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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


After two brief rings, the phone was quickly answered.


A familiar male voice came from the other side. Since Sun Cheng's phone was still charging, he adjusted his sitting position to answer the call comfortably. "Hello, fourth. You called me a few days ago, what's up..."

Because they were former roommates and had lived together for over three years, their bond was stronger than usual.

Although Liu Kun's disgusting incident had affected Sun Cheng, it hadn't affected his relationship with the other two.

"You bastard, you disappeared again, and you haven't been answering my calls for days..."

As soon as he heard his voice, Li Meng on the other end of the line didn't recognize him. His voice suddenly became louder, tinged with a hint of displeasure.

Sun Cheng smiled and spoke softly for a few moments before hearing the fourth person's voice become softer. He then asked, "What's going on between you and the second guy? He came back last Monday with injuries, and the school helped him take time off. A few days ago, he even said he found an internship far from here and moved out..."

Over the phone, Sun Cheng's eyes flickered, but he didn't respond.

After a while, he changed the subject, saying, "Don't worry about his matters, let him be!"

Sun Cheng still cared about his relationship with his roommates over the years. Otherwise, after being almost fooled by Liu Kun, he wouldn't have ended up with just a beating and severed ties.

Li Meng had clashed with him before and had heard some rumors from him, which was why they had these phone conversations.

Now, hearing his words, Sun Cheng knew that something must have happened between the two of them.

However, Sun Cheng didn't want to bring it up again. He could only sigh in his heart and smoothly change the topic, "Alright, you guys take care of it. By the way, why haven't you been answering my calls these past few days?"

"I made a sudden trip out of town and met an investor I got to know online. I was so busy those days that I had no time to call you until I returned to Nandu. I'll treat you and the boss to a meal in a few days. Let's not talk for now. I still have a few calls to make..."

After some effort, Sun Cheng finally managed to end the conversation with the fourth person.

Sun Cheng shook his hand, easing the slight soreness in his wrist due to an uncomfortable position, and dialed Yang Fei's number again.

"Hey, Sun Brother. You finally returned my call. What have you been busy with lately..."

Yang Fei was an outgoing young man who seemed to possess almost all the quirks of people in his age group. The phone was answered after just two rings.

Hearing Yang Fei's anxious voice, Sun Cheng smiled calmly and repeated his earlier explanation, "I made a sudden trip out of town to meet a new investor. I was so busy those days that I barely had time to rest. I just got a chance to call you back now. So, what's up? Do you need something?"

"That's not it... Sun Brother, you just returned from out of town, so you probably don't know yet. Shen Peiyuan has finally become a regular staff member, and the news is spreading everywhere. The school might go through some changes..."

Upon hearing Shen Peiyuan's name, Sun Cheng was also momentarily surprised.

He knew who Shen Peiyuan was—the executive vice president of Nandu University of Technology.

At the end of the year before last, Lin Beiming, the president of Nanjing University of Technology, has been undergoing cancer treatment since being diagnosed with gastric cancer.

In March of this year, I heard that due to the worsening of his condition, he had to submit an early retirement application to the Ministry of Education before completing half of his term.

Since then, as the leading institute of science and engineering in China, there has been fierce competition for the position of president of Nanjing University of Technology. This includes Shen Peiyuan, the executive vice president, Zou Dongcheng, an assistant to the former president Lin Beiming, and another vice president, Wang Wei.

I heard that it's not just them; many other individuals serving in the education system in China are envious of the prestigious position of president at Nanjing University of Technology.

After all, the president of Nanjing University of Technology holds a deputy ministerial-level position, and only the presidents of the top 29 universities in the country enjoy such treatment.

After several months of intense competition, it seems that a victor has finally emerged.

However, this result is likely to be disliked by many people because Shen Peiyuan, who has been responsible for the school's administrative management for many years, is highly unpopular within the university.

It's not that he lacks the ability; on the contrary, Shen Peiyuan has been working at the university for 17 years, starting from a lower-level management position and gradually climbing up. His capabilities undoubtedly qualify him for the position of managing the university.

However, there have been rumors within the university that Shen Peiyuan was the driving force behind two tuition fee increases since 2004, both of which occurred shortly after he was promoted to vice president and executive vice president.

If the first rumor is merely speculative, there is one allegation that Shen Peiyuan cannot shake off.

In 2009 and 2011, Nanjing University of Technology's comprehensive new technology research center project was suspended twice. The reasons given were "excessive financial expenditure" and "the old buildings are still usable." This decision forced the university's faculty and students to continue using the research center building constructed in the 1990s. As a result, many people within the university dislike him.

Sun Cheng pondered for a moment and quickly realized what Yang Fei wanted to tell him.

It's natural for a new official to bring about changes, and since Shen Peiyuan has an administrative background, he may review many of the university's projects after taking office.

While it's unlikely that he will directly cancel support for entrepreneurial projects, he will certainly scrutinize them carefully. It's even possible that he will clean up a number of entrepreneurial projects that receive funding from the university but have failed to achieve any notable results.

Clearly, Sun Cheng fits into this category.

Sun Cheng didn't think much of it. Now that he understood, he responded indifferently, while still expressing gratitude to Yang Fei: "I see. Thank you for the reminder. However, the university's reforms won't affect me! As for you, the new investor I reached out to this time has considerable resources. How about it? Are you interested in partnering with me, Sun Cheng, once again?"

After a brief pause, he continued: "Since you still have classes to attend on weekdays, I can offer you an internship contract with a monthly salary of three thousand..."

Sun Cheng is quite familiar with the skills of his junior schoolmate. With a solid foundation in computer science, he is not far behind the programmers recruited from the job market. Although he may lack some experience, he is energetic and imaginative.

Moreover, Sun Cheng doesn't have many available resources at the moment, so his junior schoolmate

would be a good choice.

He added the latter sentence because he was concerned that the previous failure might have made his junior schoolmate doubt his abilities.

However, he did not anticipate that Yang Fei would readily agree as soon as he finished speaking, saying, "Sure, as long as you don't mind, Brother Sun. I'm up for another round with you..."

After chatting for a while and setting a time to meet, Sun Cheng ended the call.

He went to the bathroom again to get some water and wash his face before returning to his phone. Instead of sitting down, he picked it up directly and checked the call logs. After a moment of contemplation, he decided to make the call.


"Hello, is this Sun Cheng?"

"Class advisor?"

As soon as he heard the voice, he immediately recognized it. The voice on the other end of the phone belonged to the class advisor who had guided him during his university years.

His tone immediately became more enthusiastic, "Yes, it's me, the class advisor. What's up? Do you need something?"

"Well, there is something. I can't explain it clearly over the phone. How about you come over here later? It's regarding your entrepreneurial project!"

He didn't expect this turn of events!

Sun Cheng's lips curved into a smile, and without hesitation, he agreed, "Alright, I'll come over in a while. It just so happens that I have something to discuss with the school..."

Excitement flashed in his eyes, and Sun Cheng's heart stirred. Suddenly, a bulging document bag appeared in his other hand.

After hanging up the phone, he looked down at the document bag, and the smile on his face widened, "Cybertron Technology, it's time to take off..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 163 I Want A Laboratory


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