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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


After taking a shower and changing into clean clothes, Sun Cheng didn't forget to tidy up his unkempt chin stubble in front of the mirror.

Then he straightened his clothes and headed out again. He grabbed a few documents, left the apartment complex, hailed a taxi, and rushed to Nangong University.

"Knock, knock!"

Finally, he arrived at the door of the head teacher's office and lightly knocked twice. A middle-aged woman's voice came from inside, "Come in..."

He pushed open the door and entered, finding several faculty members inside the office.

Sun Cheng's head teacher was named Xu Chun. He was of average height, slightly thin, and wore black-framed glasses.

At Nangong University, Xu Chun, who was only in his mid-thirties, was considered a young person. Due to this, he got along well with students like Sun Cheng. Back when Xu Chun was applying for entrepreneurial support, Sun Cheng had helped him quite a bit.

Having been informed over the phone that Sun Cheng would arrive soon, Xu Chun was waiting in his office when Sun Cheng rushed in.

As Sun Cheng walked into the office and glanced at Xu Chun's desk, their eyes met. Without hesitation, Sun Cheng walked over to him.

Xu Chun's desk was tucked away in a corner of the spacious office. When Sun Cheng arrived, none of Xu Chun's colleagues were present. Consequently, Xu Chun paused his work and pointed to a chair next to him, saying, "Have a seat!"

Given their good rapport, Sun Cheng didn't feel constrained. He adjusted the chair slightly before sitting down. To address Sun Cheng's mood, Xu Chun deliberately lowered his voice and said, "Student Sun Cheng, I called you here today to discuss your entrepreneurship support project."

Three years ago, when Xu Chun first became the class teacher for a group of freshmen, Sun Cheng and his peers were his first students. With this connection and Sun Cheng's calm demeanor and good academic performance, Xu Chun had taken special care of this young man, who was only a decade younger than him.

Noting Sun Cheng's nod and his lack of visible nervousness, Xu Chun continued, "Recently, someone anonymously reported to the school that after you applied for entrepreneurial support funds, you did not utilize the money for your entrepreneurship project. The school sent someone to investigate a couple of days ago, and you may be contacted soon to inquire about the situation."

Sun Cheng raised an eyebrow. After receiving a call from Yang Fei earlier, he had wondered if someone would take advantage of the situation to cause trouble. It turned out that someone had indeed emerged.

A cold smile quickly formed on the corner of his mouth. Although he didn't know who was behind the anonymous troublemaker, he was well aware that those few individuals couldn't escape.

However, could such an underhanded tactic that couldn't stand the test of scrutiny really affect him?

How laughable!

Sun Cheng chuckled lightly, dismissing the situation, and replied nonchalantly, "Alright, thank you for the heads-up, Head Teacher. I will handle this matter. If the school believes my entrepreneurship project is fraudulent, they can ask for a full refund of the support funds from me!"

Xu Chun blinked his eyes. He was usually occupied with classes, and this year, he was overseeing the graduation season for the first batch of students he had guided. With numerous responsibilities to manage, he hadn't paid much attention to Sun Cheng's entrepreneurship project apart from a few initial inquiries.

Only a couple of days ago did someone from the school suddenly approach him to ask about Sun Cheng. Upon learning about the anonymous report, Xu Chun followed up by calling Sun Cheng. However, as Sun Cheng didn't answer, he had

to inquire among the students in class who had a good relationship with Sun Cheng. He wasn't entirely clear about the details.

Looking at his expression now, Xu Chun had no doubt that something was definitely going on.

Considering that he was still young, Xu Chun asked with concern, "What happened? Is something wrong?"

Sun Cheng shook his head. Initially, he didn't want to discuss this matter further, as he believed that even if the school concluded that his entrepreneurial project was a scam, it would only involve a few tens of thousands of currency units. However, upon seeing Xu Chun's worried expression, Sun Cheng pondered for a moment before briefly responding, "It's nothing, just that I made a mistake in selecting members for the entrepreneurial team, and the project fell apart shortly after it started."

