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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


After the design of the industrial robot was completed, under Sun Cheng's command, Atlas and his team temporarily halted all work and focused on manufacturing the "heart" and "brain" of the industrial robots.

As a result, within a week, over a dozen industrial robots were successfully produced.

The domestic situation in the United States is currently unclear. Sun Cheng intends to expedite the construction of the second base in Brazil. Therefore, once the industrial robots were manufactured, he planned to send all fourteen of them to Brazil, leaving none for the first base. Forerunner was responsible for the second base, and after a month of absence, Sun Cheng returned to find that it had undergone significant changes.

The largest space in the underground cavern, equivalent to three standard football fields in size, had been organized.

The previously uneven ground and cave ceiling were smoothed out using a grinding machine. With the exception of a few crucial pillars, all the stone columns were removed and replaced with a dozen or so super steel alloy pillars.

When Sun Cheng arrived at the second base once again, he noticed that seismic precautions were being set up in the main hall. After all, the Amambai Mountains were near the Pacific Ring of Fire, and even in the face of natural disasters, the mechanical lifeforms of Cybertron Planet dared not guarantee safety.

"...Master, are these industrial Decepticons?"

The first batch of three industrial robots had been delivered to the second base. When Forerunner saw Sun Cheng activating them, he took a closer look and couldn't hide his perplexity as he asked.

Clearly, he had also noticed the peculiarities of these industrial robots.

They had a similar model to Decepticons, but they appeared significantly different, cold and machine-like.


Sun Cheng scanned the base and was satisfied with Forerunner and his team's efficiency. "These are our newly designed robots, possessing some of the capabilities of industrial Decepticons. However, they themselves cannot be considered mechanical lifeforms. They are more suitable for performing laborious tasks..."

His gaze paused on the several industrial robots, and he had some speculations.

Since the information derived from the All Spark was referred to as the "life force" by the Decepticons, after Sun Cheng shared some of it with Atlas, he could clearly sense some changes occurring in these Decepticon engineers.

Therefore, from the inception of these industrial robots, he had a conjecture that if he were to share a portion of the information with them as well, it might result in some remarkable transformations.

However, considering the value of the information, relinquishing a part of it would mean losing some of it himself. Therefore, although he was tempted, he did not rush to experiment.

Upon hearing this, Forerunner couldn't help but gaze at the industrial robots for a moment before remembering that Sun Cheng was still present. He quickly called an engineer to guide them downstairs and assign tasks.

This time in Brazil, Sun Cheng planned to stay for a few more days.

"The power station must be taken care of as soon as possible..." he said to Forerunner, his eyes filled with frustration.

In the previous deal with Onslaught, Sun Cheng obtained a set of energy harvesting and conversion devices from the Decepticon Legion.

This is a great thing. With it, he can directly convert electrical energy into standard energy storage for Cybertron Planet. It can also be used to supply energy to Sun Cheng and his Decepticons.

Although they don't have a power station, the Decepticons can directly draw electricity to replenish their consumption.

However, after creating industrial robots, his demand for electrical energy has been increasing.

In Base No. 1, four sets of diesel generators produce electricity that can only generate enough energy cores for fourteen sets of industrial robots in a month. If Sun Cheng wants to further expand the scale of industrial robots and research other types of robots based on this foundation, the growing energy gap has become an inevitable challenge for him.

The US government has now allied with the Autobots, so Sun Cheng can only seek to obtain his own power station outside the US.

Since the second base is in Brazil, it has become his first choice.

A few days ago, using his previous connections in the Brazilian military trade system, Sun Cheng attempted to acquire a power station. However, the responses he received were very definitive.

It's difficult!

As the largest industrial country in South America, most of the power stations in Brazil have foreign investments. Although the profit in the civilian energy sector is not excessive, it is stable. Therefore, joint ventures are not willing to easily let him get involved.

Unfortunately, Sun Cheng's identity as a Decepticon in this world means that he is unwilling to cooperate with human companies. This makes it even more challenging for him to enter this field where it was already difficult to penetrate.

Forerunner, however, seems to have some ideas.

Knowing that Sun Cheng encountered another obstacle, Forerunner quickly advised in a low voice, "Master, why do you insist on obtaining a power station from human hands? Can't we build one ourselves?"

"Build one ourselves?"

Sun Cheng furrowed his brow. He had indeed considered this possibility, but building a power station on their own would take a long time. It wouldn't quench their thirst for energy quickly.

He shook his head immediately, "Not to mention building a large-scale power station, even a medium-sized one would take two or three years to become operational. Even if our efficiency is higher than that of humans, the lack of manpower restricts our productivity..."

"Why not start by building a small hydroelectric power station?"

Forerunner countered, "The Amambai Mountains are filled with rivers and streams, so we can definitely find suitable locations to build hydroelectric power plants. The terrain may limit human work efficiency, but it has minimal impact on us. If we are given the materials, we can complete a hydroelectric power station with an installed capacity of 30,000 to 50,000 kW in about two weeks. By then, it will not only meet the power demand of the base but may also have surplus power..."

"A small-scale hydroelectric plant?"

Sun Cheng pondered, rubbing his chin, and his eyes brightened quickly.

That's it!

He realized that he had been trapped in a thinking fallacy before. He was captivated by the efficiency of the energy absorption and conversion devices obtained from Onslaught, causing him to focus on large and medium-sized power stations and forget about the efficiency of his Decepticon engineers and the batch production of industrial robots. They were fully capable of building a small hydroelectric plant among these mountains in a short time.

Recognizing that he had been overly ambitious before, Sun Cheng reminded himself to be more cautious in the future.

Forerunner's proposal was undoubtedly the most suitable option for their current situation.

Sun Cheng nodded in approval and praised him, "Your suggestion is good. When I return to the United States, I will purchase the equipment. As for the site selection of the hydroelectric plant, I will leave it to you. I have only one requirement: it must be sufficiently concealed!"


Forerunner's proposal addressed their most urgent need.

After confirming the feasibility of his suggestion, Sun Cheng no longer had the intention to stay in Brazil. He quickly left Brazil and returned to the United States.

Just as he arrived in Mexico, he suddenly felt his phone vibrating in the pocket of his chest.

Sun Cheng found a secluded spot and took out his phone. As he checked it, his eyes lit up.

The call was from a spy he had recruited within the U.S. Department of Defense. As he answered, an impatient voice came from the other end, "Mr. S, I've obtained a copy of the NEST intelligence you requested."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 153: Sound Nest Deployment 


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