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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


After coming out of Onslaught's base, Sun Cheng wandered aimlessly in the Grand Canyon for quite some time, but he still couldn't find a way out.

Onslaught was going to go to sleep!

Although this guy probably never paid attention to him directly, he had left some hidden tricks in the engineers and spiders he traded with Sun Cheng.

But now, upon hearing that Onslaught was planning to go to sleep and leave, even though Onslaught had left his base to Sun Cheng before departing, he still couldn't feel a shred of joy. Instead, he felt a chilling sensation pouring down from above, making him feel icy all over.

"Is it really that deep?"

Sun Cheng mulled over Onslaught's words, realizing that it was a warning.

Especially the phrase, "How could a student trained by a super leader easily die?" It sent a shiver down his spine.

Who knows? During the battle in Las Vegas, Sun Cheng also had the same idea as Onslaught—to take advantage of the situation. However, his performance was far from impressive compared to Blackout.

At the time, he didn't realize it, but when he returned to the base after the battle and reflected on his previous actions, Sun Cheng was horrified by how obvious his intentions had been and broke out in a cold sweat.

He was thankful that the American boy, Sam, had forcefully replaced Megatron. Otherwise, if this tyrant had survived the war, Sun Cheng's life wouldn't have lasted as long as an Autobot's.

Since Onslaught mentioned that Megatron couldn't easily die, Sun Cheng couldn't help but find it somewhat convincing.

Not because of any particular reason, but simply because it was Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons, who had commanded them to win two civil wars, almost wiping out the Autobots.

From his inexplicable disappearance for nearly a hundred years, to his eerie reappearance in District 7, and finally his sudden death.

Now, upon closer inspection, Sun Cheng felt a strange aura emanating from all of it.

After half an hour of confusion, Sun Cheng finally took a deep breath and shook off the impact of Onslaught's words.

He looked up at the sky, his gaze piercing through the night sky to the bright moon hanging high in the southeast. After a while, he shook his head and averted his gaze.

"Whoever he is, whether a super leader from the era of the Senate, he is still too distant from me... For now, let's focus on finding a way to solve the problems left behind by the cooperation between the Autobots and humans!"

Having finally organized his thoughts, Sun Cheng had no intention of continuing to wander around the Grand Canyon.

After reorienting himself, he leaped up and swiftly soared into the high sky, disappearing into the vast expanse of ten thousand meters.

Time passed like water, fleeting in an instant.

After the Autobots discovered and destroyed the highly concealed Starscream base located on the outskirts of Tucson, Sun Cheng became certain that it was no longer safe in the United States.

Though he had no idea how the Autobots had found Starscream's base, he knew that if they could find it, it was only a matter of time before his own base, located in Colorado, would be exposed.

As a precaution, aside from maintaining the daily tasks of his number one base, Sun Cheng had halted all renovation projects and begun sending the numerous devices from the base in batches to Brazil.

"...Sigh, four batches have already been sent away, yet there's still so much left..."

Returning from Brazil once again, Sun Cheng cautiously entered his number one base. He looked at the multitude of machines and equipment stacked in the first laboratory and couldn't help but

furrow his brow.

"Master, apart from the power supply system, all the machines and equipment in this laboratory are still operational. As per your instructions, the equipment from the other labs has been relocated here..."

Engineer No. 1, together with Engineer No. 3 and No. 4 who were still staying in the base, walked over, carrying a machine from a laboratory, and replied softly.

Sun Cheng glanced at the machine being transported by several engineers and immediately recognized it as a 28nm lithography machine, the most advanced one he could purchase from the US market.

The Decepticons naturally wouldn't have any use for this machine. The reason Sun Cheng bought it was originally to use the Decepticons' abilities to enhance and upgrade it to the 14/16nm standard, making it more valuable than gold when brought back to the real world.

However, looking at them now, it was somewhat bothersome.

Sun Cheng nodded but remained silent. He had already sent Atlas, the other engineers, and the spiders away, leaving only the three of them in Base No. 1.

The spherical space within himself was not small. Even though he had stored the Hunter's spaceship in it, there was still plenty of room to store other things. If he used it for transportation, he would only need to do it once or twice to move everything in Base No. 1.

However, considering that using the spherical space for depositing and retrieving items would consume energy, he decided against it.

After waving the engineers aside and ensuring that there were no outsiders in the laboratory, Sun Cheng walked over to a pile of equipment and carefully inspected them.

Since discovering and occupying this abandoned nuclear missile silo four months ago, he had been taking advantage of the Decepticons' intrusion network to order various equipment online. So far, he had acquired equipment worth no less than one billion dollars.

Among them, only a small portion of the equipment could be used by him and the engineers, while most of it was purchased for his own use in the real world. Although the equipment was scattered and diverse, they all shared a common characteristic—they were highly precise devices that were difficult to find in China.

Without his Decepticon identity, it would have been challenging for Sun Cheng to acquire some of these devices, even if he were in the United States.

Although he felt reluctant to consume his energy, he had made up his mind to store these hard-to-obtain devices in the spherical space first, to avoid having to hastily abandon them if the Autobots suddenly arrived at his door.

After carefully selecting a group of miscellaneous machines and equipment, Sun Cheng quickly packed all the equipment he had prepared for his return to reality.

While he was busy, suddenly, the screen in front of a server he had placed in a corner of the laboratory lit up.

Sun Cheng, who was still busy among the pile of machines, paused for a moment. Being highly sensitive to electromagnetic signals, he immediately walked up to the server and discovered an additional, intricate email inside.

"From Novus?"

He softly murmured, extending his finger and inserting it into the server's socket, preparing to access the received file.

After the events in Las Vegas, Sun Cheng made various arrangements to prepare for unexpected strikes.

One of his actions was infiltrating the Novus ground radar monitoring station in the United States. He left a hidden program in all of Novus' work computers, which would automatically send him a backup file whenever Novus received new meteor data falling within US territory.

His finger transformed and inserted into the server, and Sun Cheng's powerful Core swiftly scanned through the server, quickly completing the reading of the newly received email. A few seconds later, Sun Cheng's expression darkened, his gaze fixed firmly on the screen in front of him as several images abruptly appeared, clearly distinguishable from ordinary meteors, with a glint of coldness in his eyes.

"New Transformers?"

In the images, several peculiar meteors surrounded by flames were captured, with a faintly visible metallic gleam.

Immediately, he recognized that this was the most commonly used interstellar travel method employed by the mechanical beings from Cybertron Planet, leaving him burdened with a heavy feeling.

In an instant, a voice seemed to echo in Sun Cheng's mind!

Prepare for battle!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 156: A New Choice for Base One


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