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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


After four days, Sun Cheng returned to the Lalves Hotel in San Jose once again. He lay comfortably on the large bed in his guest room, but his eyes were filled with flickering thoughts.

"Today I finally realize the might of the American military!"

It had been two days since they left Isla Nublar. Two days ago, in the early morning, they received a satellite call from Major Dutch. The US naval base in Guantanamo Bay dispatched several armed transport planes to fly to Isla Nublar.

Initially, their intention was to bring Major Dutch and the others back. However, little did they know what had transpired on the island overnight.

In the end, only Sun Cheng, the sole survivor from Major Dutch's special forces team, remained alive.

When the US military transport planes arrived, he was still unconscious.

Consequently, upon their arrival, the American soldiers who came with the transport planes, accustomed to their authoritative ways, took immediate control of the survivors they found on the island in order to understand the situation.

Including Sun Cheng, everyone was taken aboard the transport planes and transported to the Guantanamo Bay naval base.

Fortunately, Major Dutch woke up in due time, and Sun Cheng and the others didn't suffer much. They were questioned separately a few times by specialized personnel, who were mainly interested in learning what exactly had occurred on the island that night.

Sun Cheng felt deeply moved by the two-day delay in Guantanamo.

Although their movements were somewhat restricted within the Guantanamo base, they were allowed to observe various areas of the base up close, such as the CH-53E Super Stallion helicopters and even the two Burke-class guided missile destroyers docked at the nearby harbor. Surprisingly, no soldiers came to drive them away.

Furthermore, a few American soldiers, upon learning that Sun Cheng was from China, approached him willingly and engaged in conversation. They even asked Sun Cheng if the best warships in China were still the two Iowa-class battleships they had purchased from the United States.

As widely known, in order to counter the threats posed by the Japanese Navy and the Soviet Pacific Fleet, the Chinese government spent a substantial amount of money to acquire two Iowa-class battleships from the United States in the late 1950s, despite their obsolescence.

As a result, these two warships, renamed "Republic" and "Republic of China" after being registered under the Chinese navy, became a subject of ridicule until they were decommissioned in 1999.

Evidently, those American soldiers were aware of this historical reference, which prompted them to approach Sun Cheng and proudly showcase the might of the US Navy.

Sun Cheng shifted slightly on the bed, feeling a tinge of bitterness in his heart.

Just as those American soldiers had mocked, the Chinese navy has undergone a century of development since the establishment of the Republic of China in the Xinhai Revolution of 1911.

However, due to a substantial historical burden and the pressing threat of the million-strong Soviet forces in the north, New China had to allocate a significant portion of its military budget to the development of the army and concurrently the air force.

Additionally, the formidable naval power of Japan, a longstanding adversary, further exerted strategic pressure on the Chinese navy. Although China's navy boasts over two hundred vessels, proclaiming itself as one of the top five naval forces worldwide, its actual strength would barely secure a position around ninth or tenth.

While China's main missile destroyers currently exceed 7,000 tons in tonnage, they are still considered outside the realm of shielded ships, and thus China cannot be regarded as a naval powerhouse.

Numerous distracting thoughts kept flashing in his mind, and it took Sun Cheng quite some time to finally let out a sigh of relief.

He reached for another pillow from the side and placed it under his head, completely dispelling all the intrusive thoughts.

For now, these thoughts had nothing to do with him. Sun Cheng had returned to the real world this time to find a secure place in China to rebuild Base No. 1.

Since the matter on Isla Nublar was settled, it was about time for him to return home.

He picked up the ultra-thin notebook that Safeguard had transformed into and opened it, preparing to go online and book a return flight.

Just as the screen lit up, a knocking sound came from the door outside his room.


He responded in English and headed towards the door.

The International Genetic Technology Company had only booked their rooms for three days. When he returned to the Lalves Hotel this morning to collect their belongings, their rooms had already expired. He had just submitted the room key moments ago, so when he heard the knocking, Sun Cheng assumed it was someone from the hotel coming to inquire about other guests.

He quickly reached the door, pulled it open, and caught a whiff of a delicate fragrance that slightly stimulated his senses.

After clearly seeing the person standing at the door, Sun Cheng squinted his eyes slightly and said, "It's you..."

A trace of wariness flickered in his eyes, but he still stepped aside, gesturing for her to enter.

"Miss Ada, is there something you need? If you don't mind, please come in and have a seat!"

The one who knocked on his door was none other than Ada Wong, an alluring and seductive beauty.

"Can't I come to you if there's nothing specific?," Ada Wong smiled playfully, her gaze teasingly fixed on him. "Mr. Sun Cheng..."


Sun Cheng shrugged nonchalantly and made another inviting gesture. Only then did the woman enter his room and sit down on the sofa in the outer living room.

"There's only some cheap red wine and rum in the fridge... What would you like to drink?"

