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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng's eyes widened, filled with disbelief as he looked at the metal sheet in his hand.

No matter how much he had let his imagination run wild, considering countless possibilities, he never would have thought that his impromptu trip to search for stones in Lop Nur would actually yield unexpected discoveries.

"Beast General? Thirteen Primes? It seems like this could be a forgotten chapter of Cybertronian history..."

With a peculiar gleam in his eyes, Sun Cheng quietly observed the message left by the mechanical warrior who identified himself as the 'Beast General' on the metal sheet that continued to narrate on its own.

There was no hint of impatience on his face; in fact, there was even a restrained excitement.

Ever since he had crossed over to this incredible world of Transformers, Cybertron, the wondrous planet that nurtured the miraculous race of mechanical life, had left an indelible impression in his mind.

Sun Cheng had even entertained the thought that, one day in the future, when he possessed a formidable mechanical body capable of traversing the stars like the Leader, he would personally visit the Cybertron planet to witness the enigmatic celestial body.

Therefore, he had a great interest in exploring the ancient history of Cybertron, especially if it involved a forgotten and lost era.

Furthermore, there were abundant valuable pieces of information concealed within.

"Quintessa? This should be the invader of Cybertron, who invaded and enslaved the planet before the ancient council... But Thirteen Primes, this is the first time I've heard of such a term... Onyx Prime, Megatronus Prime, Solus Prime, Lord Maximo—four of the known Thirteen Primes. I wonder who the other nine might be... And the Requiem Blaster, it must be an extraordinary weapon..."

His mind rapidly processed the audio message left by the Beast General.

Simultaneously, the projected image of the Beast General from the metal sheet continued to speak to itself.

"...We pursued Lord Maximo relentlessly, while searching for a suitable star to replenish the All Spark's energy..."

"However, nobody realized that Lord Maximo's machinations never ceased..."

"...Under his deliberate guidance, we traversed the galaxy and arrived in this remote star system..."

"Just as Lord Maximo anticipated, Megatronus Prime chose the sun. He sought to obliterate this young star and harness its immense energy to reawaken the Spark of the progenitor, Solus Prime, from her eternal slumber..."

"...The other six progenitors refused Megatronus Prime's demand, for they had discovered that life had already evolved on a planet adjacent to this youthful star."

"The overwhelming burden of guilt and yearning eventually drove Megatronus Prime to his downfall, transforming him into a corrupted monster. After being denied the leadership module once again, he wounded the Thirteen Primes and absconded with the module, stubbornly clinging to his desire to annihilate the star..."

"And so, a new era of the Primes' war ensued!"

"Amalgamous Prime was the first to fall, Alchemist Prime shattered his right leg, Quintus Prime lost both arms..."

"As one of the mightiest warriors among the Primes, Megatronus Prime quickly made the others realize that they had to unite."

"Thus, in the battle of unity, the Thirteen Primes fought fiercely against Megatronus Prime. Micronus Prime seized the opportunity to steal the leadership module, but when attempting to escape, he encountered Megatronus Prime..."

"Lord Onyx Prime, with the help of the Triptych Mask, saw the outcome of his own death, so he willingly stayed behind to hold back Megatronus Prime, while we began to evacuate under the guidance of other ancestors..."

"...During the evacuation, we unexpectedly encountered a group of terrifying mechanical monsters led by Onslaught. Damn it, these creatures created by Lord Maximo have actually made their way to Earth."

"Amidst the fierce battle, we lost many warriors, and several ancestors went missing. After sustaining severe damage, I had no choice but to escape to a canyon and enter a prolonged stasis..."

"Upon awakening, the world had undergone significant changes, yet Earth remained the same planet, with a diminished population of animals but an increased sense of civilization. However, despite scouring every corner of the world, I failed to find any traces of my fellow kin..."

"The protracted search has gradually depleted my energy. My mechanical body has begun to corrode and decay, and the outer armor is disintegrating and falling apart... I know that these are signs signaling the imminent end of my existence..."

"I have come across some Cybertron Planet texts in various parts of the world, many of which were left by explorers like myself. According to the information they left behind, the ancestors, in order to prevent Megatronus Prime from locating the leadership module, willingly sacrificed themselves and sealed it within their own tombs... I believe I may never be able to return to Cybertron..."

"The chaos has started to affect my memory... Recently, I have been forgetting more and more things..."

"Time is running out for me, and before returning to the All Spark, I must preserve what I can remember..."

"Megatronus Prime once referred to the Requiem Blaster and constructed a machine capable of annihilating stars. It is concealed in the closest vicinity to the stars on this planet..."

"During my arduous journey, I encountered a group of malevolent and belligerent mechanical beings who serve an entity calling itself 'Lord Fallen.' They too are in search of the leadership module... Sadly, my intellect is no longer sufficient to discern whether this entity is Megatronus Prime or Lord Maximo..."

"...It's truly ironic that during my final voyage, I stumbled upon something even the ancestors coveted... However, it is of no use to me anymore. It is best to let it remain dormant where it is..."

"Even standing and walking have become exceedingly difficult. It appears that my life has reached its final moment..."

"Perhaps today, I will embark on the journey of return. Before my soul rejoins the All Spark, I have preserved these memories using a memory board..."

"To the future inheritors, when you decipher my recordings and witness them, I hope you possess a heart that is unaffected by power and remains uncorrupted by greed... If you still possess wisdom and courage, I implore you to shoulder the unfinished mission, protecting the tomb of the ancestors from infringement and safeguarding the leadership module from falling into the wrong hands..."

"Long live Cybertron!"

"It feels good to go home..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 228: The Mysterious Earth


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