However, as soon as No. 2 finished speaking, when he turned to look at Rivera, his eyes narrowed.

"Rivera, you have disappointed the master too many times... Nobody likes a slave who takes advantage without doing any work..."

Rivera's body couldn't help but tremble. He could hear the unmistakable intent to kill in the words of the fierce leopard-like mechanical beast in front of him. Clearly, his lackluster performance had completely depleted the other party's patience.

In his mind, memories of Frenzy's stunning debut flashed before him, as well as the recent souls that perished at the hands of No. 2.

Realizing that disaster was looming, it seemed that escape was no longer an option.

Rivera finally felt fear. His legs gave out and he knelt down on the floor, trembling as he looked at No. 2, pleading, "Lord No. 2... I know I was wrong... Please give me another chance... I promise, I won't dare to do it again..."

On the side, Yuri watched him with great interest. He had already opened the large bottle of Petrus in his hand, pouring himself a glass of this top-notch wine from France and savoring it.

No. 2 grinned, its teeth sharp like thorns, making it look even more fierce.

Clearly, it had completely lost patience with Rivera. Several sharp metal spikes had emerged from its front paws, exposed on the ground.

Lifting its front paw, it slowly raised it in front of Rivera, its eyes filled with coldness, "Too late, you have no value anymore..."


Rivera wailed, his body trembling, almost collapsing to the ground.

Seeing No. 2 raise its claw high, seemingly about to kill Rivera, Yuri, who had been spectating all this time, suddenly spoke up, "Your Excellency, please wait a moment... He might still have some value..."

His gaze paused on Rivera, whose face still displayed panic and fear. Yuri shook the wine glass in his hand, speaking slowly.

"I have arranged discussions with two security companies. I urgently need a supply of ammunition. This minor matter should not trouble Your Excellency or the master. Why not let him handle it..."

"We need ammunition... I can acquire it, I promise..."

As if grasping at a lifeline, Rivera hurriedly agreed upon hearing the words.

Finishing the contents of the glass in one gulp, Yuri's mouth curved into a smile. He approached with the empty glass, his voice flat, "Within two days, I want a thousand MD-2s, rocket launchers, heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, and several RPGs..."

After finishing his request, without even looking at the once-again unsightly Rivera, he shrugged his shoulders towards No. 2, "If he cannot fulfill even this request, he truly holds no value. At that time, please do as you please..."

The blue light in No. 2's eyes flickered momentarily, and its gaze lingered on both Yuri and Rivera for a while. It wasn't until over ten seconds later that it slowly retracted the sharp bone spikes on its claws.

"Remember, this is the last chance..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 256 Warehouse


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