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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng suddenly opened his eyes, a hint of horror flickering in them!

Megatron's memory data was chaotic and disorganized, similar to the absorbed memories of Blackout, Jazz, and Mudflap. There was no discernible pattern.

Of course, this could be because he hadn't yet grasped the underlying structure and needed patience to sort it out gradually.

However, what surprised him was that as soon as he began reading Megatron's memories, he came across a segment that filled him with terror.

In the toxic mud swamps of Cybertron, Sentinel Prime, the former leader of the Autobots, had secretly met with Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons, towards the end of the Second Cybertronian Civil War.

Shockingly, Sentinel Prime had managed to manipulate and ultimately persuade Megatron through coercion.

Thus, during the final stages of the civil war, Sentinel Prime had unexpectedly passed the mantle of leadership to Optimus Prime, the Autobots' leader, and then mysteriously vanished.

The reality was far more brutal than Sun Cheng had ever imagined.

Sentinel Prime had betrayed the Autobots, sacrificing the lives of countless Autobots, as well as vital information about the All Spark and 'Lord Fallen,' in exchange for cooperation with the Decepticons, particularly Megatron.

As a result, Frenzy, Blackout, and the others, who were believed to have perished under Megatron's ambush, carried the Autobots' hope—a cache of hundreds of energy pillars—boarding a spaceship and disappearing into the vastness of space.

The Decepticons ultimately emerged victorious in the Second Civil War. With the exception of a few resilient Autobot warriors, the majority were forced off Cybertron's main planet and compelled to take refuge on the moon.

However, what astonished Sun Cheng was that Megatron had indeed fallen into the trap set by Sentinel Prime.

Following the war's conclusion, Sun Cheng paid no heed to battlefield management. Instead, he personally led over a hundred elite soldiers, boarding the Decepticon army's interstellar warship—the Nemesis (Retribution)—and pursued the clues left behind by Sentinel Prime, ultimately tracking their way to Earth.

The memory fragment abruptly terminated during their journey. Nevertheless, the unexpected memories Sun Cheng had acquired provided him with a glimpse of the war's cruelty and wickedness. Moreover, he finally began to understand why Blackout, Jazz, Mudflap, and others harbored such deep fear of Megatron.

Megatron was a despot, a tyrant, and a schemer who employed any means necessary to achieve victory. 'Lord Fallen' indeed seemed to be Megatron's mentor, as Onslaught had claimed, yet their relationship was far from the harmonious one Sun Cheng had initially envisioned.

Otherwise, Megatron would not have been swayed by Sentinel Prime in the end. Their collaboration hinged on an agreement—an alliance to defeat and eliminate 'Lord Fallen'!


The truth concealed within history caused Sun Cheng's mechanical body to shudder involuntarily, and he was finally filled with excitement.

These were Megatron's memory data, undoubtedly containing numerous invaluable insights waiting to be discovered.

In that moment, he quickly composed himself and continued to delve into the memory data about Megatron.

As a result, the vast amount of memories left by Megatron in the past unfolded before him, and Sun Cheng eagerly and freely delved into the glorious life of the former Decepticon leader.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, Sun Cheng's spirits were unexpectedly lifted. He had finally found something hidden in a corner among countless fragmented memories.

Countless years ago, on the distant planet Cybertron, during the era when it was ruled by the invaders known as the Quintessons, there was a place where a primitive organism was controlled by the Quintessons. It was in this place that a mechanical life, similar to other slaves under Quintesson control, was born. The Quintesson in charge of managing this natural breeding ground gave the new mechanical life a name or rather a codename - D-16.

Standard Cybertronian mechanical life originated from these primitive organisms, which were partially formed circuits.

After the Quintessons took control of Cybertron, they seized control of the areas where these primitive organisms were naturally bred.

The Quintesson scientists soon discovered that if these organisms were left unattended, although most of them would easily perish, once they matured in the harsh natural environment, they would develop independent personalities and possess formidable mechanical bodies.

These powerful mechanical life forms were proud and rebellious, refusing to submit to Quintesson control.

To better control Cybertron, the Quintesson scientists developed a nutrient solution infused with volatile energy. They placed the naturally bred organisms in cultivation chambers for artificial nurturing. These nutrient solutions provided ample energy to the organisms, resulting in stronger and more robust mechanical bodies.

However, the volatile energy within the nutrient solution deeply corrupted the pure essence of the organisms. They became savage and warlike, serving as the Quintessons' most obedient slaves and enforcers.

Although D-16 appeared similar to the other organisms, there was something unique about him during his time in the Quintessons' cultivation chambers.

He was stronger and more ambitious than all the other organisms born in the same batch. While it took several years of nurturing for each organism to slowly mature, D-16 had less than two years and yet, even in his adolescence, he displayed significantly greater strength than his peers.

A Quintesson guard quickly noticed his anomaly and reported it to the higher-ups.

Soon, the attention of higher-ranking Quintessons shifted towards D-16.

Finally, under the malicious suggestion of a governor, D-16 was sent to the arena, where he would engage in bloody battles with rebels and even gigantic monsters captured by the five-faced creature from other colonial planets. This was meant to entertain the rulers during their boring time.

D-16 displayed exceptional resilience in combat, giving his all in each battle and defeating the terrifying gladiators whose hands were already stained with the blood of mechanical life.

However, his performance failed to impress the five-faced creature, instead attracting his most terrifying opponent—a colossal monster known as Gigantus, who, like D-16, originated from the planet Cybertron and had existed for over a thousand years.

Gigantus was a gigantic monster native to Cybertron, predating the existence of intelligent mechanical beings, possessing a much larger body and greater strength.

Many ages ago, a cataclysmic disaster had decimated the majority of these terrifying monsters. Despite the few remaining survivors, the Gigantus continued to hunt and kill countless primal beings throughout millions of years.

Just when D-16 had resigned himself to the belief that his death was imminent, a burly giant cloaked in darkness stealthily evaded the guards and arrived at the confines of his prison cell.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 250: Eyes Hidden in the Darkness


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