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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Although Sun Cheng had only met Megatron once, if he were to compare "Lord Fallen" and "Megatron," there was no doubt that the latter instilled a stronger fear in him.

There was a reason for it. As for who "Lord Fallen" really was and how powerful he was, Sun Cheng could only rely on Onslaught's and Beast General's fragmented speculations!

When it came to things one hadn't personally encountered, it was difficult for the mind not to have some doubts, no matter how powerful others described it.

Therefore, Sun Cheng's attitude towards "Lord Fallen" was at most just fear!

On the other hand, Megatron, who had commanded the Decepticon army for millions of years, had defeated the incredibly powerful Autobots and left a deep impression on Frenzy, Blackout, Jazz, Mudflap, and others.

Sun Cheng had absorbed their memory data, which deepened his understanding of the terror of Megatron's past. This master had been a cruel tyrant who had caused countless massacres in Cybertron.

An indescribable fear froze all of Sun Cheng's actions and cognitive abilities in an instant.

However, after a moment of hesitation, Sun Cheng suddenly reacted, "Wait... Megatron is indeed dead... During the Battle of Las Vegas, he was destroyed by the human boy Sam using the All Spark right in front of me... My eyes cannot deceive me..."

Doubts quietly filled his mind, and Sun Cheng quickly dismissed the idea of retreating. He had realized that there was a problem!

"This might be a trap..."

Immediately, he maximized the functionality of the Core and carefully scanned the surrounding area of the trench repeatedly, tens of nautical miles away.

As expected, he soon detected some abnormal fluctuations.

"Just as I suspected..."

Capturing the abnormal movements, Sun Cheng felt a sense of relief.

Compared to an ambush by the Autobots, the possibility of Megatron still being alive made him even more fearful.

After all, whether he had officially defected from the Decepticon army, assuming the title of "Decepticon Reformist Leader" and deceiving others, or the fact that he had cooperated with Starscream while knowing of his treacherous intentions, or even stealing Blackout's head, removing any possibility of Megatron's confidant being resurrected—any of these actions, once known by the tyrant Megatron, would result in Sun Cheng being torn apart and his remains casually thrown into the garbage dump.

Therefore, if it was indeed an ambush by the Autobots, it would be good news for Sun Cheng at this moment.

The Core quickly identified several locations from which subtle abnormal fluctuations emanated, and Sun Cheng remained cautious as he guarded the trench.

Humans might erroneously measure the mechanical strength of mechanical life based on their own level of thinking, but the initial assumption was not entirely unfounded.

Under the depths of the 10,000-meter ocean, it was arguably the most dangerous place on Earth.

Apart from himself, most of his means cannot be used here.

Micro detectors are unusable, combat robots are unusable; the terrifying water pressure below 10,000 meters would instantly destroy everything.

After all, micro detectors are non-reusable disposable devices, and the engineers didn't use the best materials when mass-producing them.

The same goes for combat robots. Due to cost considerations, the combat robots designed by Atlas are essentially industrial robots with a few modifications. If we don't count the expensive Core energy system, the cost of the mechanical body alone is only around two to three hundred thousand US dollars. Even if we include the weapon system, it would only increase the cost to seven to eight hundred thousand US dollars. Moreover, considering the production costs of engineers and industrial robots, this price can actually be lowered further.

Therefore, the mechanical body of the combat robot is not much stronger than the composite armor used in several third-generation main battle tanks on the market, making it unable to withstand the terrifying pressure under the 10,000-meter deep sea.

So, he can only rely on himself!

Concealed in the trench, Sun Cheng remained cautious for a while, but couldn't help but feel some doubts.

Based on his understanding of the Autobots, their hatred towards the Decepticons is deep. If they had truly discovered him, they wouldn't have been able to remain calm and should have surfaced long ago.

He glanced towards the remains of Megatron in the distance, feeling uneasy, and his eyes lit up with anticipation!

The mechanical body of a Leader, and the memory chip is likely still intact. This undeniably held tremendous temptation for Sun Cheng.

Without delay, he retrieved Sideswipe's triangular blade and held it in his hand. Cautiously sticking to the seabed, he slowly moved towards the source of the first abnormal fluctuation detected by the Core.

Throughout the journey, Sun Cheng proceeded with utmost care. Whenever there was even the slightest disturbance in the water flow, he would stop and cautiously survey his surroundings.

As a result, it took him a good ten minutes to cover a distance of over a thousand meters before he finally approached the location of the detected abnormal fluctuation.

However, upon getting a closer look, Sun Cheng couldn't help but exclaim.

Despite the darkness and murky mud at the bottom of the 10,000-meter deep sea, he could still clearly discern the cause of the abnormal fluctuation from a few hundred meters away!

"Is that...a human-made seabed monitoring device?"

Indeed, amidst the sea floor mud, a peculiar machine was partially exposed. Sun Cheng had seen many similar devices on the seabed before, some manufactured in Europe, others in Russia, Japan, China, and predominantly from the United States.

These were seabed monitoring devices produced by countries interested in establishing naval dominance and competing for control over the blue ocean. Their operational principle was similar to sonar, enabling monitoring of the water surface from the seabed.

After carefully observing for a moment, he was momentarily taken aback when he noticed the American logo printed on the device, and then he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"So, the abnormal fluctuations detected by Core are coming from these underwater monitoring devices..."

As soon as Core activated, it immediately took control of these monitoring devices and checked the data stored inside. However, the expression on Sun Cheng's face became serious once again.

The coordinates of the Megatron corpse that his Core had previously detected did not originate from these monitoring devices.

Thus, doubt once again crept into his mind!

Who could it be?

Who sent the precise coordinates of that Megatron corpse?

And who are they trying to lure here?

Unease flooded his heart once more.

Lost in thought, he glanced towards the distance, where the remnants of the Decepticon legion's leader were buried in the depths of the trench, less than a kilometer away. He hesitated once more.

After a while, he tightened his grip on the triangular-edged blade in his hand and briskly walked towards Megatron's corpse.

Sun Cheng had a feeling that all the answers to his doubts might lie there.

Furthermore, he realized that if he wanted to leave now, it might already be too late!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 248 Conspiracy


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