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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Because the connection with the spherical space became weaker, I was afraid that consuming too much energy would endanger my return to the real world.

Sun Cheng didn't dare to continue using the spherical space to transport the metals, so he had to spend a whole day doing it. Among the precious metals transported from Russia, several rare metals or fractions required in large quantities for the base were transported back in several batches, totaling dozens of tons.

As for the remaining metals, he would arrange for them to be shipped to Brazil through a freight route, which would delay the process by approximately a week, but it would save him a lot of time.

It had been four or five days since they left Base No. 2, and upon returning, Sun Cheng discovered that Atlas and the others had finally completed the nuclear reactor they had been preparing for over a month!

"... Hysteria, keep a close eye on Dust Up..."

After finishing everything, Sun Cheng received information from Teletraan that Atlas and the others had completed the nuclear reactor and were currently conducting tests.

Sun Cheng immediately sent a communication to Hysteria, ordering him to keep a close watch on Dust Up and prevent this individual, who had never truly submitted to him, from causing any trouble.

Sun Cheng himself left the underground cavern and headed towards a construction site located several kilometers away from the base, where work was still in progress.

Before he arrived at the location, Sun Cheng saw Atlas approaching. It was evident that Atlas had already received advance notice of his arrival.

Observing the busy industrial robots moving construction materials around, Sun Cheng glanced at them but didn't say much.

"Master, you're back!"

Sun Cheng nodded and his gaze shifted beyond Atlas, towards the turn in the valley where a faintly visible cluster of buildings stood. A smile appeared on his face.

"... How is the construction of the nuclear reactor going?" he asked Atlas.

"Very smoothly!"

Atlas responded excitedly, "The main construction of the No. 1 nuclear reactor has already been completed. Currently, we are working on the underground condensation water tower. We are in the process of testing the reactor, and we estimate that the initial test will commence in seventeen hours..."

Sun Cheng had previously reviewed the design plans prepared by Atlas and his team. The future plan involved constructing three thermonuclear power plants within a radius of hundreds of kilometers around Base No. 2, with each power plant housing only one set of nuclear reactors.

However, one should not underestimate Cybertronian technology due to the limited number of reactors!

On the contrary, due to the maturity of their thermonuclear power generation technology compared to human nuclear power technology, the nuclear reactors manufactured by Atlas were not only significantly smaller, but also more efficient.

Considering the No. 1 nuclear reactor, which was currently under construction, it was the closest thermonuclear reactor to the underground cavern of Base No. 2. Strictly speaking, it could be considered a political project.

Sun Cheng had issued orders, necessitating that Atlas and his team construct this nuclear reactor within the shortest possible time.

Therefore, the No. 1 nuclear reactor would be the least efficient among the three thermonuclear reactors. It would operate using only a 450,000-kilowatt pressurized water reactor unit.

But even so, relying on Cybertron's mature thermonuclear power generation technology, its scale is not even comparable to one-seventh of the size of Block 1 of the Angra Nuclear Power Plant in Brazil.

In particular, the eye-catching cooling towers that are commonly seen in power stations have been transformed into an underground condensation water tower, greatly reducing the chance of exposure.

Although operating a hot water cooling device will increase operating costs, for Sun Cheng and other mechanical beings, energy is the most precious thing, and everything else must take a back seat.

At the construction site, dozens of industrial robots come and go, constantly handling tasks such as transportation and dragging, tirelessly busy.

Sun Cheng approached for a closer look, and his satisfaction grew, unable to stop himself from nodding repeatedly, "The speed is quite good..."

Observing that most of the materials being transported were shock-proof, he pondered for a moment and quickly realized something.

Unlike the factors that lead humans to construct nuclear reactors near bodies of water, the mechanical beings like Sun Cheng are not affected by drinking water, and Cybertron's thermonuclear technology is much more advanced than the current nuclear power generation technology on Earth. Therefore, many complications are naturally avoided during construction. Therefore, the primary concern is not water sources, pollution, or site selection, but rather seismic resistance.

Although most areas of Brazil are not located in seismic zones, the Amambai Mountains region poses some risks. Since the construction of the second base began, seismic monitoring equipment has recorded a magnitude 2.0 earthquake. Although it had a shallow epicenter and a small magnitude, with little impact, the nuclear reactor being built here still requires necessary measures for earthquake resistance.

"After the thermonuclear reactor is successfully debugged, proceed to prepare for the manufacturing of my new mechanical body. Once my new mechanical body is completed, I will manufacture new mechanical bodies for all of you!"

"Yes, Master!"

Led by Atlas, Sun Cheng toured the construction site and noticed several robots that appeared different from ordinary industrial robots. Curiously, he asked, "Atlas, are these newly designed robots?"

"They are not new designs, just some simple modifications. Although the industrial robots we initially manufactured can handle most tasks, some require precision, while others need increased load capacity... So we modified a few robots to meet these different requirements..."

Sun Cheng nodded, his gaze lingering on those robots for a moment, his eyes filled with contemplation.

Previously, he had been curious about the nature of the All Spark and why it could transform mechanical devices into sentient beings. His questions were answered when he encountered Megatron.

In some memory fragments extracted by Sun Cheng, he had found the answers.

The All Spark used to be the property of the Decepticon army, from Megatron to Shockwave to Starscream. Almost all high-ranking Decepticons and scientists had come into contact with it and attempted to study it.

From the memory data of Megatron, although Sun Cheng was somewhat disappointed to find that he did not find any information about the source of the "All Spark," the Decepticon Corps obviously studied it very deeply.

Because the "Core" is such a magical thing, it is the product produced by the scientists of the Decepticon Corps, such as Shockwave and Starscream, by studying the special fluctuation of the "All Spark" and then adjusting the energy wavelength.

"Simulate the energy wavelength of the All Spark..."

Sun Cheng muttered to himself. Although he didn't have the "All Spark," he had a few fragments of it in his hand.

He had previously conducted experiments with Teletraan on this matter, and it had been basically confirmed that the fragments of the "All Spark" could quickly restore the special waves contained within them, which could transform machines into mechanical life, by absorbing energy.

At that moment, he immediately instructed Atlas, "Last time, I asked you to build a small reactor in my laboratory based on the ship-borne nuclear reactor I left behind. How are you doing with it?"

"The nuclear reactor has been manufactured according to your requirements, master. However, we have surveyed your laboratory, and it is not suitable for placing a nuclear reactor. However, we have conducted a survey in the base, and the warehouse is more suitable for its placement..."


Sun Cheng pondered for a moment and then nodded in agreement, saying, "Alright, the space is large enough. Send a team to fix it as soon as possible. I will use it immediately..."

Previously, in the Marinaya Trench, he had scanned Megatron's mechanical body and obtained more detailed information, which would be very beneficial for the final revision of his new mechanical body.

However, creating a new mechanical body for himself required a significant amount of energy, so construction would have to wait until thermonuclear reactor number one was operational.

This would take some time!

He obviously didn't intend to waste this time and thought it would be a good opportunity to study the fragments using the "All Spark" again!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 254 Brazil Raiders 2


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