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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The voice on the other end of the phone was clearly distorted, making it impossible to discern whether it belonged to a man or a woman.

However, after briefly scanning the records, Sun Cheng quickly identified the caller's identity from the number code stored in the custom-made phone they were using.

It was Neo Delson, an employee of the Reconnaissance Office under the U.S. Department of Defense, and one of the numerous spies who had been compromised by the Russian Federal State Security Service.

Having obtained this information about Delson, Sun Cheng had managed to bring this insatiable individual under his control through a combination of coercion and manipulation. Among the hundreds of intelligence personnel he had cultivated within U.S. government institutions, Delson proved to be the most cooperative.

"NEST, you say?"

Sun Cheng's electronic voice remained devoid of any emotional fluctuations. "My offer still stands. I will pay you half the agreed sum upfront for any intelligence related to NEST. Once the information is confirmed, the remaining amount will be transferred to you within two days."

"Remember your words!"

The person on the other end of the line couldn't contain their excitement, audibly gasping for breath. Sun Cheng knew all too well the reason behind this reaction.

In order to swiftly ascertain the details of the "NEST Project," the collaborative effort between the Autobots and the U.S. government, Sun Cheng had made the same promise to all the intelligence agents he had developed who were likely to come into contact with this project. Thirty million U.S. dollars—payment method of their choosing.

Given the stability of the U.S. dollar, it was a sum sufficient to tempt any intelligence operative into taking risks.

After a few moments of heavy breathing, Neo Delson on the other end of the line finally regained composure and whispered, "The Pentagon approved the deployment of a unit to Tucson, Arizona this morning. In the afternoon, the Arizona National Guard announced that they would conduct training near Tucson. It took me considerable effort to uncover that the unit deployed to Tucson bears the codename 'NEST'."

Upon hearing this, Sun Cheng's eyes narrowed.

While others may be unaware of the situation in Tucson, Sun Cheng possessed more knowledge than anyone else. Starscream's base was situated in an abandoned mine on the outskirts of Tucson.

Sun Cheng himself wasn't entirely clear on the nature of the 'NEST Project,' but he knew it was a collaborative effort between the Autobots and the U.S. government. Upon learning that a unit codenamed 'NEST' was being deployed to Tucson, he had a sinking feeling. He suspected that the 'NEST Project' was exactly what he had feared—a comprehensive alliance between the Autobots and the U.S. government against the Decepticons.

"This is not good."

In that instant, Sun Cheng felt an overwhelming sense of gravity. After a brief inquiry with Neo Delson, failing to extract any further information, he assured him that the agreed remuneration would be promptly paid according to their preferred transaction method. Sun Cheng swiftly ended the call and once again took flight into the sky.

When Sun Cheng arrived, Onslaught looked up at him, furrowing his brow slightly and asked, "What's the matter?"

Perhaps being away from Tucson City, he had finally calmed down. However, his face still looked displeased as he confronted Onslaught, saying, "I just came from Tucson City, and Starscream's base is gone..."

Onslaught's expression froze. Sun Cheng unexpectedly couldn't discern any panic or surprise from his face. In fact, based on his expression, it seemed like he was expecting it.

This thought, mixed with some doubts, quickly dawned on Sun Cheng after a moment of contemplation.

"Starscream is not at the base..."

That's right!

Among all the Cybertron forces currently present on Earth, Starscream is undoubtedly the most powerful one. He has Barricade and Bonecrusher under his command, both of whom are high-level warriors on par with the Autobots.

When Sun Cheng glanced at Tucson just now, he didn't see Starscream, Barricade, Bonecrusher, or even the Camera Trio. The Decepticons he witnessed outside Starscream's base were being besieged by the U.S. military and the Autobots. Judging from their sizes, they were merely low-ranking warriors who hadn't acquired their Sparks.

After piecing together all the neglected information, Sun Cheng's initial panic had completely dissipated.

He locked eyes with Onslaught, his eyes flickering with a blue glow, and said, "The Autobots and humans joined forces to destroy Starscream's base. When I arrived there, the battle was nearly over. I didn't see Starscream, Barricade, or Bonecrusher. Could it be that Starscream is no longer on Earth? Has he returned to the moon base?"

Having spoken, Sun Cheng continued to gaze intensely at Onslaught without blinking.

Sun Cheng understood that this guy must know something that he himself didn't. However, it was infuriating that he was unwilling to disclose it!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 154 Onslaught Sleep


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