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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Looking at Xu Chun with an indifferent expression, Sun Cheng slowly expressed his request.

He now has both money and technology. The reason he is willing to cooperate with Nanjing University of Technology is simply to secure a spot in their laboratory.

In China, a laboratory is a new type of entity that is different from commercial companies and falls outside the scope of government and military research institutions.

Although there aren't many established laboratories in the country, it doesn't mean they are not valued by the nation.

In fact, various commercial laboratories in Europe and the United States have gradually replaced large corporate conglomerates and government research institutions, becoming the birthplace of new technologies.

Therefore, after entering the new century, China enacted its first domestic "Regulations on the Administration of Research Institutions" in 2002. The regulations clearly stipulate that enterprises that have been in operation for at least three years and have an annual revenue of over 50 million RMB are eligible to apply for establishing a laboratory.

Furthermore, in order to encourage productive collaboration between university institutions and commercial companies, the regulations also state that if a company can obtain technical support from a reputable university, they may apply for the establishment of a laboratory.

The advantages of setting up a laboratory are evident. Many sophisticated mechanical devices in the country are subject to strict control by ordinary enterprises and merchants, whereas laboratories face fewer limitations.

In the real world, the timeline has already reached the year 2016 AD, which is nearly a decade ahead of the world of "Transformers." One should not underestimate the significance of this seemingly short period. In certain fields of advanced machinery, a few years can mean a generational leap or even two.

If Sun Cheng can secure such a position, it means he will have an additional procurement option in the real world, aside from the world of "Transformers." This is precisely what he is striving for.

It is not an easy task to achieve cooperation between an outsider like Sun Cheng, who is not highly regarded, and a top-tier domestic university such as Nanjing University of Technology.

He will undoubtedly need to pay a price, and Sun Cheng is willing to do so by presenting a highly promising storage technology.

The storage technology from Cybertron Planet truly deserves the title of "super technology."

It is hard to imagine that within a memory chip the size of an adult's thumbnail, hundreds of exabytes of information can be stored—a volume that is nearly capable of encompassing all the information in China.

Naturally, Sun Cheng cannot present such an advanced technology himself. However, in the world of "Transformers," he instructed his Decepticon engineers to develop a new set of technologies and standards based on Earth's storage technology.

By applying this technology, the limitations of real-world storage technology, which currently struggles to handle 10TB hard drives, can be elevated by leaps and bounds, potentially reaching tens of times the capacity.

If we continue to extrapolate, it is not inconceivable to enter the era of petabytes (PB) in a few years.

Imagine, with the development of the internet economy, countries, enterprises, and individuals will increasingly rely on high-capacity storage tools.

In the present year of 2016, the cost of a 1TB mechanical hard drive still remains above 100 yuan, and the price of the most advanced 10TB hard drive starts at 5,000 yuan.

Now, imagine a new technology suddenly emerging in the market, enabling the cost of a 1TB hard drive to be controlled below 20 yuan, reducing the price of a 10TB hard drive to less than 1,000 yuan. Furthermore, the physical size is compressed to that of a fingertip. This is the kind of breakthrough that can drive people crazy!

After all, from computers to mobile phones, more and more electronic devices can't do without storage tools. The total shipments in this market exceeded 570 million units last year, with an average unit price of $59. The global market's total scale is close to $34 billion, enough to make any company with revolutionary technology thrive.

Sun Cheng's request obviously caught Xu Chun off guard.

He couldn't hide his surprise in his eyes, as if he was meeting Sun Cheng for the first time. After carefully sizing him up, he didn't rush to accept or decline, but once again lowered his head to look at the document in his hand!

This time, he spent a full half hour reading through the document again before solemnly placing it in his document bag and putting it on the nearby table.

"I can help you ask..."

Xu Chun looked at him and said slowly, his face still showing some hesitation. "However, it's probably very difficult to convince the school to help you establish a laboratory based solely on this document..."

Being the class advisor for the microelectronics major, he naturally had considerable expertise in this field. It was clear that Sun Cheng intentionally omitted some crucial data and even the direction of technical deduction from the document.

Sun Cheng understood his meaning but looked at him with a half-smile, teasingly saying, "Teacher, everything is clearly written. What more do you want me to do!"

Xu Chun's face turned slightly red, and he averted his gaze with a bright smile.

Indeed, after realizing the document's authenticity and feasibility, he was genuinely intrigued by the fourth-generation access technology and new materials mentioned by Sun Cheng.

If he could obtain more useful information, given the research capabilities of Nangong University in the field of microelectronics, it might be possible to come up with something.

By then, it would truly be a stepping stone for him.

He quickly adjusted his glasses, taking the opportunity to hide his embarrassment.

Ultimately, Xu Chun was not a bad person, just momentarily driven by a little greed.

After openly addressing his students, he quickly dismissed the thought and regained his composure.

As he was preparing his response, he heard Sun Cheng say, "Teacher, you might as well mention it to the higher-ups for me. I'm not in a hurry. If the school is unwilling, I can wait a few more years. However, there is one more thing I want to say. I hope you can help me convey it. I only need the laboratory's official recognition. As for equipment procurement, site selection, and funding, I can take care of them myself..."

After finishing speaking, he made up an excuse and quickly left Xu Chun's office.

He had already gone this far for the sake of a listing qualification that could save him several years of effort. If Nanjing University of Technology didn't realize what they were missing out on, then it was their problem.

Anyway, China is a big country, and even without them, Sun Cheng had other options.


After leaving Xu Chun's office, he didn't contact him for several days. Although Sun Cheng didn't know how things were progressing, he understood that he needed to stay calm at this time. He decided to act as if he had never mentioned the matter and busied himself with his own affairs.

The office in the old teaching building of Nanjing University of Technology was no longer usable. After searching for two days in the city, he finally rented an entire floor in an office building located in the outskirts of Xixia District. This would be the future office location of his company, Cybertron Technologies.

One important reason for choosing Xixia District, far from the administrative and commercial centers of the city, was its mountainous terrain. The countryside, around 30 kilometers away from the chosen office building, featured typical hilly landscapes with small hills scattered throughout.

Sun Cheng chose this location precisely because of these hills. He was planning to buy some mountains!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 165 Rebuilding Base No. 1


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