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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


With a slight dizziness in his consciousness, Sun Cheng instinctively shook his head vigorously, allowing his awareness to return.

"Nublar Island..."

His gaze swept across the familiar yet unfamiliar expanse of the canyon, and after pausing for a moment on the ghost's corpse not far away, Sun Cheng squinted his eyes.

"I'm back again..."

He murmured softly, then turned his attention to Safeguard and Revenge, who were waiting by his side. Especially Safeguard, which was floating in mid-air not far away, with its bug-like electronic eyes flickering with blue light.

Although it didn't speak, Sun Cheng could easily perceive Safeguard's confusion from its expression.

The spaceship was gone!

A smile involuntarily appeared on the corner of his mouth. Sun Cheng walked up to the ghost's corpse, and instead of immediately stripping off the equipment from it, he took a moment to observe. He decided to include the corpse in the spherical space as well, as he had developed a certain interest in these creatures called hunters.

After all, a Decepticon is still a Decepticon. It possesses intelligence equal to that of humans, Mechanical Life Forms.

Even though Sun Cheng wiped out their self-awareness and gave them a new consciousness, Safeguard and Revenge still appeared slightly mechanical, but their intelligence was not lacking in the slightest.

Several tens of seconds later, when Sun Cheng's consciousness fully returned to reality, Safeguard finally reacted. It flew over in a slight panic and its cold mechanical voice trembled, "Master... the spaceship is gone..."

"I know..."

Sun Cheng responded calmly. He glanced at the Tyrannosaurus Rex in the distance, still roaring in pain. He was amazed by the resilience of this prehistoric behemoth.

He had contemplated getting closer to take a look, but as soon as the thought arose, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, stimulated by pain, suddenly and unconsciously whipped its powerful tail, causing the muddy ground to splatter in all directions. A stone, propelled like a bullet, shot toward a nearby tree and left a deep crater in the trunk in an instant.


He involuntarily took a sharp breath, silently relieved that he hadn't rushed closer. The consequences would have been unimaginable.

"Let's go..."

He didn't feel the need to explain in detail to Safeguard and Revenge how the spaceship disappeared and where it went. This time, besides tying up loose ends on Nublar Island, he had another more important task: rebuilding Base One in the real world.

That's right!

With the sudden cooperation between the Autobots and the U.S. government, the Decepticons on Earth in the world of Transformers became the target. Combined with the information Onslaught revealed about the super leader who could awaken at any time in the moon base, Sun Cheng received a very grim answer. Not only is the United States unsafe in that world, but the entire Earth may become a new battlefield for the mechanical lifeforms of Cybertron Planet in the future.

Therefore, after unexpectedly capturing the possibility of new Autobots arriving on Earth, he hesitated and finally made a new decision!

Since he wants to ensure safety and give up his base No. 1 in Colorado, USA, why not take the opportunity to move base No. 1 to the real world?

This way, it will not only be safe but also beneficial for his career in reality!

As soon as this thought emerged, it immediately took root and flourished in his mind. After a brief hesitation, Sun Cheng finally made the decision to temporarily return to the real world to rebuild Base No. 1 before the Autobots found him.

He wanted to give them a harsh lesson the next time they encountered the Autobots.

Sun Cheng did not explain how the spaceship suddenly disappeared, which left Safeguard and Revenge somewhat confused.

However, the control program he left in the two scouting Decepticon Cores was highly sophisticated. Upon receiving the evacuation command, both Decepticons promptly and obediently followed. One flew ahead loyally to scout, while the other concealed itself around him for protection. The three of them didn't retrace their steps but continued walking towards the other side of the canyon.

"Master, an infrared locator has been detected ahead..."

Just as they had walked about a hundred meters, Safeguard suddenly stopped, extending a metal joint and pointing to the flashing red light in the muddy area not far away.

Upon hearing this, Sun Cheng couldn't help but halt his footsteps.

"Do we need to turn back?" asked the reticent Revenge.

"No need..."

Sun Cheng replied calmly, but his eyes flickered.

He removed the tactical backpack from his back and reached into it as if searching. In the next instant, he unexpectedly retrieved a briefcase from the spherical space, which was on the verge of bursting out of the tactical pocket.

The sudden appearance of the briefcase immediately caught the attention of Safeguard and Revenge. After Sun Cheng took it out, he placed it on the ground. He first fumbled around the handle of the briefcase, then found the button and pressed it. Soon, a six-inch screen appeared on the front display of the briefcase.

At the top of the screen, there was a row of up to twenty-four blank spaces. Below that, a list was comprised of twenty-six English letters, ten Arabic numerals, and four punctuation marks. It was exactly the 24-bit encryption system he had designed in the other world.

With expertise, he inputted the twenty-four-digit password on the screen. With a slight click, the briefcase, which appeared to be seamlessly welded together with almost invisible interfaces, suddenly revealed some gaps on its alloy case.

Sun Cheng gently lifted the lid of the box and immediately saw several items stored inside the briefcase.

There were only a few items placed inside the briefcase. They included a slim black bodysuit made of nanofiber material, a pair of military goggles, a wide and sturdy belt measuring fifteen centimeters, and an alloy wrist guard measuring over thirty centimeters in length.

Sun Cheng's gaze swept through the items in the briefcase, and he quickly focused on the alloy wrist guard. He rolled up the cuff of his left arm and promptly put it on.

The alloy wrist guard was not entirely made of metal; only the front part was, while the back part incorporated nanofiber material for adjustable flexibility.

Once he adjusted it to fit securely on his arm, Sun Cheng opened the alloy cover on the front, revealing an LCD screen underneath.

"Hail Decepticons!"

After inexplicably shouting at the wrist guard, the LCD screen immediately lit up, accompanied by a cold electronic voice saying, "...password confirmed. Exoskeleton assist device activated."

"Activate the scanning system and perform an electromagnetic scan within a fifty-meter radius around me!" Sun Cheng commanded.

"The scanning system is now activated... Infrared locators have been detected nearby. Would you like to deactivate them?"

The cold electronic voice echoed from the alloy wrist guard once again. Knowing that was exactly what he wanted, Sun Cheng quickly gave the order without hesitation, "Deactivate all infrared locators..."

As soon as the command was given, a unique electromagnetic wave was emitted from the alloy wrist guard.

When Sun Cheng looked towards the location where Safeguard had detected the infrared locators, there were no longer any flashing red dots. They had all been successfully deactivated.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 157: Sona Island


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