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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


On the metal thin plate called the "Memory Board," the final scene unfolded, clearly visible in the eager eyes of Beast General.

After the audio message ended, Sun Cheng silently held the Memory Board in his hand. Moments later, his mechanical body's chest abruptly wriggled and split open, revealing a small space. Without hesitation, Sun Cheng stuffed the Memory Board inside!

He no longer needed to rewatch the footage left by Beast General!

His mechanical life possessed an unforgettable learning ability, allowing him to remember every frame from his previous viewings.

Now, he needed some time to carefully analyze this unexpected gain.

Glancing at the metal square cabinet on the stone pedestal, he realized it was no longer useful to him.

However, after some thought, Sun Cheng waved his hand and stored it in his spherical storage space. Although the square cabinet hadn't directly withstood his plasma cannon, it remained undamaged after the previous attacks, piquing Sun Cheng's interest in its material composition.

"Let's go..."

He gave the order to gather to the seven battle robots that had been silently guarding the area. Sun Cheng stored these battle robots back into the spherical space as well.

Compared to his own mobility, their movement speed was still too slow. The delivery to Russia was only a few days away, and Sun Cheng needed to return quickly to his secondary base in Brazil and extract a batch of industrial robots.

Once the first transaction with Russia was successfully completed, a continuous stream of resources would flow into his pockets.

Sun Cheng's influence in this world would then begin to grow explosively.

After a swift journey, he soon returned to the Ghost, which was still stationed in the Bay of Bengal. After issuing the command to Hephaestus to return to the South Pacific, he entered his exclusive resting room on the Ghost, where he could focus on analyzing the information he had obtained from Beast General's messages.

"The Thirteen Primes were born before the ancient council and are likely super leaders of mechanical lifeforms..."

"Currently, I can confirm the identities of nine ancestral Primes: 'Megatronus Prime,' 'Onyx Prime,' 'Solus Prime,' 'Lord Maximo,' 'Micronus Prime,' 'Amalgamous Prime,' 'Alchemist Prime,' 'Quintus Prime,' and 'Thirteen Prime'..." "Among the nine ancestors, 'Solus Prime' is deceased, 'Lord Maximo' and 'Megatronus Prime' are missing, and 'Onyx Prime,' 'Micronus Prime,' 'Amalgamous Prime,' 'Alchemist Prime,' 'Quintus Prime,' and 'Thirteen Prime' are presumed to have fallen in battle..."

"So, who is 'Lord Fallen'? Megatronus Prime? Or Lord Maximo? Is Onyx Prime deceased? And where is the tomb of the original ancestor?"

Sun Cheng had never heard of the eight names among the Thirteen Primes before, but he had come across the name of Lord Maximo in Blackout's memory data.

According to reports, Shockwave had once discovered a workshop left behind by Lord Maximo on Cybertron. Even if it wasn't the place where Lord Maximo had built the ferocious mechanical warriors, it was undoubtedly extraordinary.

Without the technology Lord Maximo had left behind, even someone like Shockwave, a great scientist, would have struggled to unlock the realm of life creation and invent practical mechanical beings like the Decepticon engineer.

Now, Sun Cheng's greatest concern was not the identity of 'Lord Fallen' but the increasing mysteries surrounding Earth.

For a long time, even before he knew about 'Lord Fallen' and the 'Thirteen Primes,' he had harbored numerous doubts.

Throughout history, there have been countless mechanical beings that have crossed the galaxy from the distant planet of Cybertron to Earth.

This seemingly insignificant planet, located in the farthest corner of the Milky Way, almost halfway between Cybertron and Earth.

But why do so many mechanical beings continue to flock to Earth?

The "memory board" left by Beast General undoubtedly deepened Sun Cheng's suspicions!

Why did Lord Maximo bring Megatronus Prime and the others to Earth?

Did the Thirteen Primes really engage in a fierce battle solely to protect life on Earth, ultimately sacrificing themselves just to seal the "Leadership Module" and prevent Megatronus Prime from using it to activate his machine and destroy the sun?

The Leadership Module is on Earth, and the All Spark has also arrived!

Even in the footage left by Beast General, there is a record of his final journey before he declared that his time was running out.

Based on the dwindling energy he had at the time, Beast General's journey should have taken place on Earth.

Thus, another perplexing enigma presented itself to Sun Cheng!

What did Beast General discover on his final journey?

What could it be that even the mighty Primes longed for?

Is it an artifact or some other precious object?




Countless mysteries continued to flood Sun Cheng's mind, eventually converging into a puzzle that confounded him the most.

Why Earth?

Unfortunately, no matter how hard he racked his brain, Sun Cheng was plagued by the fact that he had very few clues. Even when Hephastus came to report that the Ghost had reached the South Pacific, he still couldn't formulate a clear plan!

With a sigh of resignation, Sun Cheng left the Ghost with a tinge of regret and flew straight to Base No. 2 in Brazil.

"For now, let's set these thoughts aside. Perhaps Earth is not as simple as I imagined. But at this moment, I simply don't have the energy to delve into this matter... I can only wait for the completion of the new mechanical body, and then continue my investigation after establishing trade and cooperation with China and Russia."

Finally, as he entered the Amanbai Mountains and neared Base No. 2, Sun Cheng reached a decision.

He discarded those nagging thoughts and swiftly arrived at the underground cavern where Base No. 2 was situated. Simultaneously, he issued an order for all personnel to gather.

"I have returned. Everyone, assemble immediately in Hall 1. I have orders to give..."

After issuing a swift order for all Decepticons in the base to assemble, Sun Cheng paid no mind to the dirt on his path. He entered the underground cavern and hurried towards Hall 1.

Soon after, when he arrived at Hall 1, all the Decepticons in Base No. 2 ceased their activities, except for Forerunner, who didn't reside in the base full-time. They gathered in Hall 1 of the base.

"Master, you have returned!"

Upon seeing Sun Cheng's arrival, Hysteria quickly approached, offering his respect and flattery.

He and Forerunner were currently the highest-ranked Decepticons under Sun Cheng, and as combat units, Hysteria had been in his service for a longer period than Atlas. However, Hysteria held a much higher status.

Thus, after Forerunner assumed responsibility for the overall perimeter security of Base No. 2, Hysteria, despite being a newly created Decepticon, rightfully gained Sun Cheng's favor. In Sun Cheng's absence, he was entrusted with the defense of the entire base.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 229: Changes in Brazil


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