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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


An inexplicable sense of crisis suddenly emerged in Sun Cheng's heart, appearing exceptionally eerie!

All around, it felt as if there were invisible eyes staring at him intently!

This feeling was terrible, even though it was fleeting, and not even his Core reacted.

But Sun Cheng keenly felt that during that moment just now, there was indeed a strange gaze fixed upon him.

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the restlessness and unease in his heart. He had already realized that it was too late for regrets now.

The most pressing matter was that he needed to prove one thing: Megatron was dead, and everything was just his illusion, a hallucination resulting from spending too long in the depths of the sea, thousands of meters below.

Therefore, tightly gripping his weapon, Sun Cheng walked quickly towards Megatron's remains.

A kilometer's distance wasn't far, even under the depths of the sea.

When he caught sight of a severely damaged, terrifying mechanical corpse lying quietly not far away, Sun Cheng instinctively tightened his grip on the weapon.

Megatron was indeed dead!

After seeing Megatron's corpse with his own eyes, he immediately realized it—Megatron was dead!

In the dirty seabed muck, the creature who once ruled the Decepticon army for millions of years, led the Decepticons to dominate the enormous and defeated the Autobots, earning him the title of 'king,' was now lying peacefully not far ahead.

The scavenging microorganisms in the deep sea had evidently claimed Megatron's remains as their new habitat. These insignificant microorganisms propagated and perished on his mechanical body, leaving a thick, hardened shell on the surface of Megatron's remains.

To the point that when Sun Cheng first glanced at it, he actually thought Megatron's mechanical body had already decayed.

This forlorn appearance was something the tyrant he remembered would never tolerate.

Hence, there was only one answer!

Megatron was truly dead!

"Core scan...no signs of life detected...mechanical body analysis...warning, unable to scan...changing scanning method...confirming severe damage to All Spark...irreparable..."

Approaching the corpse, two brilliant blue scanning beams shot from Sun Cheng's eyes, landing on Megatron's lifeless body several meters away.

After waiting for several minutes, he furrowed his brow and withdrew his gaze.

Truly worthy of being the former supreme commander of the Decepticon army, he thought. Even though Megatron was dead, it took considerable effort for Core to scan and analyze the structure of Megatron's mechanical body accurately.

However, after completing the scan, Sun Cheng didn't rush forward.

Instead, he silently stood before Megatron's corpse, patiently waiting.

Waiting for the eerie gaze that had briefly glanced at him before, the gaze that had vanished in an instant!

However, to Sun Cheng's disappointment, he stood in front of Megatron's corpse for a full four hours without detecting anything amiss.

The strange fluctuations that had previously indicated the coordinates of this location did not appear again, and even the surveillance gaze he had keenly sensed earlier did not reappear.

Everything seemed to prove that it was all just Sun Cheng's imagination.

After several hours of this deadlock, the calm state of mind he had finally forced himself into began to stir once more.

Sun Cheng furrowed his brow. This place was located at the deepest part of the Mariana Trench, dim, oppressive, and utterly silent.

Having spent so much time here, he started to doubt if his previous perceptions had truly been illusions.

Unable to contain his impatience any longer, he finally took action.

After circling around Megatron's corpse, he slowly approached its head and crouched down. With one hand, he pressed firmly against Megatron's forehead.

In the next instant, his Core activated, and numerous liquid metal joints, resembling transparent serpents, began to extend outward from his mechanical body, swiftly wriggling through the seawater until they reached Megatron's head.

Then, following Sun Cheng's command, they swiftly entered Megatron's head through his mouth, nostrils, and ear canals.

In an instant, Megatron's mechanical body trembled abruptly, and a brilliant blue light surged in Sun Cheng's eyes.

"...Scanning function activated...Intrusion function initiated...Memory chip location determined...Data analysis function activated...Unknown protection program detected, generating virus package automatically, preparing for forceful decryption...Active interception function awakened...Defense system online...Core data encryption..."

"Warning, virus intercepted, unable to bypass protection system...Replacing and regenerating virus package...Overflow information analysis in progress...Ding, no overflow information detected..."

"...Virus generation complete...Intrusion function reactivated...Scanning function initiated...Data analysis function activated...Commencing virus release..."

"Warning, virus intercepted, unable to bypass protection system...Replacing and regenerating virus package...Overflow information analysis in progress...Ding, no overflow information detected..."


To his surprise, even though Megatron had been dead for a considerable time, his memory chip was still quietly guarded by a formidable protection system within his head.

This defense mechanism was even more sophisticated than the protection system Sun Cheng had breached on the Beast General not long ago.

Consequently, a deadlock ensued for three whole days until Sun Cheng, relying on Core's relentless data intrusion, finally managed to break through the unattended protection system.

"...Protection system successfully breached..."

With the sudden pleasant notification from Core, Sun Cheng, whose blue glow had already dulled considerably, couldn't help but feel invigorated.

In the next moment, an endless stream of memory data flooded into his Core.


"Megatron, you and I both know that this war is wrong. Decepticons can never annihilate the Autobots. As long as I'm alive, you will never be able to unify Cybertron. The Autobots still have the ability to resist and the war will continue... So, today I come with a hopeful wish for peace. Cybertron needs peace..."

"Shut up, Sentinel Prime. My army has already surrounded your last stronghold. The final battle is about to begin, and you cannot escape..."

"Heh, how laughable! Megatron, even if you've changed your name, you can't change your inherently low nature. Have you forgotten your origins as a slave laborer before the gladiatorial arena? Why was the mighty Senate overthrown... Or perhaps you've even forgotten the one who taught you... I can tell you with certainty that he is still alive..."

"...This is my proposal: the war must come to an end. Otherwise, Cybertron will perish in the fires of war, something neither of us wants to see. As an exchange, I can choose to withdraw and let you be the ultimate victor. I can even reveal the whereabouts of the All Spark to you... But as a condition, I will keep the Leadership Module... From that point forward, there will be no Decepticons or Autobots, only Cybertron..."


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 249 Megatron's Past


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