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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng nodded in agreement, still somewhat shocked by the fact that Megatron was alive. However, he didn't notice the change in Hephaestus' demeanor.

After scanning the people in the room, he furrowed his brow slightly and asked, "Why are there two fewer engineers under your command?"

Hephaestus didn't have many engineers under him, just a dozen or so.

Unlike other high-ranking Decepticons, Sun Cheng regarded the engineers as the lowest of the low, mere slaves or tools.

Apart from the battle at Base 1, where he had reluctantly abandoned two engineers to escape from Sideswipe's clutches, Sun Cheng didn't pay much attention to the engineers. Hephaestus and his team of engineers had never faced his wrath or received any harsh treatment. Sun Cheng didn't even utter a single derogatory remark to them. He remembered each and every engineer.

Hephaestus quickly replied, "Master, after you left, when we were preparing to return, the humans informed us unexpectedly that they had agreed to your request and handed over another Typhoon-class ballistic missile nuclear submarine to us. Without seeking your permission, I decided to keep two engineers behind. I also requested assistance from Lord Forerunner, who helped mobilize a few additional robots. Their task was to quickly transform the submarine into a qualified cargo vessel according to your specifications."

He wore a proud expression on his face. "Master, you have no idea. I assigned the two engineers to oversee dozens of industrial robots at the Severodvinsk shipyard. In just one day, they completed the transformation of the two shipyards that the humans had left for us. If everything goes according to plan, the construction of the two Jason-class attack nuclear submarines, as agreed upon, should begin soon. The humans were extremely impressed by our efficiency. Before I left, the human Prime Minister asked me to convey his apologies to you and assured me that the second batch of materials to be handed over would exceed our agreed-upon quantity."

Sun Cheng felt satisfied and nodded in approval, finally showing a slight smile.

Although using a former Soviet Union Typhoon-class ballistic missile nuclear submarine for transportation purposes after its transformation seemed somewhat wasteful, he couldn't afford to be picky anymore.

After all, Earth belonged to the humans, and he had managed to offend not only the Americans and Autobots but also Megatron himself. It was safe to say that he had made enemies worldwide.

Hence, in the future, he would have to resort to more covert means to transport the resources acquired through trade with China and Russia.

The Typhoon-class submarine was undoubtedly an excellent choice!

This strategic nuclear submarine, originating from the Soviet era, boasted an unimaginably immense tonnage. If its combat capabilities were sacrificed entirely for a complete cargo transformation, the complex combat units and numerous facilities inside it could be dismantled to construct cargo holds. Theoretically, it had the potential to transport over ten thousand tons of cargo at once.

Of course, the precise details would only become clear once the transformation was complete.

However, one thing Sun Cheng was certain of was the Typhoon-class submarine's immense transformation potential.

If the transformation was successfully carried out, it would undoubtedly become the world's safest mode of transportation. Apart from mechanical beings, no one could pose a threat to a deep-sea monster lurking thousands of meters beneath the ocean surface!

"Excellent work!"

After expressing his satisfaction with a compliment, Sun Cheng had no intention of lingering any longer.

Megatron's survival and the inadvertent absorption of vast amounts of memory data from the All Spark meant that Megatron must harbor intense hatred towards him.

He is an absolute ruthless character, a master who will do whatever it takes to achieve victory.

After accessing Megatron's memories, he began to suspect that since he planned to cooperate with Sentinel Prime, Megatron had set up a scheme involving both Lord Fallen and Sentinel Prime.

These suspicions are not unfounded!

Based on his knowledge, Megatron's vehicle, the Nemesis (Retribution), was a large spaceship created during the first civil war between the Decepticon army and the Autobots. It possessed terrifying firepower and the ability to traverse the galaxy.

When Megatron left Cybertron, he traveled on the Nemesis, accompanied by a team of soldiers.

However, where did this team of soldiers go?

And where is the Nemesis?

Because Sun Cheng did not come across this specific information in Megatron's extensive memories, he had no idea where the accompanying soldiers and the spaceship had disappeared.

This raised a significant question in his mind!

While it may be considered a question mark that the Nemesis and the soldiers accompanying Megatron vanished, a subsequent discovery made him genuinely doubt Megatron!

Indeed, Sun Cheng unexpectedly read in Megatron's memories that Megatron crash-landed in the Arctic due to magnetic interference during his arrival on Earth. He woke up many years later, and to his surprise, Megatron woke up at the same location where he had previously visited and caused chaos—the top-secret U.S. research facility known as Sector 7!

This discovery struck him as utterly absurd.

Megatron, who possessed immense power to freely traverse the Solar System with his mechanical body, had somehow crash-landed due to magnetic interference from Earth. Subsequently, the Americans discovered and transported him back to their homeland for several years of research.

Even more ludicrous was the fact that Megatron, after awakening, did not unleash his fury upon Sector 7—a place that undoubtedly represented a dark chapter in his personal history—as if that entire history never existed.

There was an undeniable sense of strangeness surrounding these events!

Furthermore, in the Battle of Las Vegas, Megatron displayed numerous questionable behaviors.

This warrior, who had once received guidance from Lord Fallen and engaged in relentless battles in the arenas during the rule of the Quintessons on Cybertron, had also endured two civil wars on Cybertron, accumulating vast combat experience.

Megatron himself admitted that, aside from Sentinel Prime, there was no one on the entirety of Cybertron who could stand against him.

Yet, it was precisely this experienced warrior who committed an unfathomable error. He exposed his Spark to Sam, a human boy in possession of the All Spark, and when Sam suddenly raised the All Spark and inserted it into his own Spark, Megatron displayed no reaction whatsoever!

These were undeniably mistakes that Megatron should never have made, indicating an underlying sense of strangeness.

And he, who should have died, is sleeping beneath the 10,000-meter deep sea on Earth. If it weren't for Sun Cheng's sudden visit, everyone would believe that Megatron is dead!

Various things made Sun Cheng sense the smell of conspiracy.

He knew very well that once Megatron returned, he would not only have to face the formidable enemy of the American and Canadian Autobots but also confront the terrifying behemoth of Megatron and the Decepticon Legion.

The sense of imminent crisis compelled him to urge Hephaestus to quickly take him to retrieve the resources brought from Russia this time and prepare to transport them back to Base No. 2.

Creating a new and more powerful mechanical body for himself is currently his top priority!


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 253 Thermonuclear Reactor (Part 2)


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