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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


In Rio de Janeiro, the former capital of Brazil, near Ipanema Beach in the southern district, Sergio Rivera, the owner of a luxurious villa, was lying under the umbrella by the swimming pool. He appeared to be leisurely sunbathing.

Unfortunately, the gloom on his face exposed his true mood.


He downed half a glass of high-quality red wine produced in his own country. Despite his efforts to conceal his irritation, the trembling arm holding the wine glass unmistakably revealed his inner unease.

As the president of Nebrina Trading Import and Export Company, one of the few Brazilian military trade import-export companies, Rivera did not have a military background. However, his ancestors had strong connections within the military, which allowed him to enter Nebrina and eventually ascend to become the president of this Brazilian military trade import-export company.

Dealing with military trade inevitably involved various temptations.

In fact, despite governments worldwide cracking down on bribery in commercial activities, military trade was no exception.

Even the most stringent European countries, particularly arms dealers from the United Kingdom and France, spared no effort in bribing to snatch more orders from the United States.

The "Al-Yamaha Arms Contract" reached between the UK and Saudi Arabia in 1985, known as the "Century Arms Deal," had a transaction value of $66 billion, making it the largest arms deal in the world to date. In this arms deal, British arms dealers gifted a total of 68 luxury cars, 2 yachts, 4 private jets, and countless other assets to the Saudi side. The total bribe amount exceeded $8 billion, providing a glimpse into the extent of corruption.

There was significant profit in military trade, and as the president of Nebrina Trading Import and Export Company, Rivera naturally enjoyed his fair share. Although he had always been discreet, there was a saying that went, "If you frequently walk by the river, you can't avoid getting your shoes wet."

Rivera tragically proved this point. About half a year ago, he received a phone call from a man who used a voice changer to disguise his voice. During the call, the man effortlessly revealed the existence of several hidden accounts in foreign banks that Rivera had opened, as well as his various properties and real estate holdings in other countries.

With his fatal vulnerability exposed to the other party, Rivera lacked the courage to confess his crimes to the Brazilian government in hopes of leniency.

As a result, he had to work for that person for a considerable amount of time.

He procured a considerable amount of valuable weaponry from the United States on his behalf and acquired various supplies...

Initially, Rivera felt very resistant and unwilling.

However, apart from the initial arms procurement, the other party no longer made things difficult for him and provided him with materials readily available on the market.

Furthermore, the other party was extremely generous. They not only covered the procurement costs separately but also left him with substantial profits each time, allowing him to live comfortably. For example, the villa he currently resided in was gifted to him by the other party, although the villa's ownership nominally belonged to a Greek businessman named 'Helios.'

After a few instances, although Rivera still hadn't given up on investigating the other party's identity, his internal resistance had disappeared.

Because the other party consistently acted generously and the tasks assigned to him were not challenging, he was content to work for them.

However, his stroke of luck had run out a week ago.

During the arms purchase with the United States half a year ago, Rivera entrusted the task to his trusted aides. Additionally, he didn't directly contact the major arms dealers in the United States but instead interacted with a company called 'N&J,' an American trade enterprise.

Unfortunately, this transaction was recently exposed. It appeared that the mysterious mastermind who coerced Rivera into making this arms purchase had undertaken actions detrimental to US interests. Consequently, the FBI began monitoring N&J, ultimately leading them to focus their attention on Nebrina Trading Import and Export Company.

As one of the few quasi-allies of the United States in South America, Brazil's government, under pressure from the US, began investigating the Nebrina Trading Import and Export Company.

As the company's president, although he hasn't been suspected yet, it's been said that some of his trusted associates have already come under investigation by the Federal Prosecutor's Office.

All these factors combined gave Rivera a sense of unease. He knew that if the government continued its investigation, it was only a matter of time before he would be exposed.

"What should I do?"

Rivera sat alone with a serious expression, drinking his sorrows away. He had come to this villa today to avoid everyone else, planning to invite a friend from the federal court to discuss the situation.

However, to his surprise, his friend only called him after arriving and couldn't assist him with his busy schedule. They even refused to meet face-to-face.

This immediate attitude made Rivera realize that something was amiss. He knew that he was likely already exposed.

Growing increasingly frustrated, suddenly, a loud crash resounded from the pool beside him.

Immediately after, a wave of water, tall enough to drench a person, splashed out from the pool, soaking Rivera completely before he could evade it.


Wiping the water off his face, Rivera looked up in astonishment and saw the ripples in the pool.

"A meteorite?"

Instinctively, he glanced at the clear sky above. Today, Rio de Janeiro's sky was cloudless, devoid of even a bird, let alone a shooting star.

Curiosity compelled him to approach the pool, about to jump in and see what had fallen into his villa's pool.

Suddenly, Rivera's eyes widened in terror as a strange flickering of electrical light emerged from the pool.

Having already been soaked by the pool water, he quickly stepped back a few paces and, once he regained his footing, his face immediately displayed fear and panic.

Burly and horrifying mechanical warriors gradually revealed their mechanical bodies within the electrical light.

When Rivera gazed upon them in horror, his eyes met the electronic gaze of the intimidating head above.

In an instant, he gleaned a set of information from the other's gaze.

"I've found you!"

The mechanical warrior swiftly took action. Stepping out of the pool in an unhurried manner, he approached Rivera directly, who was frozen in place, crouched down, and peered at him with a sudden smile on his face—ferocious and icy.

"...So, Rivera...do you have anything else to say? It has been a week since the supply I requested was interrupted. You must provide me with an explanation..."

The familiar electronic voice instantly deepened Rivera's sense of terror. Trembling, he pointed at the mechanical warrior with a quivering finger, fearfully asking, "It's...you? You're the person I've been in contact with...no, who exactly are you..."

Clearly satisfied with Rivera's fear, the mechanical warrior grinned, accentuating his already somewhat ferocious and terrifying visage.

He slowly spoke with his distinctive electronic voice, addressing Rivera, "...My name is Frenzy, a mechanical being from Cybertron Planet... I have never acknowledged being a human. So, Rivera... do you have anything else to say now?"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 231 Brazil Raiders


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