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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Emerging rapidly from the surface of the sea, Sun Cheng flew forward for hundreds of nautical miles before finally regaining his composure and anxiously looking back.

"No pursuers..."

Core quickly relayed the detection results from the hundred nautical miles behind him, and only then did he let out a breath, feeling a lingering sense of fear.

Sun Cheng never expected that the secret hidden beneath the Mariana Trench would turn out to be the remains of Megatron.

What terrified him even more was the fact that the supposedly deceased Megatron had been awakened by his own actions, nearly paying the price for his recklessness and greed!

Though he couldn't shake off the fear, Sun Cheng dared not linger any longer. After briefly assessing his direction, he headed towards Brazil.

Thanks to the spherical space within him, he had saved himself once again at a critical moment!

However, it was evident that this kind of salvation did not come without a price.

For instance, now, as he distanced himself from the Mariana Trench, he gradually relaxed, only to realize that the connection between himself and the enigmatic spherical space within his body was becoming faintly discernible once more.

Just like when he hadn't yet fully understood the purpose of the spherical space long ago!

"...I awakened Megatron, but luckily, he did not manage to access all of my memories..."

Whenever this crossed his mind, Sun Cheng couldn't help but shudder.

Megatron was not dead, and he had accessed a significant amount of Sun Cheng's memory data. For that tyrant, there was nothing more disgraceful.

Without a doubt, once he returned, he would become a target as swift as the Autobots for the Decepticon legion, eager to eliminate him.

The only solace he found was that, due to the sudden surge of power from the spherical space, Megatron had not managed to extract too many secrets from him.

If Sun Cheng recalled correctly, his secondary memory storage area outside the Core had almost been completely compromised before the intrusion information was expelled.

The biggest difference between mechanical life and human life lies in their silicon-based nature. Rather than being similar to humans, who are carbon-based life forms, in terms of life characteristics, they share more similarities with many machines created by humans.

After Starscream's near-attempt to access the Core memories last time, Sun Cheng became aware of this danger. To avoid a repeat scenario, he set up a trap within the mechanical body's secondary memory storage area, which was not exactly a trap.

He transferred all the important data originally stored in the secondary memory storage area by Frenzy to the memory chip within the Core for storage. Additionally, he downloaded a significant amount of historical, mythological, and professional materials from the internet. These resources would serve him for learning purposes during normal times and buy him some time when faced with a similar situation again.

This time it was a stroke of luck in misfortune. After Megatron gained control of his mechanical body, he didn't immediately rush to access Sun Cheng's memory chip. Instead, he set his sights on the second memory storage area outside of the Core.

It's unclear what exactly is stored in the second memory storage area within the mechanical body, not even Sun Cheng himself knows.

Only a small portion of it consists of planned downloads from the internet for specific needs. The majority was acquired later when Teletraan, a supercomputer produced by Cybertron Planet, was available. Sun Cheng entrusted Teletraan to search and download various content from the internet to the second base, which he then transferred to his second memory storage area during his leisure time, for entertainment purposes.

It must be admitted that his caution paid off this time!

Internally celebrating his good fortune, the visibly unsettled mechanical body exposed the turmoil within its owner's heart.

Clearly, a living Megatron, and one who held a deep grudge against himself, made Sun Cheng exceptionally uneasy.

He didn't dare to pause for a moment until he arrived in the waters near Peru in the South Pacific. After scanning the surroundings once again, confirming that there were no pursuers tracking him, he flew towards a rocky beach situated on a hidden reef near the coast of Peru.

When it comes to tourism in Peru, the mesmerizing and intricate rocky beaches are among the most unforgettable sights.

Peru lies at the junction of the Pacific and American tectonic plates. Due to the forces of nature, the region is mountainous, and even the coastal areas have undergone significant changes due to tectonic movement, resulting in numerous land fault areas.

The abundance of rocky beaches serves as undeniable proof.

However, while Peru boasts numerous rocky beaches, not every location holds potential for tourism development.

For instance, in the northern part of Arequipa Province, there exists a rarely-visited offshore restricted zone. Hidden reefs dot the sea beneath, and the unpredictable undercurrents add an element of terror. Countless ships have encountered mishaps in this area since the age of great voyages. Over time, this beach gained the infamous name of the "Devil's Nest," deterring fishermen and tourists from venturing close.

However, for mechanical beings like Sun Cheng, such notoriety holds little weight.

Calculating the time, he knew that Hephaestus and the Ghost must have already arrived. Suppressing the panic in his heart, he flew directly to the "Devil's Nest" upon confirming that no pursuers were tailing him. There, he planned to meet up with Hephaestus and the others.

Although the Ghost could remain submerged in the ocean for extended periods, nobody truly did so. Even metallic beings would accumulate wear and tear due to fatigue.

So, after discovering a huge offshore cave under a rocky beach near the 'Devil's Nest', Hephaestus and the others simply cleaned it up. They blew up some reefs to clear a path for the Ghost and allow it to enter the cave for temporary rest without going out to sea.

When Sun Cheng arrived, he was four days late from the agreed-upon time with Hephaestus and the others.

Fortunately, the strict hierarchy within the Decepticon Corps prevented the engineers from questioning his authority.

Even though he was late by a few days, when he arrived at the 'Devil's Nest' and sent a message to Hephaestus and the others, he was surprised to see a team of engineers waiting for him inside the cave on the makeshift dock they had repaired.

"Master, you're finally here... The Ghost has returned as scheduled, and all the resources that need to be transported are here..."

The figure had just emerged from the water and landed in an open space in the cave. Hephaestus immediately approached him, displaying his usual respect with an added touch of sincerity.

Clearly, during the second trip to Beigang, the sudden appearance of Forerunner, more than a dozen combat robots, and dozens of industrial robots all indicated that the Sun Cheng he was following might be stronger than the original owner, Onslaught, although there was still a difference in power.

This is significant because it suggests that he still has the potential to be a formidable leader!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 252: Imminent Danger (Part 2)


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