As he closed the door and followed her into the living room, Sun Cheng opened the fridge and looked inside. He took out a bottle of Mexican red wine commonly found in Costa Rican hotels, as well as a bottle of local rum, and presented them along with two wine glasses, shaking them slightly as he asked.

His gaze lightly swept over the two bottles of wine in his hand, while Ada Wong, with her mesmerizing eyes, looked at him and smiled even more. "It's up to you, but it would be better if there was black tea..."

Sun Cheng raised an eyebrow; it was already past dinner time at the Lalves Hotel.

This place wasn't a five-star hotel that offered various services 24 hours a day.

Most of the locally recruited hotel employees had already finished their shifts, so it wouldn't be easy to find black tea at this hour, unless he went to the vending machine downstairs to buy canned tea.

However, Sun Cheng didn't feel comfortable leaving this woman, whom he barely knew, alone in his room.

Thus, he disregarded any notions of being a gentleman and opened the bottle of cheap rum according to his own taste. He poured a glass and handed it to her.

"Let's go with the local tradition. This is locally produced rum, and it has its own unique flavor!"

Ada Wong accepted the wine glass and calmly sniffed it near her nose, as if she were savoring an expensive and valuable red wine. After giving it a shake, she finally brought it to her lips and took a shallow sip. She held it in her mouth, savoring it for a moment, before swallowing.

It was unclear whether she drank it in an unconventional manner or simply wasn't accustomed to such cheap rum.

Regardless, after taking a sip, she placed the glass on the table in front of her and didn't touch it again.

Her beautiful eyes once again focused on Sun Cheng, and with a slightly serious expression, she took the initiative to speak. "It was a terrible trip, almost losing my life to a monster. The deal didn't go through, and I even lost my bonus. It's a really awful thing to have a boss with a terrible personality... Mr. Sun Cheng, is Rigo Company in need of additional staff?"

A serious topic, accompanied by a genuinely serious expression.

Of course, if it weren't for that final slight tilt of her head and a flirtatious wink, Sun Cheng would have truly believed her.

He pondered the meaning behind Ada Wong's words, gently swirling the contents of his glass. Soon, he had consumed nearly half of the rum before raising his head to look at her, his expression serious. "Miss Ada Wong, may I ask you a question? Who are you?"

A woman, young and beautiful, with quick reflexes, claimed to be from a venture capital company, yet she carried out peculiar actions, leaving behind a trail of enigma!

Sun Cheng had previously tasked Safeguard with investigating her, and they had obtained a detailed and comprehensive profile from online sources.

However, upon his return to the world of Transformers, where he had stayed for two or three months, he occasionally remembered this matter during his leisure time and began to sense the peculiarities involved.

The strange thing is that the information is too detailed. Just from the Internet, one can find Ada Wong's college selfies, jujitsu awards, and other photos, which are clearly similar to those of underage youngsters taking selfies.

Given her identity and the intelligence she displays, it's difficult for Sun Cheng to reconcile the two.

As a result, he begins to doubt the authenticity of the information he previously found online about her identity through Safeguard.

His eyes are fixed on Ada Wong. If in the past, he was wary of this woman primarily because of her mysterious identity, now, as he senses that she might be interested in him, and knowing that he has many secrets, Sun Cheng feels a sinking feeling in his heart. In the coming days, he may have to fully immerse himself in the world of "Transformers" and may not have the energy to deal with the Autobots and Decepticons, let alone additional troubles in the real world.

Therefore, upon realizing something, he confronts her directly.

After all, this is his territory!

Upon hearing this, Ada Wong's face shows no change. On the contrary, she looks at him with interest, a smile lingering on her lips.

"Mr. Sun Cheng, what does that mean?"

If a woman wants to deny something, even if you present evidence to her, she will find a hundred excuses to refute it.

The same goes for men!

His gaze subtly scans her, not to appreciate her sexy and alluring figure, but to search for any hidden weapons she might have.

However, his observation falls slightly short.

Looking around Ada Wong, he examines several areas where weapons could be concealed, but he fails to identify any bulges.

Furrowing his brow, he withdraws his gaze from her eyes, which seem to have seen through everything. He puts down his wine glass and asks, "Where were you on that night on Isla Nublar? You weren't at the villa..."

Ada Wong raises her sexy black-stockinged leg over the other, showing no concern that her high-slit skirt can no longer shield her from prying eyes.

Even when Sun Cheng lowers his head slightly, he can vaguely see her provocative zone—a small black flower blooming faintly on the edge of the red lace.

She extended her slender arm and once again picked up the wine glass from the table in front of her. Swaying, she answered, "I went to meet an old friend..."

After responding with a dismissive tone, she took another sip of the drink in the glass. However, this time, unlike before, she drank more than half of it in one gulp.

Finally, she placed the wine glass down and said, "Indeed, I should have ordered a glass of red wine!"

"An old friend?" Sun Cheng furrowed his brows as he looked at her, feeling a sense of helplessness that made him increasingly wary of this woman.

