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With such a powerful explosion, it could only be the 'Hunter-Type Individual Combat Auxiliary Equipment' equipped by Ghost.

Sun Cheng had extensively studied that thing in the world of [Transformers] when he was with Atlas. It not only provided energy for all the exoskeleton equipment and optical cloaking nets on Ghost, but could also be detonated as a last resort, with a power equivalent to over 300 tons of high explosives.

Under normal circumstances, the hunters would never easily detonate the auxiliary equipment, unless they were in a dangerous situation or facing certain death. Their ferocity allowed them to make such a reckless move.

Sun Cheng stared at the explosion site for a brief moment but quickly averted his gaze as he felt a slight pain in his retinas.

"Are you two alright?"

The impact of the explosion was already too weak to harm him, given that he was at least several kilometers away from the epicenter.

However, Safeguard and Vengeance, the two Decepticons, were more affected by the electromagnetic interference caused by the explosion, as it had a much greater impact on their mechanical bodies compared to humans.

The two reconnaissance Decepticons took a while to recover from the electromagnetic interference caused by the explosion. The light in their optical sensors still flickered, albeit dimly.

"The core has been affected by some electromagnetic waves, and its status is temporarily compromised. But it won't hinder our operations..."

Safeguard responded first.

Revenge was more straightforward, "Master, I'm fine!"

"That's good..."

Sun Cheng patted his backside and rested for a while. He had already regained a considerable amount of his strength.

Glancing at the sky, which was on the verge of brightening, and making a mental calculation, he continued, "It will be completely bright within an hour. After Ghost is gone, there won't be much danger left on the island..." There were probably two or three velociraptors and an unknown number of Dilophosaurus that had escaped the cages and were roaming outside.

Moreover, Sun Cheng had weapons in his possession. In his spherical space, he currently stored thousands of weapons he had acquired in the world of [Transformers], including several powerful individual weapons, so he had no reason to be too cautious.

Probably due to the explosion destroying the exhibition center, when Safeguard was about to open the password lock on the other side of the gate, they realized that the island's security system had once again malfunctioned.

It seemed unlikely that it could be repaired now. After all, the island had been in such chaos, especially with Ghost's deranged hunting. Overnight, most of the few dozen people left on Nubra Island had met their eternal rest here.

The International Genetic Technology Corporation had caused such a huge mess that it would not only be impossible to continue operating the "Dinosaur Exhibition Park," but the aftermath and compensations alone would be enough to bankrupt Hammond completely!

After leaving Area E, they proceeded towards the exhibition center.

The closer they got to the exhibition center, the more at ease Sun Cheng felt.

The detonation of the auxiliary device by Ghost had clearly frightened the creatures on the island. Consequently, the terrifying explosion had also scared away the dinosaurs.

As they approached the exhibition center, it became increasingly difficult to spot any living beings.

Especially the dinosaurs. From the chaotic footprints on the ground, it is easy to see that these prehistoric giants instinctively fled from the grasslands, forests, and valleys near the exhibition center, heading towards other areas of the island that they deemed safe.

When Sun Cheng approached the exhibition center, about three to four kilometers away, he could already see the traces left by the explosion.

Sun Cheng picked up a cracked metal plate from the ground and examined it. He recognized it as a deformed metal tray that had been blown up, most likely from the restaurant or kitchen of the exhibition center.

As he continued forward, the number of objects blown away by the explosion's shockwave increased.

Since the explosion had frightened away a certain type of bird-like creature nearby, Sun Cheng decided not to take the longer route along the road he had come from. Instead, he cut through the mountains and forests, reaching the outer gate of the power station in just over ten minutes.

Due to its close proximity to the exhibition center, the power station had also suffered severe damage from the explosion.

As soon as Sun Cheng emerged from the forest, he was startled by the sight of the power station.

The power station on Nublar Island was not a large, one-story building. It had been built in a depression on the island, which gave it the appearance of having two stories. The entire structure was made of rust-resistant steel plates.

The explosion at the exhibition center had caused the power station to collapse from the intense shockwave, while the chaotic electromagnetic waves had completely destroyed the island's power supply system.

Upon Sun Cheng's arrival, thick smoke and flames were billowing out of the power station.

It was evident that the previous explosion had damaged the equipment in the power station's control room, and the resulting sparks had triggered a fire.

Finally, he recalled that before leaving the real world, he had placed Dr. Settler, who had been affected by the neurotoxin of the Dilophosaurus, in this location.

Immediately, after instructing Safeguard and Resurrection to transform back into ultra-thin notebooks and cameras, he rushed forward and called out loudly, "Dr. Settler, Dr. Settler... can you hear me?"

After a few unsuccessful attempts to elicit a response from the control room, Sun Cheng hesitated for a moment. Seeing that the fire had not yet spread, he kicked down the door.

A blast of scorching heat rushed out from the power station. Sun Cheng quickly stuck his head inside, quickly surveyed the area, and then let out a sigh of relief.

Glancing around, he didn't spot any signs of life in the control room. It was clear that Dr. Settler had already left.

Realizing that the fire was growing in intensity, he swiftly closed the door, briskly moved away from the power station, and continued his run towards the exhibition center.

After thirty minutes, with the bright sky above, he could now see the severely damaged building that had been struck by the explosion.

Taking out two grenades from his spherical storage space and securing them on his person, Sun Cheng stowed the flashlight in his bag. He tightened his grip on his weapon and slowed his pace slightly as he made his way towards the building.

Because the ground was covered in rubble and steel bars left by the explosion, he had to slow down his pace and carefully survey his surroundings.

He soon arrived at the remains of the exhibition center, and Sun Cheng couldn't help but furrow his brow slightly.

Based on the extent of the destruction, he could tell that the center of the recent massive explosion wasn't here at the exhibition center.

He followed the path along the explosion zone and quickly arrived at a deep crater several hundred meters behind the exhibition center. He took a deep breath.

The explosion had annihilated everything, leaving nothing visible in the vicinity.

Sun Cheng looked around and decided to give up entirely.

Initially, he was very curious to find out if it was indeed the last ghost killed by Major Dutch, but now it seemed like a devastating victory.

As he was preparing to leave and have Safeguard contact the Costa Rican government to arrange their departure, he suddenly perked up his ears and faintly heard some distant noises.

Quickly tightening his grip on his weapon, he followed the sound and soon discovered a figure convulsing in a pool that had been completely evaporated by the explosion, about ten meters away.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 159: Leaving (Part 2)


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