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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The second laboratory was packed with people.

Sun Cheng stood confidently in the center of the crowd, and in front of him was a workbench that appeared extremely simple but also incredibly bizarre.

When we say it was simple, it's because the entire workbench was made entirely out of an ordinary steel plate, nearly half a meter thick, four to five meters wide, and sixteen to seventeen meters long. Several dozen supports were welded to the bottom to form the workbench.

As for its bizarreness, that was because the workbench had been intentionally welded with about ten metal structures from left to right. Each structure held a humanoid machine skeleton that shimmered with a metallic gleam.

"...Is everything ready?"

Sun Cheng couldn't contain his excitement as he stared fixedly at the robot in front of him, unable to wait any longer.

"Master, as per your instructions. The [heart] and [brain] have already undergone testing..."

Without Sun Cheng having to give further instructions, Atlas was already holding a metal box, no larger than his own palm, and extended it towards Sun Cheng.

Sun Cheng took a closer look and couldn't help but reveal a toothy smile.

Inside the box were two small objects of varying shapes and sizes.

The square-shaped item greatly resembled a downsized version of the [All Spark]. It was a perfectly regular hexahedron, with each of its six surfaces engraved with intricate electronic patterns, resembling ornate designs.

Sun Cheng hadn't given this item an official name yet, so for now, he casually referred to it as the [heart].

The [heart] was a new energy Core designed by Atlas and other Decepticon engineers. It was based on the energy system of the 'Hunter-Class Individual Combat Auxiliary Device' confiscated from Ghost.

One shouldn't underestimate this item. Although the Hunter civilization's utilization of energy was not particularly advanced, they had been studying it for many years.

Moreover, it had undergone comprehensive design and improvement by Atlas and the others, utilizing the technology and manufacturing industry of Cybertron Planet. The current [heart], which appeared to be the size of two adult fists, could store the energy equivalent to three hundred Cybertron standard units.

While it still had a considerable gap compared to the Core produced by Starscream and Shockwave's shockwave generators, it possessed potential for further development and was sufficient for the time being.

The other item in the box was designed as a standard circular shape, similar to the [heart]. Its surface was engraved with various 'patterns.' It was slightly smaller than an adult fist and served as the data processing and memory storage center designed by Atlas and the others. Inside, it contained a memory chip capable of storing 50PB of data and a neuron chip specifically designed to imitate the human brain. This item was none other than the [brain].

Thoughts of the Cores designed by Starscream and Shockwave involuntarily crossed Sun Cheng's mind, and he truly admired their work.

However, their technical abilities were indeed far from reaching the level of the two eminent scientists of the Decepticon Legion. Nevertheless, by lowering their requirements and not expecting to immediately match the standards of industrial Decepticons, they managed to reduce the difficulty to an acceptable level.

The result is the products in front of him!

Stretching out his finger, Sun Cheng squeezed out the [heart] from the box. He took a deep breath, and the success or failure of his half-month effort would be determined by this trial. Seeing his hand trembling, although Atlas was puzzled, he still approached and said, "Master, shall I do it?"

"No need..."

Sun Cheng shook his head. The humanoid machine skeleton in front of him appeared to be the most rudimentary in design, but it was a piece he had personally completed.

Although the design drawings came from Atlas and the others, after studying and experimenting for so long, his first creation, though crude, was still a qualified product. This held great significance for him, as he had started from scratch.

Quickly regaining his composure, Sun Cheng walked solemnly to the front of the machine skeleton. After skillfully exploring its chest for a moment, the chest cavity immediately opened, revealing a space specifically reserved for the [heart].

Indicating the direction, he inserted it into the chest cavity. Instead of immediately installing the [brain], he gently tapped the chest.

In the next moment, the mechanical body trembled slightly, and soon there were dense and subtle sounds of parts grinding against each other.

Sun Cheng listened attentively and, after not hearing any discordant noise for a while, smiled in satisfaction.

Then, he temporarily halted the supply of energy from the [heart] to the mechanical body, picked up the [brain], and installed it in the head.

Once finished, he detached the machine skeleton from the bracket on the workbench and placed it back on the workbench.

Choosing to activate its [heart] once again, the mechanical body trembled more intensely than before.

After about twenty or thirty seconds, the tightly closed eye sockets of the machine skeleton suddenly lit up with a blue light. At the same time, a group of cold and stiff electronic voices resounded, "Data processing center operating... Automatically loading mechanical body detection function... Initiating Core maintenance function... Memory chip synchronization in progress..."

After a few more seconds, it slowly sat up from the workbench, and its gaze lingered on Sun Cheng, Atlas, and several other engineers before finally settling on Sun Cheng.

Jumping off the workbench, it quickly walked up to Sun Cheng and stood before him, its crude metal skeleton standing erect.

"Industrial Robot No. 1 reporting to the master, awaiting your orders..."

Although its movements were stiff and its expression vacant, it lacked the intelligence and emotions possessed by industrial Decepticons like Atlas due to being constructed with a copy of their data in the Core.

However, the excitement in Sun Cheng's eyes couldn't be concealed when he saw it successfully activated.

"It worked..."

He suppressed his voice, but his excitement was hard to hide.

This robot, proposed by him and designed by Atlas and other Decepticon engineers, strictly speaking, could not be considered a true Decepticon.

They lacked the ability to think and feel for themselves, but they were an excellent tool.

This industrial robot was designed to carry a heavy load of up to 300 kilograms, capable of welding, lifting, maintaining machines, using tools for excavation, and more. Moreover, it was relatively affordable, with materials that could be easily acquired, costing no more than 200,000 US dollars.

The only inconvenience was perhaps its "brain" and "heart." On average, it took Atlas and the other Decepticon engineers about three days to manufacture a set!

However, compared to its capabilities, this could be disregarded.

It could be anticipated that with the ability to mass-produce these industrial robots, the construction of Base No. 1 and Base No. 2, as well as research and production in various other projects, would reach a new level.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 152: Information from NEST


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