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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Major Dutch..."

Sun Cheng was taken aback. Despite the figure lying in the muddy pool appearing covered in mud from head to toe, he immediately recognized the robust, devilish figure of Major Dutch.

He hurried over to take a look, and Major Dutch was in an extremely poor condition.

His body was covered in wounds, particularly a deep, bone-exposed wound on his chest, left arm, and right palm. Thankfully, the mud on his body had partially stopped the bleeding; otherwise, he would have likely lost a significant amount of blood.

Despite that, Major Dutch's current state was far from good.

Sun Cheng softly called out to him several times, but received no response. Major Dutch had already slipped into unconsciousness.

The commotion he had heard earlier was Major Dutch's unconscious coughing.

Sun Cheng crouched down and checked his pulse by pressing his neck. Observing the weak and feeble pulse, he realized that Major Dutch's condition was probably worse than it appeared.

Nevertheless, Major Dutch was fortunate to have survived such a close-range explosion impact. Most people would have been killed instantly.

Unlike them, Major Dutch was somehow still holding on to half of his life.

Although they hadn't known each other for long, Sun Cheng remembered the care Major Dutch had shown him throughout the night. It was time for him to repay that kindness, so he prepared to lend a hand.

He had intended to tear off his own shirt to treat Major Dutch's wounds and then drag him out of the muddy pool onto the shore. However, he worried that any sudden movements might cause the wounds to bleed again.

After careful consideration, he ultimately decided against taking any action.

However, Major Dutch was gravely injured and required immediate medical attention.

Sun Cheng reached into his tactical backpack and retrieved Safeguard. He planned to use it to contact the Costa Rica rescue center and request a helicopter to pick them up from the island.

Just as Sun Cheng took out the ultra-thin notebook that Safeguard had transformed into and before he could issue the distress call, he suddenly noticed a faint sound of a car horn in the distance.

"A car horn..."

The unexpected sound of a car horn made him instinctively stand up. He quickly stretched his neck and looked around, trying to locate the source of the sound.

After scanning the surroundings for a while, he couldn't spot any signs of a vehicle. Shaking his head, he dismissed it as a momentary auditory illusion. Just as he was about to give the order to Safeguard, the familiar sound of a car horn echoed once again.


This time, Sun Cheng was certain that he hadn't misheard, although he couldn't determine where the sound of the car horn was coming from!

"Unexpectedly, there are other survivors on the island besides the two of us..."

He glanced at Major Dutch, who was still unconscious by the dried-up pool.

Sun Cheng stood up and walked to the side, raising his gun and aiming at the sky. He fired a few shots and then stopped.

Seemingly hearing the gunshot, the car horn quickly responded. But this time, it didn't sound just once and then go silent, instead, it continued to sound several times in a row.

It seems like I've encountered someone who understands!

Realizing this, Sun Cheng raised his gun again, firing at the sky in bursts.

This time, he didn't stop. In order to make the other party hear the sound clearly and locate his position, Sun Cheng emptied the entire magazine.

As the sound of the car horn grew closer, he took out another magazine and reloaded, just to be cautious.

Two minutes later, the car horn was very close.

After the last honk, there was no more sound. Sun Cheng took a moment to determine the direction and speculated that the car might have stopped near the exhibition center, not far from his location.

Then he looked at Major Dutch, still unconscious, and headed towards the car.

He hadn't walked far when he came face to face with several familiar figures.

When he saw them, it was clear that they also noticed him, especially a blonde lady with a ponytail who excitedly covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Sun, it's us..."

The lady who enthusiastically greeted Sun Cheng was none other than Dr. Settler, whom he had failed to find at the power station earlier.

"Doctor, I'm glad you're alright... I just passed by the power station and saw it was on fire. I went in to look for you but couldn't find you. Seeing that you're okay now, I'm relieved!"

"Oh, Sun. Thank you..." Dr. Settler approached him and hugged him with a hint of excitement.

Sun Cheng wasn't accustomed to Western customs, but he reciprocated with a gentle embrace and let go.

He turned his head to see the few people who had come with Dr. Settler, a look of astonishment on his face.

"Miss Ada, Dr. Grant... Are you both alright as well..."

Accompanying Dr. Settler were two other individuals: a tall, thin Caucasian man covered in mud, similar to Sun Cheng's appearance, and an alluring woman dressed in a suit and short skirt.

These two individuals were none other than Dr. Settler's husband, Alan Grant, and the enigmatic Ada Wong.

"Sun, thank you for saving my wife earlier..."

Dr. Grant was a genteel scholar. Despite his wife's warm gratitude and embrace just now, there was no sign of annoyance on his face. Instead, he graciously thanked Sun Cheng.

Sun Cheng shook hands with him and said, "This is what I should do!"

When he looked at Ada Wong again, he couldn't help but ask with a hint of suspicion, "Miss Ada, how come you're with the two doctors..." The alluring woman in front of him was too mysterious. She claimed to be from a well-known venture capital company. However, her skill in sneaking out of the villa last night was not something an ordinary person could possess.

Moreover, she had a mysterious crystal in her hand that could trigger a reaction in the spherical space inside Sun Cheng's body, just like the amber he had absorbed before. This made Sun Cheng wonder if she, like Ghost and the others, also came from two parallel universes that had merged.

Ada Wong tilted her head slightly and looked at him with a smile in her beautiful eyes. "When I woke up in the middle of the night, I found the villa's door open and blood everywhere. So, I escaped to the research center. I met the doctors after we escaped..."

Her explanation was vague, and its authenticity could only deceive the Grants.

Sun Cheng exchanged a glance with her and his eyes flickered, but in the end, he didn't say anything more.

Dr. Settler, holding Dr. Grant's arm, spoke up, "Thanks to Miss Ada, she drove a large vehicle out of the research center's garage and rescued us and others... I mentioned to Miss Ada that you might be out there searching and rescuing other people. When we found Alan and the others, he mentioned hearing the sound of you using a hand grenade. Later, we heard an explosion here and became worried that something happened to you. So, we drove over to check the situation..."

Sun Cheng looked at Grant in surprise. He didn't expect that he had been nearby in the E area. Most likely, he encountered a Tyrannosaurus rex and hid, otherwise Sun Cheng couldn't have traversed the entire canyon without encountering him.

After a brief chat, the explosion at the exhibition center remained a mystery.

It was Sun Cheng who shifted the blame to Major Dutch, saying, "I also came over after hearing the explosion. I saw Major Dutch in that pool over there. He's injured and in a bad state. The previous explosion should be related to him..."

Just as he was about to take them to the pool, Ada Wong suddenly looked up at the sky.

Sun Cheng, who had been observing her, followed her gaze and looked up at the sky. Sure enough, he faintly saw several black dots moving.

After tens of seconds, the black dots grew larger and louder, and they could clearly see military helicopters with weapon units hanging below them in the sky.

After hovering over the island for a while, as if they had spotted them on the ground, one of the helicopters quickly changed its direction and flew towards them.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 160 Who Are You (2 in 1)


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