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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List



Sun Cheng looked at Safeguard, and Safeguard nodded in understanding. "The infrared locator here has indeed been turned off..."

After receiving a definite answer from Safeguard, Sun Cheng nodded slightly. He lowered his head and glanced once again at the metallic wristband on his left arm, feeling its weight. With that, he gave the command to continue moving forward.

The briefcase he retrieved from the spherical space contained precisely what Atlas had stored. It was a newly designed Exoskeleton device for the real Sun Cheng, based on the set of Exoskeleton gear he had obtained from the ghost, tailored to his own specifications.

Due to time constraints and the expectation that they wouldn't encounter excessively dangerous situations in reality, the Exoskeleton device in Sun Cheng's hands was not perfect, especially in terms of combat—it still had a long way to go.

Thanks to the complete data on the original hunter's auxiliary equipment stored in the device, Sun Cheng had safely deactivated all the locators set by the ghosts along the way.

Sun Cheng and his team quickly exited the not-so-large canyon and were greeted by a flat grassland.

"What a marvelous island..."

Even though this wasn't the first time Sun Cheng had witnessed the intricate terrain of this island, he couldn't help but appreciate the power of nature as he traversed a valley and arrived at a grassland. Recalling how he had driven across several hills and through a vast forest before, Sun Cheng had to admit that Isla Nublar truly showcased the grandeur of the natural world.

Who would have known that he had once arrived in this same area of an alternate world using the Frenzymechanical body in the world of Transformers? However, despite searching for coordinates within the real world for a long time, he failed to locate Isla Nublar.

This made it clear that although the real world he inhabited and the world of Transformers shared many similarities, they did not exist in the same parallel universe.

After a night of running around, it was nearly four o'clock in the morning. The horizon was faintly glowing, but the island remained shrouded in darkness.

The grassland outside the canyon was home to numerous Brontosaurs. As Sun Cheng proceeded, he occasionally heard their high-pitched, lingering cries.

As they moved forward, Safeguard, who was flying ahead in a vigilant manner, suddenly halted.

Revenge hadn't responded to his communication, and Sun Cheng immediately understood that he must have discovered something. However, it didn't seem to pose any immediate danger.

Without hesitation, Sun Cheng quickened his pace and jogged towards Safeguard. Even before he reached the spot, he was hit by a pungent, nauseating odor. The sensation immediately turned his stomach, and he almost vomited the late-night snack he had eaten at the research center.

"What's that smell..."

Covering his nose lightly, Sun Cheng approached.

"Master, it's several corpses..."

Safeguard pointed to a position above the tree it had stopped at, and Sun Cheng followed its direction, raising his flashlight to investigate. The sight made his stomach churn even more intensely.

"Damn..." he cursed under his breath.

With the help of the flashlight's light, he could vaguely see several elongated objects hanging from the branches, about three to four meters high. The strong, putrid smell emanated from this area, and even without Safeguard's reminder, he could guess what was hanging up there.

"These must be the missing security guards from the island, encountered by ghosts..."

Despite the recent heavy rain, the intense stench continued to permeate the air, making Sun Cheng feel nauseous and eager to leave this place as soon as possible.

Just as he was about to leave, he never expected that when he stretched his foot forward, he felt something rubbing against his shoe, emitting a metallic sound.

Retracting his foot, he directed the flashlight towards the source of the sound. Sun Cheng couldn't help but turn pale when he saw what it was. He quickly stepped back and vigorously shook his foot.

It turned out that the ground beneath his foot was soft. He initially thought it was just some mud that had been scattered by the rain, but he never anticipated that it would be a collection of bloody organs, most likely from the corpses hanging on the trees.

The reason for the sound was because his shoe had inadvertently stepped on a small metallic object among the organs—a U.S. military dog tag.

Suppressing his disgust, Sun Cheng drew his combat knife from his waist and used the flashlight to take a closer look. "Jimmy Hope... Green Beret..."

His face showed a hint of astonishment. Unable to resist, he looked up once again at the hanging corpses. He never expected that they were members of the U.S. Army Special Forces—the Green Berets.

"Could they be Major Dutch's comrades?"

Sun Cheng furrowed his brow as he examined the dog tag for a while. However, he couldn't tolerate the overpowering stench for much longer. He threw the blood-soaked dog tag to the ground and called Safeguard and Revenge, urging them to move farther away.

After walking for three or four kilometers across the grassland, they finally escaped the range of activity of the Gallimimus. They climbed over a gate not far ahead and would soon leave Area E.

Exhausted, Sun Cheng gasped for breath as he reached the gate. His physical strength and mental energy had not fully recovered from the recent time travel. On the contrary, in the real world, he had walked over 20 kilometers since last night, experienced multiple battles, and hadn't slept a wink. Both his physical stamina and mental state were severely depleted.

"Let's rest here for a while!"

Instructing Safeguard to open the gate, Sun Cheng sat down on the ground in the steel tunnel beyond. He needed to rest; otherwise, he wouldn't be able to continue.

Safeguard and Revenge stood silently, guarding him. Seeing the faint light of dawn in the sky, Sun Cheng's mood improved slightly, and he couldn't help but think about the research center. He turned to Safeguard and asked, "When you were hiding in the research center, tell me what you saw."

"The real research center of the International Genetic Technology Company is located on Sona Island, 140 kilometers away. Nubra Island is merely an exhibition area for the company. Therefore, when you referred to the research center, master, you were most likely referring to the exhibition center!"

"Is there another Isla Sorna?"

Sun Cheng was taken aback for a moment but quickly regained his composure.

That's right!

He had been wondering about it before. Although the research center was not small, it was still too small to be used for studying and breeding dinosaurs.

Now, with Safeguard's explanation, his doubts were resolved. The real research center of the International Genetic Technology Corporation must be somewhere else.

He couldn't help but feel some interest in Isla Sorna. However, considering his experience on Isla Nublar, he had to temporarily dismiss the idea of exploring it further. Once the Hunter's spaceship was fully modified by Atlas and the others, he could secretly visit the island.

He decided not to ask Safeguard any more questions about Isla Sorna. Instead, he listened to Safeguard recounting its encounter at the exhibition center.

As he was engrossed in listening, he lost track of time. Suddenly, both Safeguard and Revenge, who were guarding him, trembled, and the lights in their electronic eyes dimmed.

He was about to ask what was happening when he felt a slight tremor on the ground, followed by a terrifying explosion sound in the distance.

The explosion illuminated the sky, turning the entire Isla Nublar into daylight in an instant.

Sun Cheng stood up abruptly and looked towards the direction of the explosion.

"Is that...the exhibition center?"

Sun Cheng's heart skipped a beat as he immediately realized that the last ghost on the island was also dead!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 158: Leaving (Part 1)


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