No longer willing to waste any more words with her, he spoke in a deep voice, "Is your old friend at the research center?"

Ada Wong's eyes squinted suddenly, and her smile momentarily froze upon hearing his words, but quickly recovered.

"So, you were there that night after all!"

Sun Cheng couldn't help but feel that there was something peculiar in her eyes. It wasn't the surprise or anger of having her secret exposed, but rather an enigmatic emotion he couldn't decipher.

This inexplicable feeling made him extremely uncomfortable. His tone turned cold, and his voice followed suit, "So, who exactly are you? A corporate spy? Or an agent?"

"I'll leave that for you to imagine!" Ada Wong tilted her head slightly and gave a light nod.

Sun Cheng finally lost his patience. This woman was the most formidable opponent he had encountered thus far.

He couldn't find any flaws in her, and her composed and determined character always put him at a disadvantage during their encounters.

Now impatient, he stood up to escort her out, "It seems we have nothing left to discuss. So, Miss Ada, please leave. I'm a bit tired!"

"What an unromantic man..." Seeing that she was about to be dismissed, Ada Wong stood up and gave him a disdainful look. However, instead of leaving immediately, she retrieved a capsule-like item that resembled medication from her pocket. After placing it in her mouth, she looked back at Sun Cheng. A distinct gleam of "excitement" flashed in her brown eyes.

"There was a terrible incident involving a despicable person who wronged me... would you like to know about it?"

Noticing that she had no intention of heading towards the door and was slowly approaching him instead, Sun Cheng's instincts kicked in. Disregarding any attempt to conceal it, he swiftly drew a handgun from his waist. Given the volatile nature of the Central American region, he carried it for self-defense purposes, retrieved from the spherical space he possessed.

Just as he raised his weapon and aimed the muzzle at Ada Wong, he hadn't had a chance to warn her yet.

To his surprise, the glamorous beauty shook her head with a disappointed expression and said, "A gentleman would never point a gun at a lady, and a bastard wouldn't either..."

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly kicked Sun Cheng in the chest.


The sharp heel struck his chest, causing him intense pain. His physical condition was not much stronger than an average person, so he staggered back a few steps.

Before he could regain his balance, Ada Wong swiftly approached him again. With a sudden flip, her exquisite black stockings-clad leg rose and accurately kicked Sun Cheng's wrist holding the weapon.

With a snap, the yet-to-be-activated pistol flew out and landed several meters away.

"Damn it..."

Sun Cheng cursed under his breath, frustratedly shouting, "Revenge, Safeguard..."

From a nearby bedroom, two insect-like robots suddenly shot out.

Although Ada Wong had her back turned to them, her movements were quick. Sun Cheng watched as she lightly shook her sleeves, and instantly, two sharp daggers appeared in her hands.

In a swift motion, she targeted the two reconnaissance Decepticons that had just emerged. One dagger struck Revenge, causing it to fall silently to the ground, while the other pierced through Safeguard, pinning it to the wall.


Sun Cheng was momentarily stunned, his eyes filled with panic.

He had meticulously prepared these two reconnaissance Decepticons to ensure his safety in the real world. They had never let him down before, successfully resolving many troubles for him, particularly Revenge. Yet, even a Ghost Hunter had perished at its hands.

But now, this skilled woman had effortlessly dealt with them.

"Useless little things..."

Ada Wong lightly clapped her hands and adjusted her slightly disheveled collar, then turned her gaze back to him.

"Who... who are you..."

Forcing himself to remain calm, Sun Cheng's expression stiffened as he stared at Ada Wong, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

However, he did not immediately contact the spherical space to retrieve more weapons from it.

Even the two Decepticons who had always protected him had been defeated by this woman. Sun Cheng lacked confidence that he could preserve his life in front of her skilled abilities.

Ada Wong continued to smile as she looked at him. Her eyes grew increasingly excited.

Taking a few steps forward, she grabbed Sun Cheng's arm and pulled him closer, then passionately kissed him.


Sun Cheng's eyes widened as he hadn't yet processed what was happening when he felt her tongue wrapping around something and unexpectedly entering his mouth.

And, almost instinctively, he swallowed it.

Before he could grasp why this woman suddenly wanted to kiss him, Ada Wong quickly released his mouth, flashed a smile, and forcefully grabbed his collar, dragging him towards the bedroom.

Her strength was surprisingly strong, so strong that it made Sun Cheng question whether the person before him was not a delicate and alluring beauty, but rather a prehistoric monster like a Tyrannosaurus rex.

She pushed him onto the large bed in the bedroom, and with Sun Cheng still warily observing her, Ada Wong gave a seductive smile, gradually unbuttoning the coffee-colored checkered suit jacket she wore when they first met. Her voice took on a gentle tone.

"Remember, women like men who are a bit rough. At least, I do..."

With a swift motion, the jacket flew off!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 161 Return to China


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