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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Onslaught fell silent for a while before finally looking up at him.

"So, you came to me just to tell me this?"

His face didn't reveal much, but since Sun Cheng had come, he wouldn't easily leave.

Without further ado, he continued, "The Autobots have joined forces with the humans. I've gathered some intelligence. They have devised a plan against the Decepticons. The assault on Starscream's base is just the beginning..."

"The Autobots..."

Finally, Onslaught's face changed, but there was no anger or trace of resentment. It was a mixture of disdain and a faint smirk.

While Sun Cheng pondered how to get him to reveal more information, Onslaught broke the silence and spoke up.

"Well then, it's alright to tell you something in advance."

He spoke slowly, scrutinizing Sun Cheng with his eyes. "Frenzy, do you know the origins of the Decepticon army?"

Onslaught was finally willing to disclose some information, and Sun Cheng couldn't help but feel pleased.

But when he heard the difficult question posed to him, he narrowed his eyes in surprise.

The origins of the Decepticon army?

If it were before the Battle of Las Vegas, Sun Cheng truly had no idea.

However, after obtaining the memory chips from Blackout and Jazz, he had read their memories and learned many hidden secrets he was previously unaware of, including information about the origins of the Decepticons and the Autobots, as well as the history of Cybertron Planet.

After contemplating for a moment and organizing his thoughts, Sun Cheng replied, "I was born during the Second Cybertronian Civil War, merely a few thousand years ago. I only have fragmentary knowledge about the origins of the Decepticon army."

He glanced at Onslaught, but the latter continued to stare at him without any intention of responding. Sun Cheng realized that Onslaught was testing his qualifications to access more secrets.

He had no choice but to continue, "It is said that the Decepticon army was founded by Emperor Megatron millions of years ago. Its precursor was the Cybertron Planet's military during the Elder Council era."

However, he cautioned, "Don't underestimate this seemingly simple statement. Within it lies significant information that both Blackout and Jazz have hidden deep within their memory cores."

Onslaught calmly observed him for a moment and then nodded slightly.

"It seems you have also accessed Jazz's memory chip. Your statement is roughly correct, but not entirely accurate..."

Pausing for a moment, Onslaught continued, "The Decepticon army indeed originated from the armed forces of Cybertron Planet during the Elder Council era, but it would be incorrect to say that it was formed by Megatron. Strictly speaking, the original initiator of the Decepticon army was Lord Shockwave. When he formed the Decepticons, Megatron was still amusing the crowds in the arena. Without a skilled teacher, given his background, it was uncertain whether he could survive and leave the arena alive!"

Sun Cheng's mechanical body shook abruptly upon hearing this revelation.

He quickly raised his head, gazing at Onslaught with disbelief.

Sun Cheng had long suspected that Onslaught didn't hold much respect for Megatron. This suspicion arose when Onslaught entrusted him with finding the All Spark but never mentioned Megatron. The battle in Las Vegas, where Onslaught abandoned them and left alone, further confirmed his conjecture.

Now, hearing Onslaught personally admit his disdain and apprehension toward the Decepticon's origins, as well as his admiration for Shockwave and mentioning Megatron's teacher, it left Sun Cheng astounded.

This information instantly made his core feel scorching!

Unfortunately, Sun Cheng had very little information at his disposal, so he couldn't deduce much from Onslaught's words.

However, he didn't want to miss such a great opportunity, so he immediately asked, "Does His Majesty Megatron still have a teacher? Lord Onslaught, what exactly do you mean by telling me all this?"

Onslaught looked up, and his eyes instantly became cloudy.

After a while, he lowered his head and spoke again, "Starscream is no longer on Earth. I told you before that he was playing with fire. This guy thought he could keep his secrets hidden on the moon. Unfortunately, he was wrong! The great being I could detect, Soundwave, must have also noticed something. Nuclear bombs...heh, this kind of weapon created by humans is quite powerful, but it's a shame that if they want to destroy a super leader who has existed since the era of the Elder Council, they will regret it!"

This passage reveals too much information, causing Sun Cheng, who understood it, to feel a momentary stiffness in his mechanical body due to shock.

He raised his head, stared at Onslaught, and his eyes showed unease and a hint of fear. Even his voice trembled slightly.

"Lord Onslaught... Are you saying that His Majesty Megatron's teacher, a super leader who has existed since the era of the Elder Council, is currently in a dormant state on the moon?"

Sun Cheng was aware that there was a Decepticon base on the moon.

He had assimilated all of Frenzy's memory data and had seen those clips more than once, which depicted Soundwave resurrecting him in the moon base and giving him the command to cooperate with Barricade in the search for Megatron and the All Spark on Earth.

However, accepting all this was simply too absurd for him.

"This... How could this be possible... Weren't all the super leaders from the era of the Elder Council missing?"

The Council of Elders, once powerful and glorious, was overthrown during the Decepticon and Autobot revolutions. While the corruption of the ruling class, oppression of the people, and resource plundering were contributing factors, the main reason rumored was the consecutive disappearance of the Thirteen super leaders within the Council. This eventually led to the revolution.

Otherwise, with the terrifying power the legendary super leaders possessed, capable of easily destroying stars, even the combined forces of Megatron and Optimus Prime would have been unable to resist. How could the revolution have toppled the rule of the Elder Council?

When mentioned of the Super Leader, and even Onslaught's eyes were filled with admiration and fear. He was not like Sun Cheng. Although he was born towards the end of the Senate Council era, he had witnessed the terror of those Super Leaders, and he was even more afraid than Sun Cheng.

Onslaught didn't respond further. When Sun Cheng saw that he remained silent, he paused for a moment, preparing to ask him a few more questions. However, he didn't expect Onslaught to wave his hand and interrupt him directly.

"It can be anticipated that Earth will soon be thrown into chaos. Starscream will make significant moves soon. Once the one who is currently in slumber is awakened, Earth will become a new battleground... The opponents of a super leader will always be super leaders. As for the Autobots and Earth people, Megatron will make them experience the wrath of the Decepticons. A student trained by a super leader cannot die easily. The situation here is far more complicated..." After finishing his words, he glanced at Sun Cheng coldly, expressing either envy or sympathy.

"After half a month, come and take charge here. I will leave soon to enter a dormant state and digest the benefits I obtained from [All Spark]. As for you... if we can meet in the future..."

He didn't finish his sentence, waving his hand and closing his eyes, signaling that he was ready to dismiss him!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 155: Get ready to fight


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