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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng nodded slightly, acknowledging Hysteria's response.

Seeing that Forerunner was absent, he immediately sent a message to Forerunner.

Before long, he swiftly returned to the underground cavern through a concealed pathway within the base, akin to a hunting cheetah.

"Master, you're back!"

Forerunner had keen eyes and noticed that all the Decepticons from Base No. 2 had congregated there, indicating that they were awaiting his orders.

After respectfully greeting them, he positioned himself beside Hysteria, standing in line.

"Very well, now that everyone is here, I have an announcement to make..."

Sun Cheng couldn't hide a smile on his face. "Not long ago, I engaged in a successful transaction with humans. In a few days, we can expect a continuous flow of resources to be delivered..." He paused, scanning the faces of the Decepticons under his command one by one. However, he realized that they displayed no emotional reactions.

Occasionally, he could even detect some doubt and confusion!

Sun Cheng furrowed his brow slightly, but quickly understood.

Of course!

These Decepticons were different from him; they were the purest form of mechanical life. Even the lowest-ranking workers maintained disdain for carbon-based life like humans.

Soon, he realized the significance of this. Sun Cheng felt a slight annoyance since he had been striving to find a way to ensure the loyalty of his Decepticons while preserving their intelligence, despite inhabiting human bodies.

It seemed this path would be arduous.

Swiftly dismissing these thoughts, he decided to downplay the issue of cooperation between himself and humans since his Decepticons exhibited no reaction. Instead, he shifted his gaze towards Forerunner and Hysteria.

His eyes lingered on the two for a while before finally settling on Forerunner.

"Forerunner, prepare yourself. Transfer the defense of the base to Hysteria. In a couple of days, I'll need you to spend some time in the human world, protecting our workers and industrial robots."

"Yes, master!"

During his recent trip to Russia, in accordance with the agreement he reached with President Vladimir, Sun Cheng would receive the first shipment of various finished metals, rare earths, and enriched uranium, totaling five thousand tons.

Sun Cheng had to honor his commitment. As part of the exchange, he would provide Russia with at least ten five-axis CNC machine tools and other equipment required for the modification of their nuclear submarines on the specified day.

Satisfied with Forerunner's agreement, Sun Cheng nodded.

His gaze returned to Atlas, and he gestured for him to come forward. "Atlas, come here..."

"Do you have any new orders, master?"

Atlas hurried over, bowing respectfully.

"Raise your head..."

Sun Cheng commanded. As Atlas complied, two beams of light shot out from Sun Cheng's eyes, quickly entering Atlas's core. Sun Cheng then instructed, "Have your team produce these devices as soon as possible, following the designs and specifications."

"I'll make the arrangements immediately, master..."

Atlas shook his head, once again processing the data that had been transmitted to him. He now understood what Sun Cheng wanted him to manufacture.

Immediately, a Decepticon engineer was summoned from the engineering queue and replicated the data that Sun Cheng had just transmitted to him. He then made a copy and handed it to the engineer, instructing him to take a team of industrial robots for manufacturing.

Sun Cheng watched as he completed all of this and then asked, "How many industrial robots have been manufactured in the base since I left?"

"The materials are not very sufficient. We have only manufactured 37 new industrial robots!" replied Atlas.

"The materials are not sufficient?"

Sun Cheng frowned and looked at him with a displeased expression, asking, "What's going on?"

Atlas quickly shook his head and replied, "Master, we are not sure. You have always arranged for humans to purchase and deliver the materials to the designated location. However, ever since the last batch of materials was delivered a week ago, we have not received any news. We don't know what's going on!"

Upon hearing this, Sun Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

Regarding the construction of the No. 2 base, apart from the main equipment that he personally contacted humans to purchase and smuggled through channels such as the black market, he had stopped being responsible for the procurement of basic materials a few months ago. He only provided a procurement list and sent it to the group of humans he had developed in Brazil. He instructed them to purchase the items and deliver them to a plantation near the Amanbai Mountains, which he had acquired in his private capacity.

Once the items arrived at the plantation, the base would arrange for industrial robots to transport them.

"Could it be that my insiders in the arms trade company have been exposed?"

With thoughts racing in his mind, he no longer pressed Atlas for answers. He nodded slightly to indicate that he understood and would handle the matter himself later.

"How many combat robots have been produced? Has the production line design been completed?"

"The production line design is complete. Once it is operational, each line can produce three combat robots per day. However, due to the lack of materials, we have only produced six new combat robots recently. We won't be able to produce any more!"

Insufficient materials again?

Sun Cheng's frown deepened. Clearly, there must be a problem with the procurement line he had established in Brazil.

Apart from copper mines, the area near the No. 2 base is not rich in minerals.

As a result, any flaws in the procurement line he had established in Brazil immediately affected the production situation at the No. 2 base.

"It seems that I need to go and assess the situation as soon as possible!"

Having made up his mind, Sun Cheng knew what he had to do. After delegating all the tasks, he left the No. 2 base without lingering for long. He made a quick visit to his private laboratory and promptly departed for the east coast of Brazil.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 230 My name is Frenzy


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