After casually explaining, it was evident that he didn't intend to dwell on the topic. He then handed a document folder to Xu Chun, indicating that he should open it.

"What's this?" Xu Chun curiously asked as he received the document bag.

Sun Cheng smiled and remained silent, gesturing with his eyes for Xu Chun to open it quickly.

Xu Chun could only open the document bag and carefully examine its contents for a while. Soon, he looked up in astonishment and said, "This..."

The document bag contained the re-registered company information of Sun Cheng's new company, named 'Cybertron Technology,' which he established before going abroad. Although the registered capital was only one million national currency units, Xu Chun was well aware of the significance of this document. After all, Sun Cheng was merely a university student, and his resourcefulness and abilities were remarkable.

Sun Cheng smiled slightly. Displaying these documents was merely a way to avoid trouble, as the real deal lay inside.

Without delay, he handed another file bag to Xu Chun, allowing him to open it.

After the previous example, Xu Chun undoubtedly approached it with greater interest this time.

He took the file bag, weighing it in his hands, and knew that it unexpectedly contained something substantial.

He immediately opened the file bag, extracted a thick stack of A4 paper documents, and quickly glanced at the printed file. His attention was immediately drawn to the prominent headline on the first page.

["The Advancement of Fourth-Generation Storage and Retrieval Technologies and the Impact of New Materials on Hard Disk Capacity."]

This document is more like a thesis than a piece of information, although the content is slightly extensive.

In the paper, Sun Cheng comprehensively analyzes and compares the "longitudinal read-write technology," "vertical writing technology," and the limitations of semiconductors on hard disk capacity. He also proposes a new access technology and envisions using a new material to replace semiconductors, thereby significantly increasing the hard disk capacity.

However, many parts of the document seem speculative.

He introduces a new access technology but only presents it as a concept.

Regarding the new material, he merely suggests an idea without providing any further details.

Initially, the document might have been dismissed as mere speculation if that were all there was to it.

However, Sun Cheng meticulously and accurately discusses the aspects of "longitudinal read-write technology," "vertical writing technology," and the impact of semiconductor materials on hard disk capacity. Anyone knowledgeable in the field would easily find inconsistencies, leading to doubts about the other parts of the document. Ultimately, they fall into the trap set by Sun Cheng.

Indeed, anyone who reads this incredibly detailed paper, such as those on will inevitably suspect that Sun Cheng has acquired new access technology and possibly made progress in finding a replacement material for semiconductors.

That's enough!

Sitting on the side, Sun Cheng observes his class advisor, Xu Chun, with great interest. Xu Chun's expression doesn't show confusion, perplexity, contemplation, or sudden realization upon reading Sun Cheng's paper.

After some time, Xu Chun finishes reading the document and lets out a sigh. His eyes reflect a mix of contemplation and astonishment as he looks at Sun Cheng. "Is this your research achievement?"


Sun Cheng's major is a perfect match, or else it would be difficult to explain.

After all, many elements in this document were derived from Sun Cheng's extensive research on the memory chips of Jazz and Blackout in the world of "Transformers," together with Atlas and others. As the chip storage technology on Cybertron Planet has reached an incredibly advanced level, exposing too many details would be of no benefit to Sun Cheng. Thus, he personally reviewed and simplified the content, resulting in this article that he believes is suitable and genuinely advanced for Earth's civilization.

Seeing Xu Chun unable to resist the temptation to open the document again, Sun Cheng smiles faintly and finally reveals his purpose. "I have some ideas regarding materials, and the access technology has been fully developed. I hope you, as my class advisor, can help me communicate this to the senior management of the school. I am willing to collaborate with the school on the new hard disk technology. However, I have one request: I want a laboratory... or more accurately, I want an official qualification!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 164 Buying a Mountain


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